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Why do the Star War fan think ISD could stand up Borg Cube

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Let face it even if we going to go by Star destroyer.net total wrong that ISD lose shield after take about 1,000 photon torpedoes before losing shield.  Borg Cube could withstand 2,000 photon torpedoes  Star Destroyer could not even Vader personal one. Let face at least some starship destroyed fighting Borg on way Section 001. In the unlikley case that only 30 starship that Borg Cube basic disable the ships. Still talk easily over 2,000 photon torpedoes hitting the Borg Cube. Of course this lowest possible limit more likley it was 50 to 100 starship likely guess. Some starship destroy other disable unable get repairs done fast enough to get back into fight in time others just to badly damage need tow back  and some case the crew might just all kill together. Either case Borg Cube taking thousands photon torpedoes in at least being of the fight before Borg cube disable and destroy UFP starships likley one by one.  So why in World do Star War fans think ISD can stand up to Borg Cube at least come to taking beaten the Borg Cube wins hands down. I am no way saying fire weapon powerful enough Borg Cube not be able to adapt would not work. Smell problem with that at least see very possible likley might adapt any weapon not power destroy Borg Cube out right

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I'm not sure what you mean? What's your assumptions on proton yield? Highest calcs based on asteroids are like 100 or 200 megatons. An ISD dedicating 5% of the reactor output to weapons would be over a hundred teratons a second, so 20 TT per heavy turret isn't unreasonable. 100 ships firing of their entire payloads of 200 torpedoes would add up to two teratons (at 200 megatons each). The highest stated figure for Enterprise reactor output is equivalent to two gigatons per second (hundred odd gigatons for a fleet of fifty ships of comparable ability). 

So a TL bolt strikes with with the directed force of 100,000 times the energy of said proton torpedoes. We see in one Episode of Star Trek that the Enterprise can take ship sized chunks out a unprepared cube with single phaser strikes, and that the focused firepower of a fleet into a single area of a adapted cube can do critical damage... they are not indestructible. 


While I think a cube would be vaporized by a single turbolaser strike, Brian proposed they would fly right through leaving a shaft from one side the other leaving limited collateral damage, meaning it may take a few salvos. But I'm doubtful a flotilla of borg cubes could do significant damage to a ISD's shields in any kind of realistic timeframe; they'd need shield penetrating (if exists) teleportion for any kind of hope.


 If they can develop teleporters that can penetrate an ISD's shields, they would need to teleport a high megaton range munition into a vital spot of a ISD's interior, instantly destroying the entire ship. This would turn it into a who shoots first wins situation.


Star Wars fan, signing off :) 


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