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ATTN: Tyralak

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Odd. Explain what you mean. Nobody else's avatar is showing up?




No, I just don't notice them because they are not hot women holding firearms.

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I know thats the point but i just like pointing out points.

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Hey Tyralak,




I posted this downsite, but it might be good to put it here.




Do you think posting a copy of the old R&Rs would be of historical interest? I've got a copy.

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Yeah, go for it. I meant to reply to your suggestion in one of the other threads, but didn't get around to it. An updated rules of debate might be nice. Certainly not the way other sites do it where there can be actual sanctions for breaking them. (banning, etc) Instead, someone who refuses to follow them simply won't be taken seriously. They should be basic. The old R&Rs were too complicated and legalistic, but they should be posted for their historical value, no doubt. Then we can work on hammering out new one. This should be fun.

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Yeah, go for it. I meant to reply to your suggestion in one of the other threads, but didn't get around to it. An updated rules of debate might be nice. Certainly not the way other sites do it where there can be actual sanctions for breaking them. (banning, etc) Instead, someone who refuses to follow them simply won't be taken seriously. They should be basic. The old R&Rs were too complicated and legalistic, but they should be posted for their historical value, no doubt. Then we can work on hammering out new one. This should be fun.




I'm rereading them. A lot were quite funny, too.

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Oh I know. Didn't Strow draft that one? That's another person we need to track down.

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Oh I know. Didn't Strow draft that one? That's another person we need to track down.




Doesn't this fall under the FAQ? Anyone knows Dalton's website?

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Doesn't this fall under the FAQ? Anyone knows Dalton's website?




That was the FUQ, the FAQ was at asvs.org




Losing your memory in your old age?

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That was the FUQ, the FAQ was at asvs.org




Losing your memory in your old age?






The FAQ was separate.




Chuck's site has the FAQ. FAQ YOU

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From Strow's site R&R






*Rules of Engagement*




These are the rules we use to determine who would win if Star Wars


fought Star Trek. They also regulate the conduct of the people in the


news group.




1. Although most of us know that Star Trek and Star Wars are not


real, for the purpose of these discussions we treat them as if


they were REAL and NOT movies made by people in the real world. We


are seeing the real events as they really happened (did I mention


we're not nuts?) Therefore, real world problems are to be left out


of these discussions. For example: budget restraints, copy right


infringements, FX demons, strange camera lenses, or plot devices


are ALL considered invalid arguments.




Further, we are all quite sick of this debate and bringing it up


is one of the quickest ways to end up in people's KF or even on


trial. You have been warned.




2. In ASVS we debate who would win in a military conflict between the


forces of Star Trek and Star Wars. We do NOT debate who would win


if WE were in charge of the two side. Therefore, we must use any


and all character traits, nuances, etc. In other words:




*Example #1*




Right: The Empire will get the first shot, cause the


Federation will NOT shoot first and ask questions latter, and


the Empire will.




Wrong: The Federation will Destroy one of their own planets


that the Empire has taken over just to destroy the Empire's


forces their, even at the cost of innocent lives.




*Example #2*




Right: The Klingon forces scream a bloodcurdling battle cry as


they charge into battle.




Wrong: The Ferengi forces scream a bloodcurdling battle cry as


they charge into battle.




3. If you make a claim, you have to supply the evidence. Many members


of the newsgroup, even veteran debaters who have been here for


years, seem to have trouble with this concept, so I will say it


again, and in bold: *If you make a claim, you have to supply the


evidence*. Failure to do so is the quickest way to waste


everyone's time, since all you'll get are a flood of replies


asking for a source.




/Note/: This goes for stating old claims as well as new ones. This


is necessary for two reasons:




1. To prevent Pregnant Kira Fallacies: For more than a year


it was common knowledge that the character Kira was


pregnant in "Way of the Warrior" when she beat up a


Klingon. Cause it was an old claim no one bothered to do


the research and back it up. When someone did do the


research this bit of common knowledge was proved very


wrong, and even then it was thought that Nana Visitor


was pregnant at the time. A claim that if true would


have meant she was pregnant for no less than 17 months.


2. To Prevent Thread Overload: At any given time there


could be as many as a dozen topics each with multiple


threads and a dozen debaters in each one. Because of


this it is hard for the best of us to keep track of who


said what in response to who and where. Add in when, why


and how and you can see the confusion build.




*Q*: I repeatedly make the same claim but I don't want to type


out the evidence each time. What should I do?


*A*: You have three options:


1. Stop making that claim.


2. Write a website and have the URL in your .sig. This way


you can say, "For evidence see my website section 3.ii."


3. Write a complete description of the thread and give it


to a member of The Committee to be added into the


Previous Threads DB.






4. To qualify as evidence for this newsgroup it must fit the


following rules.








