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Post every time you enter, and rep whoring thread. (NSFW, thanks to Praeothmin)

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That's what BabagaDOUCHE is.



The guy from the Howard Stern show? What does he have against you?

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NX-01, on 08 Jul 2013 - 10:26 PM, said:The guy from the Howard Stern show? What does he have against you?

He says my breath smells of diaper. :mad:

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I learned an aficionado is someone who tries to stop trains by standing on train tracks. I have train tracks near my homestead. :thumbup:

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:D TK's BACK! :band:




:D TK's BACK! :band:


And it seems TK's new vbulletin board can handle your food/drink pics in the usercp better than the old board. They're not as big and I don't have to sidescroll to see the whole pic. :thumbsup:

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As someone who lives in Pennsylvania, I would just like to confirm Afishymeadow's statement as being true.

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Aficionados sweating bullets in the Northeast.



WHAT? I can't hear you over the hum of my AC.

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Yea'bro, I hate dem all too... or is it tree?

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Lawful Good - Captain Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Neutral Good - Misato Katsuragi (Rebuild of Evangelion)

Chaotic Good - The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)

Lawful Neutral - Imperius (Diablo III)

True Neutral - Alzacor (my own creation)

Chaotic Neutral - Tychus Findlay (StarCraft II)

Lawful Evil - Darth Vader (Star Wars)

Neutral Evil - Anubis (Stargate SG-1)

Chaotic Evil - Mannoroth (Warcraft III)

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