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Revelation Turbolasers

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I was reading "The Elegant Universe" again today, when I came across a section detailing supersymmetry, which states that each subatomic particle has a superheavy twin, which also has an additional spin of either + or - 1/2. Particles with a fractional spin are fermions (particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons), while particles with whole spin are bosons (particles like photons, gluons, and gravitons). So, the supersymmetric partner of a fermion is a boson, and vice versa. The photon's supersymmetric twin is the photino, which has a predicted mass between 10 and 100 times that of the proton.


Now, watching the turbolaser fire again, I noticed something. The ISDs' turbolasers are green. Now, this might not sound important, but it is. You see, when something is heated to incandescence, it goes, in order from coolest to hottest, red, orange, yellow, white, blue. Green is absent. This is because that anything that peaks in the green part of the spectrum is also putting out light from the rest of the spectrum in such amounts that it appears white to our eyes. So, how do we resolve this?


Simple. The turbolasers start by firing a laser, whose photons are then converted into photinos in some technobabble chamber (maybe Tibanna serves as a catalyst for converting photons to photinos), which are then fired out. So, we get basically, a laser with mass. Okay, moving at a bit less than c​, but it's as good an explanation as I've got.

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The photino option is the only one that makes sense, though. Here's why:


Actual Lasers: Invisible in space. Not to mention they'd be more of a beam, anyway.


Incandescent Plasma: Nothing incandescent glows green. Sure, they emit green light, but they also emit so much other light that it looks white when it peaks at green.


Ionized Gas, a la neon lights: Does this honestly need to be explained?

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