*Star Trek*






*Star Wars*




*Canon* Live Action Star Trek Movies, Scripts, Novelizations and


Radio Dramas (In that order)


Incredible Cross Sections


*Official* None - Although a couple of novels (Mosaic and


Pathways) and one episode of The Animated Series (Yesteryear) have


facts that have entered canon by appearing in Live Action Star


Trek All EU material, Star Wars Encycopedia and other


sourcebooks, Comic Books, certain aspects of the RPG and other


interactive games?


*Inadmissable* Everything that does not match Live Action Star


Trek Star Wars Holiday Special




? Interactive games have been 'readjusted' to preserve game play


and balance. So use your common sense when judging their validity.




/Note/: Promotional Materials:


While the shows are canon, the opening and closing credits, DVD


menus, even commercials and other promotional materials are not


canon and can not be the basis of a theory without direct canon


evidence to back them up.




/Note/: Dealing with Special Edition vs. Regular Editions:


1. All films are canon, so since the originals were films they


are canon, period.


2. Special Edition, Director's Cuts, etc. versions of both


franchises have come out on DVD.


3. Where multiple versions of the same film disagree, the


latest version is considered the most canon.


/Note/: Dealing with Special Features:


* Almost every DVD produced for either franchise has at least


some special features. How these special features are


treated depends on the franchise in question.


* Star Trek: Special features are to be treated like the TM,


i.e. speculation. Granted, it is informed speculation, but


still nothing that can be the basis of a theory without


direct canon evidence to back them up.


* Star Wars: Special features are Official and on par with the






/Note/: This is the single most important factor in the debate. If


we do not use the Canon Policy of the respective owners than we


are not debating Star Trek vs. Star Wars, but 'What we think Star


Trek is vs. What we think Star Wars is.' Consequently, we have


done a *lot* of research into this subject, read many quotes from


many sources, even spoken to people with first hand knowledge on


the subject personally. And so we can say with 100% certainty, if


we don't know Paramount's and LucasFilm's canon policy, then they


don't know either.




What is that? You read a quote that shows our rules are wrong! And


it's a quote from George Lucas himself! Guess what, we've read


that quote as well and we know exacty how you are going to twist


it so it agrees with your opinion on Star Wars Canon Rules. So we


don't care what you think it means. We've been through this debate


a dozen times and to clear up any ambiguity we asked people who


know more than you, and they say our rules are correct. So unless


you have any new evidence, (i.e. from October 2004 or later) just


shut up. Can't handle that simple request, then leave. You won't


be adding anything productive here anyway.




Some important points to remember:




* When sources of the same level (Canon vs. Canon or


Official vs. Official) disagree then it is up to whoever


put forth the claim to research additional sources to


find which way the majority go. So no one can claim that


their book is more official than another book or movies


are more canon than TV episodes. The only exception to


this is the Canon Hierarchy set up by LucasFilm.


* All other Star Trek sources (TM, Encyclopedia, Fact


Files, etc.) are considered by the newsgroup to be, in


the words of RAST, 'close to official.' I.E. they


contain useful information and interesting theories but


can not be the basis of an argument here unless backed


up by other, /canon/ sources.


* Quoting from Non-Official sources (Nit Pickers Guides


and Fan Web Sites) can meet the minimum burden of proof.


*However*, the conclusion drawn by the authors can still


be debated.


* All known evidence from acceptable sources must be taken


into account when trying to settle a debate. You can not


pick and choose what to look at no more than you could


choose to ignore the results of an experiment in real


life. Of course, this should be obvious to all but the


very, very stupid. So I'll repeat it again. You must


take into account ALL acceptable information.




5. Evidence must be relevant to the topic at hand: Just because one


species has access to technology doesn't mean every one in that


galaxy has access to the same technology.




6. Evidence must be direct, (said or shown on screen, or in the


novels for Star Wars): You can NOT use logical reasoning to


conclude what MIGHT be POSSIBLE. /Note/: Some people have tried to


argue that this entire newsgroup is based on speculation. This is


_not_ true. The abilities of the two sides are to be based on


facts and evidence. To clarify, no technology can be assumed to


have abilities beyond what is shown in acceptable sources. No two


or more existing technologies can be combined, unless shown in


acceptable sources.






* Wrong: "The Defiant was seen travelling at Warp 6.2 and


7.0, BUT never warp 6.7. Therefore it can't go Warp


6.7." - As long as it is within known upper and lower


limits it is fine.


* Wrong: "In TDiC the ships could only travel Warp 6 and


still be undetected. But they probably improved the


design by now, so they can go Warp 9 now." - no hint of


improvements has been seen.


