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UFP and Klingon Empire going fight each other Yesterday Enterpise timeline for another six months the Borg show up first

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Second Section 31 using some bio-weapon magic. Borg going make grant apparent before both either side could conquest other side. 


Facts the Borg attack the Klingons, UFP and Romulus all at once normal timeline this had likley to do with fact Borg send message to in Star Trek Enterprise regeneration. So not like Borg not going to becoming one way or other. Last but least Riker statement in Star Trek TNG Parallel


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"We won't go back. You don't know what it's like in our universe. The Federation's gone! The Borg is everywhere! We're one of the last ships left. Please... you've got to help us!"
"I'm sorry, there's no choice. If this works, everything will return to..."

- A counterpart Captain William Riker, panicking on the bridge of an alternate Enterprise, and Captain William Riker of the current reality.


Only one Borg Cube in Star Trek TNG Best of Both Worlds that show on screen. 

Facts the Klingon going send ships not single Klingon warship show on screen among the ship destroyed fact 39 UFP ships there only one escape. Romulus as supposed sending ships not singe Romulus ship on screen. Romulus and Klingon likley fight Borg around own terrioires becoming under attack. Long number Klingon assimilate latter get to see Star Trek Voyager. Caption Riker saying Borg everywhere suggestion Borg send successful defeat the Klingon ,Romulus and already push UFP. Might well send other two Borg cubes finish of the UFP.


While some suggestion USS Enterprise D reason that Borg Cube heading into UFP space. I have to disagree follow hard core fact first the Borg assimilated both Romulus and UFP starbase along the Neutral Zone. On top that Borg all classified information about USS Enterprise D itself would have every way of knowing that it was Q. It not like information what Q did is classified. Borg had every way of knowing that the Q had been send USS Enterprise D first place. 

Q might offer Piracrd been even try save the UFP itself being destroyed.


Plan and simple Borg coming unless Klingon and UFP care so much about little war that perfar assimilated they have settle different after done deal Borg.

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Guess that Section 31 is not play nastly tricks destory Klingon Empire 2 months time or less.
If I was going guess side worst off I say the Klingon follow reasons.

Fact USS Enterpise C blow sky high suggestion that warship nomral at least little more power come fire power then Yesterday Enterpise Timeline. When Caption of Klingon warship in TNG Matter of Honor TNG openly stated we only need one shot at the USS Enterpise D her shield likley hood something 10% to 20% more stronger.  USS Enterpise C surrival two attacks one killed good Caption USS Enterpise C other in final showdown when Klingon warship hit USS Enterpise C twice.While Klingon shield question better that differnt story and is not to relevent having fighting Borg. It likley alternative time able stay war Klingon put must research into better shields and cloak techology. Also good part fleet offesive and elte commandos deep enemy terriories. Just winning war does mean that Klingon send big part Klingon fleet. Pircard statement easily our run Klingon vessial almost nightmare mean Borg top speed likley face must resever fleet.

USS Enterpise D fire seem much greater then the USS Enterpise D normal timelime. With the fact brough Klingon warships down number secounds and without question. Fact single warship withstand five photon toropodes hit once show Klingon shields lot stronger. Borg unlikley able to adapt to USS Enterpise D firepower in Yesterday Enterpise timeline. Means hit tractor beam likely disable it the same goes for the Borg main weapons. UFP building something 10 Galaxy class battleships not include other warship like building. At least normal timeline stock pile galaxy class starships as you can see in this pictureUtopia_Planitia.jpg

No reason think UFP just put sevice in first place.

With fact UFP still need fleet stop if UFP get just 10 to 20 ships sure fire power need blast Borg Cube sky high.

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