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Posts posted by enigma

  1. Just so we're on the same page here, what source claims millions of warships for the Empire? I see a reference in Wookiepedia, but there is no source listed. Preferably something more reliable than a comic book or a tabletop RPG, please.




    Considering that the GE controls a huge chunk of the galaxy, wouldn't it make sense that they'd have millions of warships? Not all of them would be the most recent top of the line warships like the ISD I & IIs. And when I say warships I don't mean all of them are capital ships. There would be many frigates, destroyers and assault carriers too. Then add in support ships like armed troop transports, tenders and so forth and well maybe millions upon millions of warships may be stretching it but the GE must have a large ship count to keep the sectors in line.




    I'll look around for a source.




    EDIT: Ok, I looked around and wookieepedia states that the Imperial Navy at its peak had millions of warships, fighters and transports and trillions of fleet crew. The source they used was the Republic Era Campaign Guide..

  2. Although, this is a surrounding energy field, meaning the 'nids ships are getting cooked from all directions. Even with shields, the Enterprise's hull heated up to 2,000 degrees. The unshielded organic matter of a Tyranid vessel would fare much worse against such heat. Not to mention that it says that the Kelvans' ships were eventually destroyed by the barrier.




    Except you are forgetting that the 'Nids will be traveling through the Warp and therefore bypass the Galactic Barrier. smile.png They might not have shields but I can pretty sure believe that they'll coat themselves with some sort of slime to protect them from the heat if they passed it in real space, if they don't have thermal protection as it is. smile.png

  3. It took Dominion 10 hours to overpower Batazed defense with no starship available to help them out by the way.We know nothing size ten fleet or what starship part of it. We know nothing about terms which Batazed force surrender. It could been great deal ground combat go on and space combat go for Dominion over power them. Ground base defense installations, planetary shields and combat ground vehicle be used both sides. Dominion took ten hours over power shield knock the ground base defense installation with help ground troops and artillery then they force to surrender. Or their could have been orbit defense plate forms Jem Harder bug ship rammed them in-till made hole defense then reach planet over power planetary shields over power them force surrender. It possible just had destroy space station for that matter. Since all we know took them ten hours to do it wild guess work to what happened. If wish see evidence took ten look part say history and look As a result Betazed fell to the Dominion within ten hours






    Also come major world UFP could easily deploy cloak self replication mines fields around world turn them on sensors pick up the Tyranids fleet.


    Also when come to thalaron radiation UFP had done research in past. if wish see evidnce go to this site http://en.memory-alp...laron_radiation


    go to history and uses and then find.


    Because of its lethality, thalaron research was banned in the Federation.




    Even in practice like phase cloak device thalaron radiation is illigle to study hardly stop section 31 doing research on it. Also UFP desperation might well try deploy it like weapon to defend it self.




    You are speaking in gibberish. Come back when you can type in English.

  4. Except if you use the tricobalt devices to purposely cause subspace ruptures, you are making it a subspace weapon and therefore is banned.




    Then again with subspace being fragile as it is (remember the ep where Picard was told that warp travel was destroying subspace?), would you really want to destroy or severely damage your only method of FTL?




    The Dominion War caused more trouble for the Feds than the Borg and yet they still were losing.




    Yeah using the Betazoids to scan a Tyranid Hive mind is a quick way to have them yank out their eyeballs. smile.png You really want to tap into a collective mind of billions, all wanting to devour you in oh so many ways? smile.png

  5. Jason is smoking crack as usual. Memory Alpha shows only speculation about it's size, as there never was any hard numbers given. Ronald D. Moore stated: "Regarding the quantity of starships Starfleet had in use in the late 2370s, Moore commented, "I wouldn't be surprised if Starfleet had 30,000 ships or so." (AOL chat, 1997) This was based on reasoning that the USS Hood has a registry of NCC-42296 while the USS Voyager is NCC-74656." That's just a guess, the real number is probably less. Still, nowhere near 100,000.




    Registry numbers mean diddly squat in regards to ship numbers. Prometheus was a newer ship yet it had a registry number smaller than Voyager's. We already know that ships have changed their registry numbers before. Remember Defiant's replacement?




    Even if we are to assume that Starfleet has around 30,000 ships, we do not know if that include lesser support ships or not.

  6. Subspace ruptures work in pretty much the same way, as we saw in Star Trek: Insurrection, with the Son'a isolytic burst weapons creating them. In the Voyager episode "The Voyager Conspiracy", tricobalt devices can also create subspace ruptures under certain conditions. http://en.memory-alp...ricobalt_device




    So, if the 'nids begin attacking the whole AQ, which they will, this would force the use of... unconventional weapons.




