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Ado Mortumee

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Everything posted by Ado Mortumee

  1. I'm not. Go over to the NSFW forum on SB and you'll find the thread where I got the pictures. Its funny. "On my mark, strip!"
  3. Ado Mortumee

    The Versus thread to put all STvSW debates to rest

    *Gives Consul Sacrifyx a giant cookie* Good, you ar learning. You have to remember to back up claims with evidence when ever possible. At the very least a reference to the episode in question is needed otherwise you might get torn apart and devoured by others. Good thing I know about that TOS epsiode you are talking about otherwise I would have to lock you in a room with Jason. The event in case also had the entire rebel fleet concentrating all firepower on the Executor. If the generators on any old Star Destroyer are that vulnerable when shields are still up why don’t we see this advantages exploited else where? The ANH novel states that they flew through the Death Star’s shields. How else do you explain them getting through them when we know the DS has them? Besides we've seen that shields can be pasted through by slow moving objects but not fast moving in TPM - Tanks fire their main guns but don't go through the shields, Droids are able to go through them. Take Mass Effect as an example: Shields only react to an object moving at X speed, this can be adjusted by the user to the point where if they attempt to sit down the chair is sent flying away. And how exactly have they made it clear they are lasers? They act nothing like lasers - is a Photon torpedo a weapon used in water becuase it is called a torpedo? Is the barrel of a phaser rifle or blaster rifle rifled like a modern day weapons? Just because they call it a Laser means nothing, all that matters is how it acts - and what Star Wars calls a laser is nothing like a real life laser. Phasers can hit a target at around 300,000 kilometers in a single second or thereabouts. SW laser bolts can be seen moving along at several dozen kilometers per second on screen at the highest IIRC. You cannot see a beam of light from the side unless it is sufficiently scattered by dust. Say I take a laser and shoot it across the room, it is invisible to you unless I give it some dust so that the light scatters into different directions (some of which becomes oriented to your eye), or that I shoot the laser directly into your eye. That is why when people use a laser pointer, you don't see a beam of light like a Lightsaber, but you see the dot when it hits the wall. Nope, if the Death Star's tributary lasers were real lasers they would just shoot right through each other. On the other hand a plasma based weapon can do what we see with magnetic fields. Strangely enough the displayed properties of Star Wars lasers all point to them being sub-light speed plasma/particle weapons The only thing they have in common with a real world laser is the name. Nothing else. Everything we see about them on screen when their fired proves their not lasers. Don’t dodge the point. You said: You claimed that their weapons would not be able to get through because their lasers, which means nothing. What matters is how powerful the weapon is on impact, so say we use ICS numbers that give a single Mk. II Imperial Star Destroyer an output of 2.2 Petatons per second that can all be put through its weapons and assume they use real lasers; do you still claim they can withstand that level of firepower? Just because Phasers are superior to lasers in Star Trek means nothing, and SW weapons are clearly not lasers unless we completely ignore all onscreen evidence and go strictly by the name. Dodging the point again. Do you believe that Federation Navshields can withstand the level of firepower from either the Ringworld meteor or the Death Star superlaser simpley because Picard claimed the lasers being used on a more primitive ship can not get through the Navshields? And last I checked it was only useless against ships less than 20 meters long given we know from the novel Death Star the first one blew a rebel carrier up with its superlaser and we see the second Death Star picking off rebel ships with its superlaser. The drawback of the first Death Star was it needed 24 hours to recharge before it could fire at full power again. 1. Good, plenty of target practice for the thousands of surface size Turbolasers, though it well take sometime to take out the Fed ships' shields. 2. And is there a reason to assume that there are other weak points? And how exactly do they know of the exhaust port to target it - assuming they survive long enough that they can get a lock through the massive amount of ECM (ANH novel and IIRC the movie too) and that the Photorps are small enough to fit through the 2 meter wide port. Oh and did you get your neural chip implanted in your skull on the way in to ASVS Inc.? Ah, good. Remember Sacrifyx, the moment you try to secede I’m going to grab some soda and popcorn, turn on my n00bvison monitor, and flick the switch that makes your head explode a la Running Man.
  4. Ado Mortumee

