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Tyralak last won the day on April 11 2018

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About Tyralak

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    Emperor of ASVS
  • Birthday 03/09/1977


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  1. Tyralak

    Section 31 series

    I agree. This could be a golden age. That is if the haters don't ruin it for everyone.
  2. Tyralak

    Section 31 series

    Looks like we're finally going to be getting a Section 31 series. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-star-trek-michelle-yeoh-20190114-story.html
  3. Tyralak

    The ASVS Revitalization Project

    I will see what other products Invision has to add on. There may be an addon more suitable for a dynamic story. They have a blog system, and a gallery system. Those might be useful. I'll check on pricing.
  4. Tyralak

    The ASVS Revitalization Project

    Good, but we need an area for general Sci-Fi discussion, and for real world science.
  5. Tyralak

    The ASVS Revitalization Project

    I will be thinking of ways to consolidate the other forums, and restructure things for a greater focus on OC, stories, and shitposting. So, be prepared for some things to move around.
  6. http://domakostroma.com/

  7. Помилки, що знижують урожай томатів
    Едельвейс — благородний білий
    Лілії — основні гібриди та особливості їх вирощування
    Соснові квіти
    Як доглядати за кабачками
    Легко монтируется в грунт без особых усилий.Так строители Древнего Рима защищали свои дороги и мостовые от размыва водой и других внешних воздействий.Вам больше не нужно помнить пароли - доступ в личный кабинет осуществляется по уникальному SMS-коду.За счет небольшой длинны садовый бордюр позволяет разграничивать участки с плавными изгибами, а его высота - прочно удерживать почву, посадки, дорожки в разных плоскостях.Садовый бордюр.