    But subspace weapons are banned under the Khitomer Accords, so no dice.




    This scenario talks about UFP vs. the Tyranids with the 'Nids attacking a Federation colony. OP doesn't state that this is a Tyranid vs. Alpha Quadrant.




    I've also mentioned the reasons why the Federation are very reluctant to use WMDs in the face of annihilation. On their own the Feds are unlikely to compromise on their principles. It would have to take an organization like Section 31 to even think of using WMDs.

  7. And where will the Feds get a 40K style warp drive? The example you mentioned only caused the Hive Fleet to be sucked into the Warp along with the Emperor Class Battleship the Dominus Astra detonating its warp drives. What they basically did was create a warp portal and sucked in the hive fleet.




    How are the Feds to do that when they don't even know what the 40K warp is, let alone create a similar strategy?




    Nevertheless, posrep since you are putting thought into this unlike Jason, who doesn't even know what thought is. smile.png

  8. Borg have been show the able chance tactic what fit interest when come assimilation other races. We never seen case were this tactic make much sense for Borg either. Fact Borg choose tactic batter rammed special 8472 ship choose to sneak aboard USS Enterprise E and choose to time travel as weapon UFP. Borg best of both world put something place stop transporting show they can chance tactics when fit interest. Plan assimilation Earth slowly another example changing tactics. Borg did not normal face race that beam photon torpedoes and us they do us weapon very much like photon torpedoes remember TNG Movie First Contact.




    Most if not all of those examples are the result of the Queen's direct involvement. Normal modus operandi does not necessarily apply. When the Borg attack without the Queen's direct involvement (other than pointing the way), they are in default mode. They stick to standard methods of assimilation. If you watched both parts of Scorpion, you'll noticed both the default mode and when the Queen got involved. In default mode, they acted pretty much like zombies and the drones kept trying to assimilate the bioship even though they constantly failed. With the Queen's involvement, you'll notice that after making the agreement with Voyager, the Borg acted in a unorthodox manner, i.e. sacrificing a Cube to save Voyager, or being duplicitous by using 7o'9 and her drones to take over Voyager after having their bacon saved.




    Since the Queen is not directly involved in this scenario (OP doesn't mention her), the Borg are stuck on their default mode.




    Borg still lose.

  9. Come to think of it I do remember an episode where the Borg somehow adapted to energy weapons that were set to random frequencies (however the fuck that works...).




    That is easy enough for the Borg to do so. All they need to do is say "Adapt lowest frequency encountered to the highest frequency encountered" and Ta-Da!! Multi frequency energy weapon adaptation. Sure they'll expend more energy in the adaptation but they'll live a little bit longer. smile.png

  10. The only way the UFP could defeat entire hive fleets is if they start pumping out red matter weapons out the wazoo. If we place the Hive Fleet invasion in 2409, the UFP does have weaponized red matter. Any time before that though, and, well, tough luck.




    If it is set in 2409, then the 'nids are REALLY going to hate going against the Romulans, seeing as they're now mass-producing Scimitar-class Warbirds, complete with thalaron weaponry. Due to the organic nature of Tyranid vessels, thalaron is going to melt them into goo.




    But if the 'nids invade any time before the early 25th Century, well, the Alpha Quadrant is boned.




    Dammit! Did it again. I negged you by accident. I'll happily posrep you several times elsewhere. This is what happens when I try to neg all of Jason's posts. smile.png lol




    You'll have to understand that the Federation will not immediately start using WMDs up front until it is almost way too late and even then it would probably be done by a covert faction. Case in point, the Dominion War. The Federation\Klingon\Romulan Alliance were still being ground up piecemeal and eventually were going to lose until Section 31 injected Odo with a virus and spread it to the rest of the Founders. Only from the threat of extinction did the Founders end the war. Up until then, there was no inclination for the Fed and co. to use WMDs to save themselves.




    In the case of the red matter, all of it was gone with Old Spock and the Vulcans promised to not make anymore of it once the Federation found out that they were making it. Kiss it goodbye.




    Even if you could use it, how will you be able to employ the red matter without destroying the colony worlds? The hive fleet is huge. Not all of it would be in one star system. To give you an idea the size of their fleets, here the pic of the history of Tyranid invasions.








    Tell me you'll be able to defeat them?




    Next is the use of bio-chemical warfare on them. How long do you think that stop them since they have history in dealing on both sides of bio-chemical warfare? Since this is UFP vs. Tyranids, how will the Romulans help if they are not the ones involved since they'd gladly stay out of the way until the Feds are gone and then maybe step in. Again case in point, the Dominion War.




