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Post every time you enter, and rep whoring thread. (NSFW, thanks to Praeothmin)

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Konbanwa, muthafuckas!

Currently big in Japan... :)


I was taking a walk in Kobe, and I (for real) saw a guy taking a piss on the side of the street, barely hidden by his truck, IN DOWNTOWN KOBE...

I figured if he could go in the streets, so could I, so I did... 

The police waited until I was done to point out the Japanese man only took a piss...   :D

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Heh.  Speaking of Japan, did you know that I actually have Japanese relatives?

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No, you're half-japanes, half-American, and half-german?

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No, not a drop of Japanese blood in me.  My Great-Uncle married a Japanese woman, and their kids and grandkids live in Japan and Hawaii.

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Rob Schneider Derp-De-Derp.  Derp-De-Derpity-Derpy-Derp.  Until one day... Ha-Derp-a-Derpa-Derpa-Derp.  Derpty-Derp.  Ta-Teetly-Tum!  From the creators of "Der", and "Tum-Ta-Tittly-Tum-Ta-Too", Rob Schneider is... "Da Derp De Derp Da Teetly Derpy Derpy Dum".  Rated PG-13.

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:)  :mellow:  :confused:  :(  :mad:  :D  :p  ;)  :o  :huh:  :rolleyes:  ^_^  :ohmy:  B)  :eek:  :lol:  B)  -_-  <_<  :wub:  :angry:  :unsure:  :wacko:  :blink:  :ph34r:  ;D  :angry:  :huh:  :-[  :-X  :-  :-*  :cry:  >:D  ^-^  ^-^  :afro:  :excl:  :mystery:  :blush:  :mysterysolved:  :TARDIS:  :pop2:  :popcorn:  :death:  :emot-colbert:  :welcome:  :facepalm:  :behindsofa:  :plane:  :awesomesauce:  :sleeping:  :sofa:  :devil:  :X  :ermm:  :stuart:   :sick:  :pizza:  :zorro:  :rant:   :rtfm:   :doc:    :whistle:  :santa:  :crybaby:  :pirate:  :dizzy:  :animier:  :veryangry:  :shock:  :detective:   :popo:  :heart:   :innocent:  :on2long:  :rofl:  :respect:   :hope:  :flower:  :shuriken:  :fish:  :yes  :wallbash:  :alien:  :clover:  :queen:  :wine:  :smiling:  :spam:  :ninja:  :chris:  :down:   :baby:  :thumbup:  :dj:  :beer:  :beer:  :whip:  :horse:  :turned:  :scooter:  :cat:  :blushing:  :clap:  :sweat:  :thumbsup:  :police:  :secret:  :sorcerer:  :laughing:  :thumbdown:  :guitar:  :fun:  :right:  :construction:  :left:  :up:  :2guns:  :band:  :unworthy:  :mail:  :help:  :harhar:  :cheers:  :smoke:  :gathering:  :rambo:  :censored:  :robo:  :crazy:   :w00t:   :no   :laser:  :realmad:  :offtopic:  :hrhr:  :banned:  :close:  :coffee:  :nuke:  :ouch:  :question:  :geek:  :pc:  :handy:  :ice:  :phone:  :ball:  :spell:  :book:  :vava:  :puke:  :raking:  :mowing:  :bump:  :jason:  :loktar:  :blackfoot:  :dual:  :seph:  :watermelon:  :enigma:  :chuck:  :fucked:  :Guy:  :mariofacepalm:  ::starwars::  :Romulan:  :Hydralisk:  :esad:  :troll:  :tzeentch:  :pumpkin:  :Akira:  :unit01:  :chrischan:  :johnfreeman:  :krystal:  :bigass:  :dorkpickle:  :meter:  :puppet:  :reimu:  :fredfredburger:  :ermey:  :grimreaper:  :saturn:  :headasplode:  :starguard:  :inquisition:  :heavy:  :donut:  :bullshit:  :littlefoot:  :rickroll:  :hypnotoad:  :roxbury:  :cthulhu:  :batman:  :kenshiro:  :kaboom:  :frank:  :bill:  :jesus:  :pie:  :peep:  :beamcannon:  :mutalisk:  :cardassian:  :vader:  :darwin:  :burger:  :stoner:  :evil:  :butcher:  :blood:  :tardrage:  :wtf:  :scared:  :cookie:  :defiant:  :xwing:  :spock:  :gendo:  :bearpaws:  :soldier:  :raynor:  :illidan:  :tree:  :doctor:  :gir:  :approved:  :popeye:  :deadhorse:  :locked:  :rimshot:

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Okay, I guess.

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I would just like to point out that I didn't rep a single one of you, I'd rather kick each one of you square in the nads.


Have a great day.

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