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Everything posted by WalksInDarkness

  1. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Were your ears burning?
  2. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Hmm. A definite Rep for that one. That is a seriously solid point for discussion. I simply assumed it was to keep watch over from afar, or eventually help retrieve, Luke at a later point. But if he was being used for some covert purpose, such as being able to f#@& with Darth Anakin when needed, well that could be fascinating to say the least. Imagine how embarrassing it was, when Lord Vader was out on a date and he couldn't get any cash, because R2 had his ATM PIN and siphoned off the whole account!
  3. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    At least the boy has a sense of Humor, judging by his new avatar. However, his consistent misspelling of words outs him as an obvious Troll. Nobody would do it so repetitively, even if they were a poor speller or non-native to English (it simply defies the statistics of probability!!!). Although I am having a hard time "reading" his personality, and for that I do have to give him credit for his chosen craft. Is it obvious to anyone else that he is desperately trying to sound like Chekov? And if so: the original, or the reboot?
  4. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    "Old" is relative, brush up on your understanding of Einstein's theorums. Dude, I am almost 42. Back then she was definitely a MILF. I was wanking it to Mrs. Crusher long before your spermatozoa was forming in your dad's coin-purse. Was that TMI?
  5. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Questor, You certainly bring up some excellent questions with the Anakin and Padme. It could explain the awkward and non-believable feeling their courtship had. But IMHO, you are putting waaaaay to much thought into the second two paragraphs. I think you need another hobby. Save your energy for vivisecting Jason. OTOH, you do explore some good thinking points.
  6. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    "The wheels on the bus go round-and-round, round-and-round, round-and-round, all though the town!" Reading Jason's arguments, is like listening to my mildly dyslexic 9yo daughter trying to read the Magna Carta. Except, she makes more sense - and I don't have the urge to beat her with a vacuum cleaner hose...
  7. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Her character was so flimsy. She was so two-dimensional, her storyline was weak. She was the sci-fi equivalent, of the girl on the hood of car in an 80's hairband video (just less skin exposed). And I never bought the chemistry between the two. Plus I think they cut her lines short due to her wooden acting, she was like a female Mitt Romney, it was excruciating to watch. IMHO, there was a similar fatal plot flaw with Anakin in RotS. The transformation to the Dark Side was almost comical, as if he stumbled into it like a drunk fratboy falling down the stairs - whoops! now I'm eeeeeevil! Groan... What could have been a 5/5 picture, was relegated to 4/5 due to that single act of laziness in storytelling.
  8. No way, Kirk and Riker will bang ANYTHING that moves. If they had been in the same timeframe, I am sure they would have collaborated to make movies together ala Bob Krane (and whoever his creepy sidekick was).
  9. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Kinda like one of those weird lower lifeform animals that has to let a corpse decompose for a while, and then come back to feed off of it. That certainly would explain his syntax.
  10. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Duh, even from Episode I they were warning of Anakin's darkness (Yoda IIRC). Some of us are in a perpetual state of Duality, it makes us utterly fearless; however, the more we make use of it - the closer we are to the danger of succumbing to the dark side of it. These are the aspects never truly explored by the Utopian fantasy of the ST realm. Compared to Anakin, Wesley is relative castrati.
  11. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Clearly Skywalker would win. Just look at Wesley, he is an effeminate limp-wristed momma's boy. Every time I show up at Beverly's quarters for a booty call, I have to wait outside until she tucks him in for the night.
  12. Jason, I think the more relevant question is: If stranded on Endor, who would be more likely to get "Freaky" with an Ewok - The UFP, or the Empire?
  13. WalksInDarkness

    UFP vrs Predator

    Jason, What do you think about who would win in a battle of *Smurfs vs. Snorks*? I think this is an equally relevant discussion.
  14. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Thanks. I fit into the category of "Knowing Just Enough to Be Dangerous". I knew all of those engineering classes would pay off someday, although I am guessing my Physics Professor would cringe in pain if he read it. Notice there has been NO response from Jason. And I know he has been here at least once since I posted it. Hopefully, I have obliterated him. However, it is much more likely his glaring absence is due to the fact that his costume fell apart and he is busy repairing it; used Target shopping bags and Elmer's Glue don't hold up well in spring rainstorms.
  15. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Jason, Have you considered the ramifications of your theory, when you consider the effects of rouge neutrinos? Specifically, the fact that the ambient Helium3 is everywhere in space dust? I postulate that if one used the dish at such a power level as you suggest, that the resulting subatomic collisions would create unexpected isotopes, causing cascading fission, which would tear the very essence of the fabric of the space/time continuum. That would only leave two entities left alive in the known universe. One being "Q"; the other of course, being you. I suspect "Q" would immolate himself, out of sheer annoyance.
  16. WalksInDarkness

    Any Babylon 5 geeks here?

    Funny you mention RoTS. I use that as a "Reference Scene", for when I calibrate the Audio and/or Video on my HT. It drives my wife nuts, I will play it a dozen times listening for different parts of the soundtrack (and some video parts too). That opening drum sound is ominous... BOOMBOOM, BOOMBOOM, BOOMBOOM...
  17. WalksInDarkness

    Any Babylon 5 geeks here?

    Agreed on all points. I really liked the ship design concepts, very distinctive from other shows/movies. And the battle scenes seemed to be well thought out.
  18. When are you scheduled to be released from the Insane Asylum? I want to alert the authorities. I didn't even know the "Zack and Miri" was a Kevin Smith film, now I know why I hated it so much. It had the depth of a 5th Grade Boy "poopie joke", I expect at least 9th grade level if I want to sit through it. Seriously, I gave it 1 out of 5 "stars" on my Netflix rating (only because ZERO is not an option!!!). Well, at least now I know of a Smith film I hate more than "Chasing Amy". Here is my Smith ratings: Clerks = 5 Mallrats = 4 Chasing Amy = 1 Dogma = 3 Jersey Girl = 2 Jay & Bob = 3 Clerks II = 3 Zack & Miri = ZEROOOOOOOOOO!!!
  19. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Funny coincidence, I actually saw part of this episode last night. I maybe catch STNG about once a month, usually when I have insomnia. So last night I ran into the episode at 1am. It is even more creepy than I remember. That androgyne was FUGLY! She looked like Moe Howard and a Baboon had a love child. Riker definitely scraped along the ghey boundary, especially since Diana was looking bootay-liscious in that episode. Very funny to see Worf get all perturbed about the asexual species, and insult all the women by calling them "weak". Whoever did Dr. Crusher's makeup should have been fired, she looked like someone from a Duran Duran video.
  20. Gore Vidal, and Kevin Smith? So you are a raging Bisexual? Combined with a self-important & self-aggrandizing guy who happened to make one good Indie Film, then mostly followed by increasingly tepid drivel afterward? Seriously, "Chasing Amy" was the worst piece of garbage I ever had to sit through; I think it might have been even worse than Jersey Girl.
  21. Just remember: "No Glove, No Love"!
  22. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    That's only because he gives really great back-rubs, any time I want, for free... hey, wait a minute, I just realized, awwwww!!!
  23. WalksInDarkness

    Any Babylon 5 geeks here?

    The Wife and I totally dig Babylon 5, it really worked for us. It had a compelling concept, and did not totally fall apart at points like Glactica did (oh boy, here come the flames!...) We were bummed when B5 got canceled...
  24. WalksInDarkness

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Wrong. There is a sub-culture of uber-butch types referred to as "Bears", having a beard is a status symbol for them - Riker would be an Icon for them. One of my wife's BFs from College is a ghey dude, he tells me all kinds of disturbing inappropriate stuff.