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Reason why MACO unlikely existed Star Trek after Enterpise

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First lot agency in Star Trek Enterprise became founding members that had very simlier if identical to MACO .Effectiveness of this question Starfleet also does allow discrimination when come to join agency of it. Either all or none of them survival short after UFP form. Kind like suggestion that USA each states able to keep special force all do the same job.


Strong evidence UFP mix rank system combine all the agency.  Burk nearly kill Jake single hand he basic dying he was practice fatal wound.  Something MACO might or might not able do he or she the same shape as Burk. One could argue he might been MACO. We know his name but not his rank. Only think were uniform had effective hand to hand combat. Everything else almost up to guess work. He had a phaser rifle near him it guess work used or near him by chance. Even if did know use effective question the side arm normal used. After all phaser rifle type three has advance as disadvantage 

LT Rose was part of doing commando mission to gathering information about Maquis what she able to limit level provide basic information that she on caft or so unable provide communication to starfleet but she able tell Pircard her hold fire. She real show real moves made different stander Starfleet officers could have not done. Like UFP plan using code break skills same skill easily been used to hit run attack against enemy base behind enemies line blow thing up. Might part reason send Wolf in Chain of Command I to help mission simple Klingon look forward to dying battle he might likely had similar type training to that kind mission.


Borg Cube itself slow down greatly and Borg start care about boarding parties after battle Wolf 359. No way explain Borg start care Board parties the UFP beam Borg Cubes kill dividend drones tons time. Also very few ways of explain why we have some Borg battle Wolf 359 involved in Star Trek Voyager on different espidoes happen free collectives.   Fact Borg Cube slow down lot more see before.  However good blow into space during the battle of wolf 359 as commando team kept fighting even after fleet was destroyed.  Leave long number Borg drones in space. You only need Star Trek Enterprise Regeneration to understand been pick possible another Borg ship either chance or so on and then brought back collective. Again commandos special train doing damage enemies starship.  MACO know how to us expansive but Trip show us need to expansive make thing go bang. Commandos know how minor chance know turn parts of the ship into explosives or use equipment able to get area that blow sky high. MACO from what know about lack engineer training or equipment effective fight on starship cause the must damage and have limit the same time. Suggestion UFP used specail force like MACO but more train design to fight on starship not on planet surface were MACO strongest.



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