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Alternate Universe theory

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When Star Trek 11 came out in 2009, there was a lot of discussion about when exactly the timeline diverged. It appeared to be when Nero came through the black hole and encountered the USS Kelvin. Some things didn't fit, and Questor suggested that the timelines diverged before that. Perhaps at the time of First Contact. The more I thought about it, the more it makes sense that the timelines never actually diverged at all. That this alternate universe, is just that. A completely alternate universe, in the exact same way the Mirror Universe is. There wasn't a divergence point for the Mirror Universe, nor was there for any of the myriad of universes we saw in "Parallels". The idea that Spock and Nero went both back in time, and skipped over to a fully formed alternate universe is really a theory that fits better with what we see on screen, and gets rid of some nagging continuity issues.

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Both actually. ST2009 era was probably more advanced compared to the main timeline but Nero's appearance altered the timeline. Kirk's father wasn't supposed to die on a suicide run.


My theory would be that while the technology of 2K9 Federation is more advanced compared to the main timeline (Off-Topic. It is obvious since technology and what we could imagine it could take us has changed drastically since the 60's, it would change as to how we would now view as to how the future of Trek is shaped.), the lives of the people within it is largely the same as the OTL (original time line).


Basically, everything remained the same except upgrade tech, then Nero came along and messed it all up. :)


Mind you, as a fictitious example when revamping an old series is if TNG was to be produced today. The interior and exterior design of the E-D would be different (more so with the interior) and a lot of the technology used would be considered advanced compared to the oTNG. I mean the PADD would look more like today's tablets, phasers would not be those dustbusters and so forth.


Then again the tech change between 2K9 and the OTL can simply be hand waved away as nothing since when you see the NX Enterprise, it looked more or less advanced compared to the E-Nil.


I'm rambling and need to sleep. :)

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Valid points, though. Our technology has advanced an inconceivable amount since the 60s, therefore our interpretation of a super-advanced civilization will have also changed. Pretty simple concept.

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My opinion/view/interpretation of Abrams' Trekverse is that it WAS the exact same universe/timeline/reality as the Prime Universe UNTIL Nero's incursion into the past. The Abramsverse was born at the/that divergence point in 2233 & evolved, & is still/will still be evolving & diverging, in STxII. One thing's for sure, the quantum signature of those in the Abramsverse would be different from those in the Roddenberryverse.


Which means MANY, if not ALL, of the same dangers & pitfalls in the Roddenberryverse ARE STILL OUT THERE in the Abramsverse. One lethal problem Spock Prime SHOULD/MUST remedy/prevent PRONTO is McCoy possibly/potentially dying of/from that blood disease. Remember "For the World is Hollow and I Have touched the Sky'? Before Lazarus, the Space Amoeba, the Doomsday Machine, Deneva, V'GER, the Whale Probe, the Borg, Dominion, Entc Ent al, McCoy's future ailment must be nipped in the bud!



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