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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Yeah, but SB is full of Rabid Warsiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeesssssssss....
  4. 1 point
  5. 0 points
    I've also had plans to reinvigorate ASVS - albeit, a lot of them involve a shift from "Versus" into a more general sci-fi/fanfic-hosting/RP site. There's also the "Atonement" idea I had. Where we try to create a welcoming - not "everybody be nice 24/7", but rather "open to new ideas" - community. But RayCav's right about the state of Sci-Fi Versus. Star Trek and Doctor Who are the only two "super-active" sci-fi franchises at the moment, and as RayCav said, Doctor Who is so wildly inconsistent that using it in "versus" is a total nightmare (not to mention the "LOL, what's continuity?" mindset the writers have). Interest in Star Wars movies is waning (though interest in Star Wars comics is going up). Stargate? That franchise sadly died with "Universe" (although it might come back if Roland Emmerich has his way). Battlestar Galactica? Dead. Firefly? Dead. Babylon 5? Might be dead, might get a reboot if the rumors I've heard are true. Lexx? Both dead AND obscure (I was one of only two kids in my entire high school who'd even HEARD of Lexx). StarCraft? Depends on whether or not StarCraft III gets made. Warhammer 40,000? While popular, even fans of that franchise admit that its community is hella toxic. Mass Effect? Dead and cremated. Halo? Still kickin', but not as hard as it once did. So... what does that leave us with? The Expanse? Dune? Not exactly the best choices... But I refuse to give up hope. Remember, franchises can come back like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Star Trek did it in 2009. Doctor Who did it in 2005. Battlestar Galactica did it in 2003. Hell, even Star Wars did it in 1991 with The Thrawn Trilogy (yes, Star Wars really was near death in the late 80's/early 90's). And maybe... just maybe... they can do it again. Maybe we can do it again, and do it right this time.
  6. 0 points
  7. 0 points
    I do, and I'm too goddamn lazy to change my name. Think of all the extra ink I'd waste writing extra screen names on my underoos...