    Size of SW Galaxy

    And what was a modest size galaxy back when A New Hope was written? Without knowing that its far to vague to use without knowing what a "modst size galaxy" is in the 70s. And there is one other source I know of that states the SW galaxy is 120,000 LY across, Shield of Lies. Lando mentions the size of the galaxy at some point and it was 120,000 LY. The link isn't working for me. Personally I ignore the maps in favor of hard numbers given by the characters in-universe or in other sources because simply because maps can easily be inaccurate - Hm... planets shown on the maps are easily light years across... not contradicted by the movies… means that ICS is right and that SW starships have Teraton-Petaton level firepower because they are hundreds of thousands to millions of kilometers long! Ok, ya get your small galaxy! Also its Rerturn of the Jedi that states the distance between the two, not TESB.
  5. Ado Mortumee

    The Versus thread to put all STvSW debates to rest

    Completely agreed. Its silly, but he is the guy put in charge of canon.
  6. Google Earth reveals Star of David on roof of Iran Air HQ.
  7. Ado Mortumee

    Please welcome Consul Sacrifyx

    Welcome to ASVS Inc. where total dominion is our number one goal!
  8. Ado Mortumee

    The Versus thread to put all STvSW debates to rest

    1.A: 1000C is their standard cruising speed. Pre Star Trek: Voyager () max. Warp speed is 21,000 C and can IIRC be maintained for 12 hours. 1.B: SW FTL low end: A couple hundred or so light years pre hour at cruising speed pre the C-canon Thrawn Trilogy books. Higher end: Tens of millions to hundreds of millions C from G canon such as the rebel fleet outside the SW galaxy during the end of TESB (object has been confirmed by Leland Chee as the SW galaxy), and then from the other movies when using stated distances between planets and size the of Star Wars galaxy (120,000LY) from C canon sources. A.2: Ok, your clearly new at this. I need more than your opinion of “The seem to be quite effectiveâ€, what do you base this on? Can they withstand Kilotons of TNT before failing? Megatons? Gigatons? Teratons? Numbers man numbers! Your opinion on the matter means absolutely nothing to me in a Vs. debate without cold hard facts taken from the shows and movies to prove your point. B. Right. So I guess C3PO and Han were worried over the shields for nothing in TESB when they said another hit would finish them off? And the captain of the Star Destroyer the Falcon hid on ordered shields raise for laughs since it wouldn't have stopped the Falcon. If your talking about them getting through like in Episode I with the droids that has to do with how fast the object is moving. Go to fast they go splat like a fly on a windshield. Of course we know this doesn’t hold true for all shields since we know they had to open the docking bay ones when the Millennium Falcon was captured by the Death Star. Star Wars lasers are not he same as real world lasers. They can be seen moving at far slower speeds than the 186,000 MPS of the speed of light on screen. They can be seen in the vacuum of space from side which is impossible without dust to scatter the beam (a real laser would be invisible from the side in vacuum without a lot of dust to scatter the light from the beam). And finally there is the superlaser of the Death Star when fired: REAL LASERS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! They do not just shoot out to stop in the middle of space to combine into one superduper planet-blasting ray gun. And now we get to a No Limits Fallacy: “Lasers wouldn’t even penetrate our navigation shield.†Context man context! I mean this is like taking that line from Episode I about nothing being able to get through the shields of the Trade Federation control ship at face value when we know they can be penetrated like all other shields. I mean if no weapon can get through the shields of a mere converted cargo ship then shouldn’t the Trade Feds have won the Clone Wars without losing a single starship? The fact is the ship in question if I recall the episode correctly was far smaller and more primitive than the Ent-D so its lasers would have a vastly smaller output compared to the larger more advance Ent-D which could easily tank whatever was thrown at it. So you are you telling me that we should take this offhand comment from Picard to mean that a laser of any magnitude will be deflected by the Navshields? Such as the one from Larvy Niven’s Ringworld books, specifically the second book Ringworld Engineers when the Ring’s meteor defense is shown to be able to completely obliterate sections of the ring’s surface the size of the Earth? Or how about the super laser of the Death Star? The one that has been calc at the higher end to be 10^38J - or only a million times less powerful than the 10^44J of a bloody Super Nova! Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, noob! So show us where Fed shields are shown as being able to tank a laser anywhere near the firepower of the Ringworld or the Death Star! And are you also seriously suggesting that any normal Trek ship can defeat the Death Star? Its a 160 fricking kilometers in diameter! The best the Ent-D could do to an asteroid moon (whichever episode it was Q lost his powers in) was to shatter it - Data said the mass would remain the same and the damage would be spread out. The largest size I recall being given for the asteroid moon in question placed it at 30 odd kilometers max.
  9. Ado Mortumee

    How many Pegasus-Style Battlestars can take out...

