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Why did Human starfleet do so little came to be really for Xindi attack

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It not like Starfleet did not know that Earth target they did.  Only thing real did was send NX Enterprise out try convince not to. Thing I done if I was charge first build fortified space station must state art weapon systems that heavy armed and fortified space station they had. For example least one space station orbit Jupture. Armed it to teeth the same rest of them. Long range powerful weapons. Also build fortified space station orbit the sun arm weapon greatest bang for the buck. Also spread the population itself around having. NX Enterprise more powerful all but one Xindi race. Space station like take fleets worth of attacks simple heavy weapons and more power to weapon first place. One station able to withstand attack for 30 of warship send to attack Earth.

Last thing done try make sure human population was spread out much possible in solar system and beyond. Work having more secret location as well Twilight the human longer topic secret location done way before hand.

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It not like Starfleet did not know that Earth target they did.  Only thing real did was send NX Enterprise out try convince not to. Thing I done if I was charge first build fortified space station must state art weapon systems that heavy armed and fortified space station they had. For example least one space station orbit Jupture. Armed it to teeth the same rest of them. Long range powerful weapons. Also build fortified space station orbit the sun arm weapon greatest bang for the buck. Also spread the population itself around having. NX Enterprise more powerful all but one Xindi race. Space station like take fleets worth of attacks simple heavy weapons and more power to weapon first place. One station able to withstand attack for 30 of warship send to attack Earth.

Last thing done try make sure human population was spread out much possible in solar system and beyond. Work having more secret location as well Twilight the human longer topic secret location done way before hand.


At that point in time, Earth didn't have those kind of resources. Remember, the NX-01 was a prototype. Earth was more or less reliant on the Vulcans for any sort of military assistance.

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FIrst is the human build space stations Jupture space station for example. Human build other space station orbit the Earth.Also the human the able send long range misson another star system colonies with conveys before Earth destory surly set secert colonies only Captions on HUman starfleet know about before Earth was destroyed.


Other side is Human protect the Earth from Xindi super weapon. With amount time it took fire Xindi super weapon fact NX ENteprise able watch as it destory why no surface defense answer back in kind blast XIndi super weapon to space dust. Trip with something 20 people able build something 2 phase cannon less then a day. Had least three dry docks and combine one other space stations that cannon. All likehood we not heard about. Even just three upgrade the much big phaser base weapons systems enough destory ship hit by or even Xindi super weapon itself. NX Enterpise able pick XIndi weapon Star Trek twlight unable to do anything about. Be location planetery surface defense or orbit defense response blast it to space dust done the trick.

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