* Wrong: "The have replicating mines. They have sub-space


mines. Therefore they can make Replicating Sub Space


mines." - again, no evidence that they have, or can, do




/Note:/ For clarification: In these debates logic is allowed,


extrapolation is not.


* Logic: While Federation Officers are never seen going to


the bathroom, we see them eat and know that at least


some are human, so it's safe to conclude they have


bathrooms on their ships.


* Extrapolation: Photon torpedo tubes can be fitted onto


fighters, so it's likely they can be fit onto the Worker


Bees and used in combat also.




7. You are responsible for doing your own research, *all* of the


research. If you want to argue that A is better than B then you


have to show evidence for the abilities of *both* A and B. Also,


do the require research in the correct area of expertise. I.E. If


you are researching Material Science go to a Material Science


textbook or web site. Don't look up 'Alloy' in the dictionary and


expect to be able to debate the topic.




8. No one can claim that established tech or abilities in one galaxy


won't work in another, or that established tech or abilities won't


work cause they are unscientific or unrealistic. That means that


the pro-SW side can't claim that Warp Drives will stop functioning


outside the ST galaxy, or that bat'leths will suddenly be brittle,


or that transporters violate the Uncertainty Principle to they


can't work. Similarly, the pro-ST side can't claim that there's no


hyperspace for a hyperdrive to jump to, or that Jedi will suddenly


lose all of their power, or 1e38 JOULES IS JUST TOO BIG!!!!! This


gets us nowhere since there's absolutely no evidence either way


and there never will be.






* Claim of hyperspace being "too fast"




* Subject line says it all... "Death Star too big!!!!!!"




* Elim vs. Rush Limbaugh. Quote: "Altering history is








9. The Importance of Math: In this newsgroup science rules the day.


And in most instances science is backed up with calculations.


Unfortunately many people feel that their theories are so obvious


that no math is needed to back them up. Quite frankly, we are all


quite sick and tired of disproving these claims. While the obvious


is sometimes right, many times it is not. In conclusion, just do


the damn math.






* Claim




Distance could have been at least 100,000 kilometres.






Proves the *maximum* to be 8000 kilometres.


* Claim




No more than 300,000 shot (@2 gigaton each) needed to


destroy a planet.






Proves even 1.1948e+10 shots would be insufficient.




On the other hand, some times people use math to 'prove' all sort


of things. These calculations, while mathematically correct, have


no real basis in reality and ignore all sorts of problems. A good


example of these types of Mindless Math arguments is the


intentionally bogus Strowbridge Calcs <PTopics/PR03.html>, (see


Previous Topics Database <PTopics/PTIndex.html>.)




10. Some people are having difficulties with how we use Dialogue or


written evidence. Here's a few simple guidelines:




* Keeping in line with Orkham's razor, dialogue is to be


taken at face value. No twisting words, looking up


obscure definitions, etc. Semantic Wars^TM are not the


way to victory. /Note/: The rules says face value, not


*literally*. Exaggerations, jokes, similes, etc. are


used in everyday life, deal with it. Also, people have


been known to make mistakes, lie, and generally not tell


the truth, so it is possible the person talking is wrong.




In other words, saying, 'He was exaggerating when he


said that, and here's why ...' is acceptable, BUT


saying, 'He used the word 'world' instead of


'planet' and one of the definitions of world include


... so maybe he meant ...' is not acceptable. In


other other words, when you claim that something a


person said should not be taken literal or even as


truthful you must supply direct outside evidence.




* *All* evidence, including dialogue, is considered


accurate unless there's reasonable doubt based on direct


evidence. Examples:




o '30% of the crust destroyed in opening


volley.' Romulan Officer in TDiC - Visuals


contradict this.


o 'You're too late, we're everywhere.' - Dying


Changeling - No direct contradiction, in fact


circumstantial evidence supports this statement.


o 'We have enough power to reduce a planet to a


smoking cinder' - Tom Riker - Then why did the


ship have so little effect on the power


generation asteroids? Either he was mistaken


and / or bluffing /or/ there were unique


circumstances regaring the situation.


o 'They could be half way across the galaxy by


now!' - If that was true travel times would be


measured in minutes, or at most, hours.


Hyperspace is fact, but its not that fast.




11. Sci-Fi writers sometimes borrow from leading edge science. Due to


the nature of the job they can make mistakes. For instance Zero


Point Energy was mentioned in Star Trek, but the amount of energy


it supposedly has is vastly higher than in real life. We still


must consider Zero Point Energy to have all the properties real


life Scientists tell us, but due to suspension of disbelief we


must assume for ST the writer is correct whenever they directly






/Note/: due to Rules of Evidence #8 <Rules.html#8> these


properties will also hold true in SW as well.

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You know, it is pretty impressive that we had THREE FAQ type documents. Not many NGs could say that.

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