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I'm gone for more than three weeks and I get no "ATTN Airlocke" thread asking where the fuck I am? Seriously WTF? I feel so worthless no.

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I was actually going to start one tomorrow. I was beginning to think Dr Dave ate you too.

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Wait do I get an ATTN RAYCAV thread?




Not a real one, no. Only a stupid, hollow imitation.

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I was actually going to start one tomorrow. I was beginning to think Dr Dave ate you too.


Ooooooohhh.... I came back too early. Fuck it all.

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Wait do I get an ATTN RAYCAV thread?




No one cares where you go.

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I was beginning to think Dr Dave ate you too.




No, but his ass DID eat my dick. He screamed in pleasure. It was delicious. My dick. Not his ass. I'm not gay, I promise. It was all his idea. I had nothing to do with it. Honest.

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No one cares where you go.




Exactly the point I was trying to make. I had forgotten how efficient you were, Paul. You're Awesomesauce.jpg .

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No, but his ass DID eat my dick. He screamed in pleasure. It was delicious. My dick. Not his ass. I'm not gay, I promise. It was all his idea. I had nothing to do with it. Honest.




*backs away slowly*

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*backs away slowly*




Awwwww, Ty's a little shy. Come'ere baby, you don't have be afraid to be yourself here. *slowly leans toward the rapidly retreating Romulan*

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I'm gone for more than three weeks and I get no "ATTN Airlocke" thread asking where the fuck I am? Seriously WTF? I feel so worthless no.




welcome.gif home smoke.gif




I figured you were one of Jason's latest victims.




In memorium:








Commodore Schmidlapp




The Boz




Gank Master


Jillian Bacardi




Jason L. Miles






RIP sad.gif

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Figures. The bane of my virtual existence misses me. Fucking great.

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Guest Dr Dave
I was actually going to start one tomorrow. I was beginning to think Dr Dave ate you too.




Must you keep spreading that vial rumour.

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no smoke without fire chief now fuck off back to the ymca tongue.gif

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