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Ado Mortumee

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Everything posted by Ado Mortumee

  1. I found the flamethrower! CHARGE! ***INCOMING MESSAGE FROM DURANDAL*** I don’t believe it is necessary for me to state the personality disorders evident in an individual who enjoys, or more accurately revels, in spraying their enemies with flaming napalm aerosol. Insanely yours, Durandal ***END MESSAGE***
  2. Ado Mortumee

    Duke Nukem 3D currently free on GOG.com

    And it's no longer free.
  3. Ado Mortumee

    Duke Nukem 3D currently free on GOG.com

  4. *Backs slowly away from crazy person* Where the hell did I put my TOZT-7 flamethrower?...
  5. “And on the pedestal the words appear: ‘My name is Shawn Dawn, idiot of idiots: look upon my works, ye intelligent, and dispair!' Noting beside remains. ‘Round the Decay of that colossal wreck Boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
  7. http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk/news-features/TMG9731615/Men-in-tights-how-meggings-are-taking-fashion-by-storm.html “The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And *I* will make them pay for what they’ve done.”
  8. I remember reading that Stargate Vs. Xeelee debate. And I thought Zinc and his sockpuppet army was stupid when he argued that the Borg or even the AQ Trek factions could take on the Forerunner even at a fraction of their full power. And it wasn't even really a Vs. debate the first time.
  9. Ado Mortumee

    I'm so depressed/pissed right now.

    You have my sincerest condolences, Khas. I’ve lost a few of my cats over the years, and it never grows less painful when it happens.
  10. Ado Mortumee

    Vader999's Greatest Hits!

    I... wh...? the... fuck? This Vader999 truly is the anti-Jason. There is no other explanation for this level of idiocy.
  11. Ado Mortumee

    Vader999's Greatest Hits!

    My God! It's full of derp! At least he hasn't claimed some random guy with a sniper rifle can kill Q. Yet.
  12. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05//16/us-usa-congress-debt-idUSBRE84E0RY20120516 *Sigh* I really wish the GOP would just toss the TP aside already.
  13. Ado Mortumee

    Toonami… LIVES! IT LIVES!

    http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-05-16/adult-swim-brings-back-toonami-block-starting-on-may-26 *Sheds a manly tear* This news brings back so many memories...
  14. Ah, thank you Tyralak! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flikk-Xoc8w&feature=related
  15. The Big O OST: Stoning - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvsHNN0inzs Edit: Hm, the and tags don't seem to be working. [video=youtube;MvsHNN0inzs]
  16. Good News everyone! Q is now 20% cooler!
  17. Source #1: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2011/0909/Politics-of-fighting-wildfires-Did-Rick-Perry-s-Texas-do-enough-on-its-own Source #2: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/19/us-texas-budget-wildfires-idUSTRE74l39V20110519 I… words are currently insufficient (due to how many of my brain cells have committed suicide for the second time today) to convey just how idiotic I think this is. No, wait, I now exactly what to say now: The stupid! It burns! Literally!
  18. Ado Mortumee

    Aku Vs Shendu

    Aku, from Samurai Jack is pitted against a fully-empowered Shendu, from Jackie Chan Adventures in a one-on-one fight in New York City. Which demon emerges victorious?
  19. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/chancellery/mediacentre/media-centre/news/2011/08/a-planet-made-of-diamond The planet is now Diamonds! Anything is possible when your man smells like a mad scientist.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph1DS5Qx3uw&feature=related
  21. I have return! I finally have enough free time to post again. And on another note I finally caved and decided to watch MLP: FiM… its actually good, and didn’t make me start clawing out my eyes out after the first few seconds. Far superior to most of the crap they have on nowadays. Halo is now about 20% cooler. Time to party. Anyone want a cupcake?
  22. I think their overcompensating for something…
  23. Ado Mortumee

    Why SW has no chance in hell vs ST...

    Should try and get him over here. The amusement of shredding his arguments and the resulting butt hurt would be well worth putting up with the stupidity, I think. Hm, Forerunners Vs Star Trek... purely for the lolz if he comes over here.
  24. Ado Mortumee

    Why SW has no chance in hell vs ST...

    Very amusing. Us poor mortals can not possibly hope to defeat him… *Locked onto KSW’s coordinates. *