  8. Tyralak

    Fairwind vs. Season Rulers

    More like the Failwind.
  9. I've been thinking about this all day, and decided to write it out. Brace yourselves, this is a lot to swallow. I don't understand all the hate for Star Trek Discovery. This is the most redpilled Star Trek series we've ever had. Michael Burnham (who I will from here on out be referring to as "Based XO") was adopted by Sarek after her parents were killed in a Klingon terror attack. (Note, the show called it that. File that away, it will be important later.) Does she curl up and become a victim? No. She immerses herself in the Vulcan language and culture. She works hard to succeed, even though her classmates benefit from "Vulcan privilege". She doesn't complain and demand affirmative action, she busts her ass, and is admitted to the Vulcan Science Academy. The first human to ever do so. After she grew up, Sarek gets her a position on the Shenzhou. She's in full Vulcan mode here. Sneak dissing on the transporter tech, and other elements of the ship. Savagely low key. Flash forward to later, Federation Subspace beacon gets rekt. Radiation is too nasty to transport over, use a shuttle, or take the ship in. 20 minutes of exposure will cause permanent chromosome damage. What does Based XO do? She suits up and says "Be back in 19 minutes." She gets over to the mysterious object, and out comes a Klingon warrior looking for trouble. She kills the thug with his own Bat'leth. The Klingon still manages to knock her out, but she is rescued by the Shenzhou just in the nick of time. She wakes up partway through the DNA repair process. She gets up, wanting to head to the bridge to warn the crew about the Klingons. The doctor says she shouldn't be up, that the DNA repair process isn't complete. Based XO gives zero fucks. She saunters on to the bridge to tell the Captain. Of course they don't believe her, so she tells them to bluff by acting as if they're going to attack. The Klingons take the bait and reveal themselves. Let's take a look here at these Klingons for a moment. How these things got past the SJWs at CBS, I'll never know. I'm surprised the designers didn't find a way to hide a Pepe in the set somewhere. The Klingons are redesigned a bit. They have a distinctly Egyptian/Muslim design to their armor, ships, weapons, and décor. Their conversation is more religious sounding than we've heard in the past, and disturbingly extremist. They want to rebuild their empire by fighting a holy war against an enemy, and unite the 24 houses. Sound familiar? I thought so. Let's notice just how dark these Klingons are. Midnight black. Also notice how they treat the one albino in the group. As a second class citizen. No honor, no house, and all because of his skin color. Yes, they managed to sneak in a reference to the horrific abuse albino Africans suffer at the hands of their fellow, dark skinned Africans. Back to the ship. Based XO consults her adopted father, Sarek, on what to do about the Klingons. He tells her that the Vulcans earned the respect of the Klingons, because every time they ran into each other, the Vulcans do a drive-by on them. The "Vulcan Hello", as he called it. Savage AF. Well, Based XO goes in to tell the Captain what has to be done. The Captain is having a video conference with Admiral Anderson. (who from here on out will be referred to as "Admiral Cuck".) Now, keep in mind the Klingons invaded Federation territory, and vandalized Federation property. So, what's the first thing Admiral Cuck says to our hero? "Next time, you might try not disturbing the property of a warrior race we've hardly spoken to for a hundred years. Our only choice now is to navigate this situation with as much finesse as possible." Unbelievable. No gratitude, no concern for a violation of sovereign Federation territory and the blatant destruction of property. No, just sniveling appeasement. "We don't want to offend them." Based XO tries logic. She says "Admiral, if I may. The ideal outcome for any Klingon interaction is battle. They're relentlessly hostile, sir. It's in their nature." Does Admiral Cuck appreciate the insight? No. He proceeds to "whitesplain" to our hero. Saying they've only had fleeting run ins, and they've always been on the cold side of war. Then he has the unmitigated gall to say "Considering your background, I would think you're the last person to make assumptions based on race." Based XO shuts down this blubbering SJW idiot quick, fast, and in a hurry. She says "With respect, it would be unwise to confuse race with culture." Mic is heard clattering to the floor in the distance. Admiral Cuck still doesn’t get the clue, and tells them to sit back and do nothing unless fired upon. While they’re sitting around wringing their hands, the Klingons send a signal to the 24 great houses to assemble for an attack. Based XO knows this is coming, and tries in vain to get the captain to understand that they need to give these Klingons a bit of the old “Vulcan Hello”. Unfortunately, she has been too polluted by Admiral Cuck’s ineptitude, and refuses to act. Based XO knows she has to act, or more people will die. She acts like she’s agreeing with the captain, and gives her the Vulcan nerve pinch. Then walks out to the bridge, and tries to take control of the situation. Unfortunately, the captain wakes up and has our hero thrown in the brig. Well, about that time 24 Klingon ships show up. The captain attempts standard hailing and diplomacy. The Klingons immediately attack. They rip the Shenzhou to shreds. Much of the ship is damaged, the brig is only being kept from the vacuum of space by a force field. The battle rages, and Admiral Cuck finally shows up. He immediately starts apologies, and appeasement to the Klingons. The Klingons pretend to consider it, and tell him to “receive their envoy”. Unbeknownst to Admiral Cuck, that “envoy” is a cloaked ship that rips through the Europa’s hull. Based XO knows she can’t just sit there and let these fools lose everything for the Federation, so she has a heart to heart with Sarek over long distance quantum entanglement via shared Katra. She then proceeds to bullshit the computer into letting her out, and opening a hole large enough for her to float THROUGH VACCUUM to the rest of the ship on the other side. She then waltzes onto the bridge ready to watch the captain eat crow. The captain realized she’s been a fool, and decides to do what must be done. They see the Klingons gathering their dead, so they beam a photon warhead into the chest of a dead Klingon. The Klingon ship beams it up, and is detonated from the inside. The captain and Based XO beam on to the ship to take T'Kuvma prisoner. Humiliating the Klingons is the only way now. T'Kuvma gets the jump on them, and kills the captain. Based XO takes him out. Flash forward to the ending. The spineless cucks at Starfleet decide to courts marshal our hero. They ask her how she pleads. Guilty or not. Based XO responds with the Starfleet equivalent of “bitch, I might be”. They decide to imprison her anyway. We see from the trailer for next week, that someone sees her badassery and knows she’s the right woman for the job. He obviously gets her out to serve on the Discovery. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for the further adventures of Based XO and her quest to make the Federation great again. One dead Klingon at a time.
  10. Mass Effect Field and a small jet engine.
  11. Tyralak

    ASVS watermark

    Use this in your memes to keep people from stealing your OC.
  12. Tyralak

    Caillou's Ebolaween 2014

    Oh dear lord.
  13. Tyralak

    Star Trek: Discovery - Official Trailer

    I'm starting to get really excited about this series. I haven't subbed to CBS All Access yet, but I plan on getting the yearly no commercials package as soon as this comes out.
  14. Tyralak

    Darth Chimera's Photo Album - NSFW

    Fresh OC