    It is a curb stomp through and through. At most the Feds would give the 'Nids a bloody nose.




    Now, if this was the 31st century UFP, then it is a whole different ballgame.

  11. That must stumped argument I ever heard. USA military base us tents and have must advance technology military equipment in World right now. You can not get more primitive then tents. While UFP colony as case to case basic on how colony look even saying true mean nothing at all. Also a good rick people choose home look part 18 century far design goes. They much more advance stuff anything I have available. I very modern day house for that matter. How loo tell millinery effective colony look is impossible and TNG tell even less since 24 century bunker look like tent when come holographic technology.




    Of course it is a "stumped" argument because you're stumped to find a decent argument to reply. Yeah, the Federation is soooo advanced that Betazed, a majot Federation world was only defended by antiquated weapons platforms. You do not have any real proof to back you up whatsoever. You are making it all up.

  12. Borg beam photon torpedoes weapon ships blow Tyranids to hell




    Wrong answer buttnuts. As atom said, Borg do not use photon torpedoes and there is no evidence that they use such tactics.




    Lack of point defense weaponry will severely hamper the Borg's ability to eliminate any ships carrying boarding parties. The Borg lose hard. Worse than the Federation since at least the Feds are creative and can think of new tactics on the fly. The Borg? They stick to one proven method and keep repeating ad infinitum until the last drone is devoured.




    You lose again.

  13. Er....the fact that a single ship's complement is 250 photon torpedos or something like that?








    We don't know, so therefore they must be awesome? That's stupid, much like everything else you type. Unless something changed drastically since DS9, Federation colonies won't last hours against even a trivial Tyranid invasion.




    We do know. There has been countless TNG and TOS episodes in which the Ent crew beams down to some colony or another. Most seem to fit more in the 19th century than the 24th. The only colony that I know of that could present a minute possibility of a threat is that hive (not Tyranid) colony that Tasha Yar came from.




    Also, the starships don't have the ability to mass beam hundreds of thousands of torpedoes into the Hive fleet before being destroyed. Stupid too. Pulling every starship that starfleet has to deal with the Tyranids will leave them defenseless for an attack on a different front. Q help them if the Borg decided to attack at that point. smile.png

  14. Yes what stop UFP starship using transporter beam in hundredths if thausand of photon toropoodes and then just run away leave all captil starship destroy. Also UFP colony able hold out longer you think. We no next to nothing UFP colony combat able for when attack special after star Terk Nemesis. They might well be able hold weeks even months again massive attack.




    You can't defeat the Tyranids that way. Their ships are friggin' huge! even ISDs are dwarfed by them and they have over a billion ships of various sizes available to them. Plus they will not be all at one place. They'll be attacking multiple planets. Spreading Stafleet's ships that thin will also leave them vulnerable by other powers that could attack at any time. Even piracy would go up exponentially with the lack of starships defending vulnerable colonies.




    Not only that but the starships do not have enough time to constantly beam over torpedoes before being ripped apart and\or devoured.




    We know plenty of examples of Federation colonies and pretty much all of them are useless against any space based threat.




    You're dumber than Pinky and one-tenth as entertaining.

  15. SW Empire allies UFP over Dominion. However hardly such important thing for reasons Dominion may-ways more powerful Empire. Not like Empire afford throw full weight into being with. Rebel other outside threat limmit man power and resource throw in. Not like the SW Empire total useless. Star War Empire great deal resource that UFP could build starships and star destroyer big enough act mobile shipyard. UFP might not need Romulus help or even Klingon for that matter with SW Empire. UFP fleet able to fight Dominion on it own. UFP fleet size of 100,000 starship since single Star destroyer about size of 10 Galaxy class starships. So UFP and Klingon SW Empire over run Dominion.




    Proof that the UFP have a fleet of 100,000 starships. The Feds were not able to defeat the Dominion on their own and they've admitted it. They were getting their asses handed to them even after the Klingons were helping them against the Dominion. I think Paul wants to know who's your supplier. smile.png

  16. First the the main fleet does even come in till 50 day so colony be around for at least 50 days. Fact they crush all resistance in 51 day of attack. So differnt between so it might few hours differnt between colony major planetary system.




    No a major world would be consumed by the end of the fifty days. Less for colonies. By the time the fleet arrives, there is no colony. Plus the Hive fleet can attack more than one planet at a time.




    Pitting a Hive fleet against the UFP is very much unfair for the Federation. They'd be crushed in no time.

  17. 51 days for a major world. Federation colonies would take a lot less. Also, a Hive fleet would not just attack one planet but many. Look at the history of Tyranid attacks in the Lexicanum and you'll see how big these hive fleets are.
