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Posts posted by Khas

  1. If anything, that would just be Starfleet Marines. Marines are just grunts used to take ships, and hold planets, and maybe carry out an infiltration or two. A commando is elite, a specialist. I know, my dad was a Marine for more than twenty years. They essentially serve the purpose of a badass meatshield.

  2. Plese Watch this vidoe from 2 minute and 48 secounds to about 2 minute and 3 minute if wish see evidence UFP still uses commandoes.








    The fact the Romulans believe that Doctor try use commandoes sugestion. Again backs the point UFP still has commando units around.




    The only reason the Romulans might have bought that is because of the Dominion War, which they knew about, but at the time weren't involved in. And considering that the Romulan was only a subcommander, he probably didn't know too much about Starfleet troop capabilities. But as you could tell from the Romulan's voice, he wasn't fully believing that.

  3. The statmenet I am Doctor not a commandoe sugestion the UFP still uses commandoe units. They be the once most likley using these personal force fields. With the Domuniam war over the UFP send group many more commandoes so starship beam group commandoes and yes they will have personal force fields. Because olny give elite units because complex natural of them.




    Smiley-Facepalm.gif If anything, that's just a historical reference to old Earth commandoes. And it's part of the "I'm a doctor, not a..." running gag.

  4. In one corner, we have the great Biblical sea serpent, Leviathan! In the other, we have the Lovecraftian god, Cthulhu! Two colossal beings must fight to the death (if possible), on Planet Jason! The stars are right, and fixed. Who wins?

  5. They'd all succeed until they reach Jason and then they'll shove their weapons up their asses and blow their brains off rather than deal with Jason. smile.gif


    Actually, once they reach Jason, they'd probably just kill him, and Taran'atar, who actually comes from the ST universe, would correct his errors in the most violent way possible. (Think explaining things to him while breaking his femurs.) After that however, Jason's ghost flees to the internet and possesses this website. So we can infer that this battle has already happened.

  6. Taran'atar, Solid Snake, Ash Williams, and Aisha ClanClan are stranded in the middle of Chicago after it has been overrun by zombies. More specifically, fifteen thousand Deadites and thirty thousand normal zombies. All lead by the Dark Lord Jason. Here's the armaments for our heroes:




    Taran'atar has:


    Phased Polaron Rifle


    Hand Phaser


    Jem'Hadar Longsword






    Solid Snake has:


    NIKITA Rocket Launcher


    SAIGA-12 Shotgun




    Cardboard Box




    Ash Williams has:


    Shotgun (aka Boomstick)




    The Car


    Pure Badass That Comes From Being Played By Bruce Campbell




    Aisha ClanClan has:


    Caster Gun


    Laser Gun


    Brute Strength


    Beast Form






    Who Wins?

  7. Sadly, no. He said on his main page on FF.net that he's German, and that he's trying to improve his English by writing his fanfics in English. If that's the case, than someone made a serious joke teaching him English. I've read letters from people in Austria with only a basic grasp of English, and theirs was better than this.

  8. You are stuck in an elevator with Wesley Crusher, Jar-Jar Binks, and Jason. The Good News: The elevator will be fixed in a fairly short amount of time. The Bad News: Not until all these videos have finished playing to you and the other elevator denizens, in the following order:











    What do you do until the elevator is fixed?

  9. Khas, it seems that you are new to science fiction because if you bothered to watch *ANY* science fiction movie or TV episodes you'd see that they all abuse science.




    ST = space amoeba? Crack in the event horizon? Being shrunk to the size of a christmas ornament? Warp drive? transporters?




    SW = hyperdrives, I know there's more but I am sure others will point it out.




    V = stealing water? how stupid is that? There's water everywhere but instead waste time, effort and resources to steal water while being nicey - nice with the humans.




    Oh, I've been a Trekkie since I was 2, and I know all sci-fi has it's screw-ups, but Doctor Who seems to go out of it's way to abuse science.




    And on ST science screw-ups, I never saw the VOY episode with the crack in the event horizon, but I've heard of it, and that had me gritting my teeth for about a quarter hour. As for warp drives and transporters, there are actually laws of physics allowing those. About transporters, I'd recommend the book "Teleportation: The Impossible Leap". It was written by a physicist, and he knows what he's talking about.




    Never saw "V", but from what you said, that's just dumb what the aliens did. Why not just take it from the comets, or the moons of some gas giants, instead of taking it from here?

  10. I kinow I posted this on SFJ, but I'll post it here too. Because to say that Doctor Who abuses science is like saying Hitler killed a lot of people. It's a HUGE understatement.




    First off, the Big-ass Wank Device, I mean, Reality Bomb. The Reality Bomb is nowhere near as thorough as Davros could have made it. By nullifying the electromagnetic force, baryonic matter turns to dust, but the following stuff would survive:




    Dark Matter (Doesn't feel electromagnetism)


    Dark Energy


    Neutron Stars (Made of neutrons (no shit), which are electrically neutral)


    Black Holes


    And of course, Chuck Norris. tongue.gif




    And now for the creatures that abuse science:


    Slitheen from planet Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious. Creatures of Living Calcium. Calcium is an alkali earth metal that combusts when it hits water (much like what everyone wants to happen to Jason), so unless large amounts of Magicium, Technobabblium, and Plotdevicium are used, this is pretty much impossible.




    Those Living Fat Creatures. Sure, creatures like that could exist in real life, but they'd need a Titan-like environment to do so. On Earth, they'd melt.




    The Nestene Concioussness and Anti-Plastic. Anti-plastic? Are you fucking kidding me?






    The Osterhagen key. 25 nukes placed under the Earth's crust, that when all activated, would blow Earth to bits. Nukes have to be a certain size to have a certain yield. And in order to get that yield, each nuke would have to be 300 miles across. How the fuck do you keep that a secret?




    And a Jason-esque plan:


    Detonate all of Earth's nukes at once to turn the crust into molten slag. Earth recieves more energy from the sun in an hour than what that explosion would do.




    Doctor Who Fails Science Forever.
