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Posts posted by Tyralak

  1. We've seen better displays of Turbolaser fire in the past. It seems odd to me that several ISDs would be going balls-deep with their forward guns on the planet, and their firepower being turned way down to have less impact than modern anti-tank weaponry. The scene is puzzling to me. 

  2. This is the repository for all the autism you could want. Post whatever memes you like, as long as they abide by the few rules we have. Please label original content as OC in the subject line. 



  3. Just got back from seeing it.




    Wow.  Just wow.



    This is what the prequels should have been like.


    It depends on which prequel you're talking about. They were all different. TPM was the weakest of them, but AotC and RotS were great. The Force Awakens was good, though. I enjoyed it. Plenty of plot holes, but lots of fun. I'm adding a spoiler tag to the thread so we can speak freely.

  4. I can think three possible.

    One risk using like talk Star Trek TNG

    2 Romulus made big deal out of it.

    3. Section 31 was already using way hiding UFP had the technology some other agency like them.

    First it risky all fairness a computer  could done the job far as the risk go. Question why world it done that way might will had do Section 31 aim start war the Romulus. Let face the Klingon Empire and the Romulus star Empire each other throats. Section 31 motive to did something like that in Star Trek into darkness.

    2. Romulus would made big deal out of it. This interest idea few problem first Romulus Star Empire for what worth was worry about the Dominion. Did favor a Dominion victory just want dust settle to lefting stand or best chance of being left standing.Head Tal Shair spying for the UFP show just how at least that agency felt.Provide intelligence short after a least the Romulus Star Empire sign none aggressive pack. 

    3. Section 31 already using this seem make the most sense. No reason assume for second the cloak device technology made more advance was not being used time TNG. Even discovery the Romulus Star Empire next no real response. Possible because the Romulus Star Empire pure the UFP fleet equal cloak device rather just smell branch of starfleet.;


    They mentioned why the Federation doesn't use it. They have a treaty with the Romulans. That may seem like "So what? Just do what you want." Except, the Federation is trying to avoid an all out war with the Romulans. Take a look at our modern day. The nuclear arms treaties we had with the Soviet Union. The US and the USSR didn't just ignore those because the consequences would have been disastrous. It's the same thing with the Federation and the the Romulans.

  5. I apologize for the recent site issues and extended downtime. There have been some persistent server issues that we have now resolved. Mostly due to storage space, and other projects we have occupying the same server. We are going to be upgrading capacity, and there shouldn't be any more issues going forward.

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