    Contradicted by the movie when the captain of the ISD the MF hid on ordered shields raised - after all, if particle shields are on all the time why order shields raised when the Falcon comes about? - and ANH novel: And finally having found my copy of the New essential Guide: “Particle shields are usually kept powered at all times to protect against micrometers and other small particles. Combat-grade radiant shielding consumes a great deal of energy and is only activated when combat is imminent.†So from this we know that they are usually kept powered at all times and that they only use combat grade shields when battle is imminent (or are getting hit with enough asteroids unless Vader gets pissed at them about wasting fuel).
  10. Ado Mortumee

    How many Pegasus-Style Battlestars can take out...

    If shields were up the book would have said the asteroids impacted the shields instead of referring directly to the hull of the Star Destroyer which makes no sense if shields are up during the impacts.
  11. Ado Mortumee

    How many Pegasus-Style Battlestars can take out...

    Depends on where it hits. If it hits the bridge it will do heavy damage if not outright destroying it, and now upon checking TESB novel I found the quote I was looking for: So if they catch the ISD with shields down the only place we know they can do any real damage with KT range nukes is the bridge tower. And even then their going to need to get the nuke within IIRC a hundred meters or so of the ship for it to do any real damage in space and the yield would have to be triple digit KT range since its Omnidirectional.
  12. Ado Mortumee

    How many Pegasus-Style Battlestars can take out...

    Asteroid=/=nuke. An asteroid impacting in space is far more damaging than an equal yield nuke (and IIRC in TESB novel there are asteroids hitting other parts of the hull and not doing any damage at all). Also as I recall the asteroid was in the low triple digit KT range.
  13. Ado Mortumee


    http://www.minecraft.net/ Minecraft is a game about placing blocks while running from skeletons. Or something like that... Here, just watch this vide Hello, reality. I'm on a pig. Welcome to the World of Minecraft. Now go over there and start punching down some trees. Oh! And watch out for the exploding green penis monsters at night.
  14. Ado Mortumee

    Popatine Vs Darth Hilary

    Vs Fight takes place in St Peter’s Basilica. No outside interference. Who wins?
  15. Ado Mortumee

    Popatine Vs Darth Hilary

    What? The pure evil emited from the second picture too much?
  16. Ado Mortumee

    Popatine Vs Darth Cheney

    Vs It is December 21st 2012 and the apprentice has chosen to take on his master. Single combat in St Peter’s Basilica. Who wins?
  17. Ado Mortumee

    Popatine Vs Darth Cheney

    Agreed, but they are not in the OP. No outside interference. This is strictly a one on one fight between Popatine and Darth Cheney.
  18. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-segal/stop-the-internet-blackli_b_739836.html More links: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/11/bill-would-nuke-visa-cards-adwords-dns-records-for-pirates.ars http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2010/09/open-letter This is horrible! Absolutely horrible! Read the wording of the bill! The government can force ICCAN to physically remove websites from the internet! Spread the word and contact your senators! NOW!
  19. Ado Mortumee

    KANE… LIVES!!!

    …in your house. He's not intent on hurting you or getting you involved in whatever subversive stuff he's plotting unless you want to get involved with whatever subversive stuff he‘s plotting. What do you do?
  20. This new Jason is SO much better than the old one.
  21. Ado Mortumee


    *Looks up from game* You again? *Blasts Jason 2 with Force Lighting until he's a pile of ash* Meh.
  22. *Looks up from playing C&C 3. Snaps fingers releasing the God Emperor and returning him to his home.* "You clearly have not read the Evil Overlord List. As you can see here on page 8067, sub-section C, paragraph 7 clearly states that Supreme Evil Overlords outrank all forms of Dictators; I am sad to say that Board Dictator falls under this rule. Now off to the mines with you!"