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Gunbird last won the day on January 13 2018

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About Gunbird

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    A shooting range in my mind.

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  1. Gunbird

    Altamid Drones vs. Super Battle Droids

    Like this for the both of them. And this.
  2. Gunbird

    "Black Smoke Over Blue Water"

    (For those on the deck that fail the site and hearing roll,I’m going to coin toss to see which side will well you see. Heads for Port, tails for starboard…..and I got heads. For Henry past his hearing test, so he is fortunate then the NPC that is patrolling on the same side.) Henry, you hear what sounds like a blowhole exhaling from a whale.You have enough time time to dodge the spray, but Murtada isn’t so lucky as he drenched in sea water. He jumps and yells in Arabic, catching the attention of the other guard on deck. “This is Night-three, we heard someone yelling on Portside.” said Andreia over the radio. “Are you alright?” After wiping the water from his face Murtada, before replying. “This is Night-five. Im fine, just a little friend from the sea gave me a splash of water to wake me up. Problem is I’m all reddy awake.” (For Denis site roll) When the fog rolled in ,Hannu switched the cameras to heat vision. You what looks like a pair of whales swimming close the Port side of the ship. Before you or Hannu can radio the rest of the team, one of the whales exhale and wets one the gourds in the proses. (That was just bit of humor and a bit of test with the dye. I hope that didn’t bothered you that much)
  3. Gunbird

    "Black Smoke Over Blue Water"

    (At Ikaika and Krevin: Well the to pass the site roll, you need to get a 8 or higher.)
  4. Gunbird

    "Black Smoke Over Blue Water"

    ( looks like Krevin is the only one that got a pass. PM you what you notice ass for the rest of the players you don't see anything odd. The game will times get into the night shift around 0100 hours.) https://youtu.be/1jrVfotohYI When your shift starts, the Green Whale is sailing away from the Persian Gulf into the Arabian Sea. About three hours into your shift a fog that is so thick that you can only see 10 feet in front of you, unless you have a thermal viewing device. Adam has one on his LMT MWS. unfortunately the battery and the device seemed to be a dud. The former Marine radio in and went down below to get a new one. Some of you can hear him grumbling and cursing as she goes down the steps. “Piss! Shit! Mother fucker! I should have check the bloody batters before this!” Only the Dennis and Hannu who are monitoring the cameras in the bridge can see past fog with some decent clarity. Those of you we're patrolling the deck can hear a odd sound coming both the port and starboard sides from the water.( Do a listen roll and a sight roll with +2 penalty save for the player in the bridge )
  5. Gunbird

    "Black Smoke Over Blue Water"

    Andreia roll her eyes when she herd Henry’s joke. “Sorry I’m married with a kid. So no thanks .” Brian then answer his qustion. “Captan is a local and the crew is mostly too. They have a good record , which is why Maxergy hired them. “ Marek chatches Jake pulling out his cigaret. “Um Jake…..didn’t Brian say in the briefing that none of us can smoke on that ship? Hell I don't think you can use those vapor device.” Murtada finally spoke since the beginning of the road trip.”It great that I’m going out on the water. I can sleep better in rough waves better then that damn van. Oh and I think that Texas Ranger has chewing tobacco if you like that stuff.” Adam smiled when he herd Jake question. “I remember the marching songs from the RM. Also have guitar and know a few folk songs in case we get bored sea faring ones.” Some fellow employees, mostly from the morning shift grab the containers with you weapons and equipment from the cargo van and bring them in the ship. As you board the ship you three man waiting for on the deck. On man is chubby middle age Arabian man wearing a captains uniform and cap. There 2 thiner and younger man next to him.“Greetings my name is Khayrat Tabassum , welcome aboard on the SSGreen Whale . This my first mate, Imen Jaffar and my second mate, Aaliyah Fararag.” He said to you all as he puts his hand out to Brian ”Welcome aboard!” Brian shakes his hand. “Thank you captan.” The former Seal the orders the morning team to bring the weapons and equipment in the storage compartment and get reddy for there shift when the ship leaves the docks. (okay I want all of you to do a observation Roll.Use a 10 sided dice.) You go to in your cabins and wait for your shift at night. What do you do before you go to sleep?
  6. Gunbird

    "Black Smoke Over Blue Water"

    (Sorry, that I cant think of any more to write in this turn. I give more details on my next turn.) Hannu sighed.“Sorry, I’m just worried that Clear Water and Maxergy is making a bit of a gamble. Who ever was running that scandal might still pulling the strings today.I’ve seen that sort of crap while working for the FSIS” He turned hs gaze though the window. After a awkward silents he look at the group”I never told you that I hated my former job, did I”? A few minutes later, the convo managed to arrive at Umm Said Industrial area. You can see the typical site of warehouse, oil refineries, factories and business buildings before arriving at the port. After going though the Guard post you see a large green and white oil tanker appropriately named the Green Whale.As the convoy stops , the Main Supervisor, Brian R Callaghan, a 45 year old Irish American man with salt-and-pepper hair and pretty athletic build for his age walks out of the lead vehicle and turns towards you. “Alright people, lets meet and greet the crew of the ship then bring our gear onboard.” He said in a friendly but professional voice. He then starts walking towards the ship.
  7. Gunbird

    "Black Smoke Over Blue Water"

    (And Im sorry for not running the game. Im also finding a game of hunter so I was a bit desiccated.) Adam was chuckling with with Lucius and Jake about how esay the job will be and A-stan till Dennis told them not bring up the subject. “Sorry there boss …… I did mean to bring back some bad memories. I had a bad time there too. I’ll just leave it at that.” “Lets just change the subject then.” Andreia said while putting away her phone. Before anyone can say more, Hannu finally broke his silents. “ So what do you think about the companywe are work for? Maxergy I mean.” “What about Maxergy?”Adam replied. “We been with many oil companies before.” Hannu shook his. “Yes i know but have you herd of what trouble this country been in this past few years? They lost there diplomatic ties after this country was supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran.* Sure, It got it’s trust from its numbers back resonantly, but why would Maxergy would come back here so early?” *( Here is some info about the Qatar diplomatic crisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017–18_Qatar_diplomatic_crisis )
  8. Gunbird

    ASVS Member Video

  9. Gunbird

    ASVS Member Video

    Seems pretty normal video to me . Don't know why Ray is freaking out about it. Who are the characters, Khas?
  10. Gunbird

    The ASVS Revitalization Project

    What about stories that not part of those settings......like my horror story .
  11. So Obs, What should we call this new site and who going to run it?
  12. Gunbird

    Razor fist DS9 opinions

    Sorry about that. What do you think?
  13. Gunbird

    Razor fist DS9 opinions

    What do you think of Razor fist opinions on deep space 9?
  14. Gunbird

    4-way dogfight

    But do those book have info about their "canons"?...... .........dont shoot me.