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Everything posted by WalksInDarkness

  1. WalksInDarkness

    The Inner Light

    Agreed. Definitely one of the best TNG episodes. Especially when you consider the "risks" they took in presenting it; which gives a lot of credit to Patrick Stewart's amazing acting skills, a lesser thespian would not have been able to pull it off. That is why, no other ST series afterward has been able to recapture what TNG did for me.
  2. WalksInDarkness

    The Official Chuck Norris Appreciation And Vs. Facts Thread.

    Mehhhh! I begrudgingly bow and accept your counterpoint, and defeat, for the moment. Be aware that as I walk away, I am both sneering and biting the tip of my thumb at you! Yes, I am a sore loser...
  3. WalksInDarkness

    The Official Chuck Norris Appreciation And Vs. Facts Thread.

    Well what the hell is it then? It is certainly fiction, otherwise somebody would have made Jason's head explode Scanner style. And if it isn't based on Science, which can eventually be used to explain any phenomena, then how would it happen - via your Magic Fairy Dust?
  4. WalksInDarkness

    Mount Rushmore's 5th head will be...

    It's the wrong color.
  5. WalksInDarkness

    The Official Chuck Norris Appreciation And Vs. Facts Thread.

    How the hell should I know? Ask Chuck. For I am merely the Earthly Vessel through which he speaks.
  6. WalksInDarkness

    The Official Chuck Norris Appreciation And Vs. Facts Thread.

    Chuck Norris laughs mockingly at your silly Avatar!
  7. WalksInDarkness

    Mount Rushmore's 5th head will be...

    Fish-Boy, I just wanted to let you know: "There is NO cure for stupidity". Repent, or become an Acolyte of Jason.
  8. Chuck Norris told me, through his Epic Telepathic powers, that A-Fishy is a Communist.
  9. WalksInDarkness

    The Official Chuck Norris Appreciation And Vs. Facts Thread.

    Oh contraire. FACT: Chuck Norris uses his Telekinesis to shift Tectonic Plates, causing all Earthquakes in Islamic Terrorist Countries - specifically Iran. Chuck Norris is not only all powerful, he is also the Greatest American Patriot the world has ever known. Telekinesis = Sci Fi You have been SERVED! Beoooooootch...
  10. I am here, as made possible by the Almighty Creator Chuck Norris.
  11. WalksInDarkness

    UFP vrs Predator

    Link *!FAIL!* Why am I not surprised Jason?
  12. MM QB's? It ain't August yet!
  13. WalksInDarkness

    Our 10,000th post!

    What do I win? Obviously this is due to me joining the board, and my barrage of idiocy that followed.
  14. WalksInDarkness

    Predator vrs Power Rangers

    Personally, I would like to see that video. I am getting visions of "Mortal Combat" on my old Sega Genesis... *FATALITY!!!* Those Power Rangers drove me nuts. My daughter used to watch that incessantly, to the point where I wanted to run the TV over with my truck. OTOH, it did inspire her to become a TKD champ.
  15. WalksInDarkness

    Predator vrs Power Rangers

    This isn't even your usual level of stupid. Now your not even trying.
  16. WalksInDarkness

    UFP vrs Predator

    Jason, I want to send you a complimentary T-Shirt: My link
  17. WalksInDarkness

    Jason in a Nutshell

    That pretty much sums it up.
  18. WalksInDarkness

    Kit Fisto

    Funny, the other day I was saying to someone that Kit Fisto sounded like a perverted sex act.
  19. That's putting it mildly. At this point I am pretty sure those guys are all Eunuchs.
  20. Huzzah! Once again banned, temporarily hopefully, from AVS Forum. Third time in a while now, fuck those Cock-Wranglers!
  21. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Woah. I think I have been pwned. I never considered Anakin's sheer stupidity. I always assumed Jedis had to be sorta smart. But maybe he was borderline retarded, and that's why he was so powerful; just like some dumb jocks, supreme athletes but ironically stupid beyond comprehension. Hence Ben Roethlisberger. [sp?] Well, at least Ben has and excuse -> that Motorcycle accident probably turned him into "Corky"...
  22. WalksInDarkness

    Mannequin Skywalker vs Wesley Crusher

    Well, I gave you a Rep for that because Anakin is so mentally unhinged. But I am not 100% sure that Anakin would even believe it, as everybody knows the Wesley does not have enough Testosterone to get it up. Wesley seem like a born "Power Bottom" to me.
  23. WalksInDarkness

    Which Critter is your Favorite?

    I have never seen any of them, at least not that I remember. But I have killed a lot of brain cells in the past. So I'll just vote for which one is most likely to immediately tears Jason into chunks. Please advise...
  24. Testes, testes, 1-2-3... can everyone hear me?