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Posts posted by enigma

  1. I'd leer at her and wait for her to go to the bathroom. Sneak into the nearest stall, wait for her to leave and then smell the toilet seat for her scent. If she changed her tampon, then bonus! I look her it and then nomnomnomnomnom its delicious, bloody goodness.


    When I'm done, I'll slink stagger my way back to my seat and wipe the bloody drool from my face and resume leering. :)


    OOC: Just about accurate, right? :)

  2. You are 91.7% Evil.
    You are 61.5% Chaotic.

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

          You are compelled by greed, hatred, jealousy, and a lust for destruction. You are hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and often unpredictable. You are out for whatever you can get and have no qualms about doing so in a ruthless and brutal manner. However, your plans are haphazard. Any alliances you make or groups you form are fragile and poorly organized. Some people would describe you as “Demonic.”
          You are the stereotypical“Destroyer.” You believe in the destruction of not only beauty and life, but also the order and organization on which they stand.
          Examples of charactersand people who fit into the same alignment as you include Jack the Ripper, Saddam Hussein, Blackbeard the Pirate, Cruella DeVille, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, Khan Noonian Singh, Dr. Evil, Professor Moriarty, and Lord Voldemort.

  3. There should still be a lot of small ships\shuttles flying around even if one percent of Earth's population could afford it. Then there are commercial shuttle\ship pilots. Taxi service, Cruise ships, Freighters, etc...


    Then there should also be tourists from other member planets, corporate owned starbases (you don't think corporations wouldn't love to build their own?), refueling depots and so forth.


    Not only that but the UFP should have a "Home Fleet" as it were, to defend Earth and the rest of the Sol system. (Something like having the cap ships stationed near Earth with a few stationed over Mars while a few squadrons of fighters patrol the outskirts of the system.


    The bare minimum is that there should have been some traffic to and from Earth but plenty of atmospheric traffic. The problems with falling shuttles and whatnot can be partially solved by having a lot of tractor beam platforms stationed in the sky.

  4. I agree. While ST\SW\whatever ship's weapons can or could attain multi light minute ranges, any combat beyond a light second would be almost futile against a moving target and the attacker's weapons are STL.


    Long range combat with any decent accuracy would work mainly against stationary targets.


    Having FTL sensors do help but only to show how futile it would be to fire on an opponent who is a light minute away but your weapons can only do sub-light speeds.
