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EU admits to being parallel universe.

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That was a strain on my eyes :(. Had so much trouble sleeping recently. Yea it being classed as parallel on its own isn't necessarily definitive, considering there is an actual canon tree which lists eu as "c-canon" :p. Now i don't even read much EU, but I like its existence, namely because it makes the SW universe feel, well more like a universe. All those things you wanted to see or know, can be seen and extrapolated in the EU. I like it because it fills the galaxy, we only see a couple of worlds a few starships and a few dozen species in the films - but through various quotes or indicators of scale, we see that there should be millions of world, millions of ships, millions of species, yet we see like 0.01% of that. (well actually in the death star we probs see closer to ~50% of the fleet in volume XD). The eu gives us all those cool things like species planets, starships, back stories, new vehicles (ones that feel the roles that must exist but are not seen in the films) like the AT AA (which happens to be one of my favorite walkers).

"his universe" is the films and the clone wars

"The parallel" is the eu and games.

I don't think Lucas really means to say his universe is void of all these things that happen or exist, only that he well, dosnt care for them. He is a director, the creator, his creations and concerns are the films, not the eu. He lets the eu write within the consistency confines of the films, and his story. I wouldn't take it as literal, like there are actually two sw universes in isolation from each other. (though thats up to opinion/perspective as it stands) I would go as far to say however, anything potentially after the last film might not have happened or be canon. He has actually definitively said "luke does not get married" for example, amongst a few other things, like probably the emperor dosnt come back etc.

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I feel a bit more justified in my view of the movies as the documentary version of events in Star Wars and the EU as something between the Illiad and an inconsistently vetted history written long after the fact. I don't really see this changing much in fandom. EU fans are going to remain EU fans, purists may get a sense of smug superiority of this and those who don't exactly have warm, fuzzy feelings for the EU but don't fully dismiss it either will still love what they love about it and roll their eyes at the inane stuff.


I suspect though as the EU continues to swell and becomes increasingly dense and self referencing and as The Clone Wars adds anomalies of its own on top of those of the prequels, and people become more desensitized to the notion of reboots, indifference will probably set in to a greater degree. I quit following the EU to any significant degree during the Vong arc when it just seemed to become completely inaccessible. The EU characters were presented frequently without any reference as to who they were, what they had done prior and why I should care if I hadn't read the books they were in and the Classic Trilogy characters had drifted so far from their original characterizations as to be unrecognizable, to say nothing of how extreme some of the different interpretations of them are from author to author.


I've liked a bit of the Clone Wars era books, the writing of the ones I've read have generally been fairly sensible. The Labyrinth of Evil, Revenge of Sith, Dark Lord trilogy was fantastic. Since then, I haven't really found any actual arcs to latch on to. The various forums made the "Jacen Solo goes crazy and becomes the new Sith Lord" series out to be nearly unreadable, internally inconsistent drivel. What I've read in the way of impartial synopsis hasn't really sold me either.


What's your take Khas? You posted it after all.

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Mixed. On the one hand, the EU had a lot of good stuff in it, like the Han Solo trilogy, Death Star, Labyrinth of Evil, and anything by Timothy Zahn, and it's sad to not see it as canon. On the other, I'm glad that a ton of shit has now also been removed, and there's no more contradiction between various sources. It also means that all technical manuals, whether they be of high power (AOTC: ICS) or low power (The New Essential Guides), are now no longer canon. Hoo boy.

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It mentions something about the EU being what records the various bits of technology. Besides, the various technical manuals were all C-Canon, anyway, and contradicted each other like there was no tomorrow.

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