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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Oh, and there's some canon stuff to support this theory, too. First, take a look at a "normal" Klingon - specifically, the Klingon Ambassador in the 2280's/2290's: Now, here's a "Discovery" Klingon - specifically, T'Kumva: Now, here's the Klingon captain from "Into Darkness": If you notice, the Klingon captain's features are somewhere between the other two, suggesting that he might be a hybrid of the two different Klingon subspecies. And while "Into Darkness" DOES take place in the Kelvin universe, as opposed to the Prime, the Klingon captain's age would suggest that he was born BEFORE the two realities diverged.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Your karma privileges have been revoked at TrollKingdom, you should not even be able to see your rep button, to many complaint about UserCps being spammed to fuck with your cunty pictures, don't say I didn't give you a heads up you just didn't heed it you twat. That is all, good day.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    he's lying aquacunt, they paid me to slice your faggit face up and leave you behind a KFC to be tunneled by faggoty rats.
  6. 0 points
    Alright, so a lot of us know that the Klingon designs in Star Trek: Discovery haven't exactly been well-liked. Ah screw it, most of the fandom despises the DSC Klingon look. Well apparently, one of the producers has offered an explanation which mitigates this somewhat. According to him, the Klingons we see are the descendants of ones who left Qo'noS a long time ago, and who began adapting to the environments of the new planets they settled on, in order to better survive conditions there. And one such trait that was evolved was the heat-sensitive pits, like snakes have. And baldness as well. If I had to guess, I'd say that these traits were originally mutations in the Klingon back-up synaptic system (yes, TNG revealed that Klingons have a back-up synaptic system). So apparently, Discovery Klingons are the equivalent of Abhumans from 40K.
  7. 0 points
    Likely Federation even Rebakl look interesting
  8. 0 points
  9. 0 points
  10. 0 points
    Oh wait, you seem to think that we're an Anti-Aficionado Cabal. We aren't. We're the ABC - the Anti-Blackfoot Cabal, standing against all those down with New Age Posting. Conchaga is our chairman. We have secret meetings in dark rooms, like this: