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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Flipped a coin and got: Heads First 1d100 roll: 1 (ST:TOS) Second 1d100 roll: 97 (Calvin and Hobbes) 1d12 roll: 6 (the forest?) 1d20 roll: 2 (getting snowed in) hoo boy...okay, so Calvin and Hobbes were having an epic snowball fight, when they get lost in the woods. coming out in a meadow, they find a strange crystalline substance in the middle. just as they were about to touch it, there's a high pitched *shweee* sound and a glow all around them. sensing a trap, Calvin and Hobbes assume a back-to-back defensive posture. the light subsides, and standing there are Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and a redshirt. Ensign Redshirt steps forward, phaser raised, and says, "Captain, the Klingons have beat us to the dilithium crystals!" Before Kirk can tell him "Wait. Ensign. He. Might. Be. A. Normal. Kid," Redshirt attempts to fire on Calvin. But the canny Calvin had been holding his last snowball in his hands since they entered the forest, and now it was a good solid golf-ball sized marble of pure ice. He flings the ice ball, striking the onrushing Redshirt on the forehead, sending him sprawling onto the snow-covered meadow. Spock gives a Vulcan salute, and says, "We do not wish to harm you. Please step away from the dilithium crystals, they are highly radioactive." As Kirk finally finishes his first sentence, McCoy has rushed to the side of the unmoving Redshirt, running a medical tricorder scan. He looks up at Kirk, and says, "He's...not dead, Jim." etc. etc. yeah sure we can run with this one too ^^
  2. 1 point
    Alright, now here come the playable races for each faction: United Federation of Planets: Human Vulcan Andorian Tellarite Caitian Efrosian Bolian Betazoid Bajoran Klingon Benzite Ferengi Trill Talaxian Liberated Borg (Human) Pakled Saurian Denobulan Rigelian Aenar Xindi-Primate Xindi-Arboreal Xindi-Reptilian Kelpien Iotian Custom Race Klingon Empire: Klingon Gorn Orion Nausicaan Lethean Ferasan Liberated Borg (Klingon) Custom Race Romulan Republic: Romulan Reman Liberated Borg (Romulan) Custom Race Cardassian Union: Cardassian Ferengi Alliance: Ferengi Borg Cooperative: Liberated Borg Tal Shiar: Romulan True Way Alliance: Cardassian Jem'Hadar Vorta Changeling New Republic: Human Twi'lek Wookiee Togruta Rodian Zabrak Mon Calamari Quarren Ithorian Duros Pantoran Talz Sullustan Abednedo Toydarian Gungan Droid Custom Race Resistance: Human Twi'lek Wookiee Mon Calamari Abednedo Sullustan Droid Custom Race Chiss Ascendancy: Chiss First Order: Human Droid Civilian/Mercenary/Bounty Hunter/Smuggler: All of the Above Races, as well as: Breen Tholian Tzenkethi Hirogen Neimoidian Zygerrian Custom Race
  3. 0 points
    Some other results: Flipped the coin and got: Heads First 1d100 roll: 94 (AC Gundam, so "Gundam Wing") Second 1d100 roll: 85 (Pokemon) 1d12 roll: 5 (Modern Suburbia) 1d20 roll: 9 (Forming a rock band) Oh this one was too easy. Flipped the coin and got: Tails First 1d100 roll: 18 (Stargate: Atlantis) Second 1d100 roll: 87 (The Matrix) Third 1d100 roll: 63 (DC Animated Universe) 1d12 roll: 8 (A Bar/Pub) 1d20 roll: 19 (Joining a counter-terrorist group) Huh. THIS would be interesting. One more. Flipped the coin and got: Heads First 1d100 roll: 3 (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Second 1d100 roll: 1 (Star Trek: The Original Series) 1d12 roll: 1 (Space) 1d20 roll: 7 (Telemarketers) Okay, aside from the telemarketers, this was too easy (although, the idea of Kirk and Picard teaming up to fight space-telemarketing IS pretty hilarious). One more. Flipped the coin and got: Tails First 1d100 roll: 86 (Digimon) Second 1d100 roll: 61 (Transformers - Generation 1) Third 1d100 roll: 57 (The Land Before Time) 1d12 roll: 9 (Prison) 1d20 roll: 13 (Making a movie) Okay. Well THAT'S certainly crack-tastic.