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Everything posted by Tyralak

  1. Tyralak

    Salutations (New members introduce yourselves here.)

    <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'><p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>Damn, it has been a long time. Good to see you, man. Two questions. Who are you over at Wordforge, and where did you see the link for here? I'm interesting in knowing how the word is spreading.</div></div> I'm posting on Wordforge as <em class='bbc'>Midnight Funeral[/i]</div></div> I'll look you up. I don't post at Wordforge, although I probably should register there. I spend most of my time at Troll Kingdom. (When I'm not here, of course.)
  2. Tyralak

    Salutations (New members introduce yourselves here.)

    <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>Yes, it is I. If you're thinking "no, D.A. can't possibly stand for what I think it does" well it <em class='bbc'>does[/i] in fact stand for that. I think it's at least 6 or 7 years since I posted to the Usenet board. I've now found my way back thanks to a posting on a board I've been on for a couple of years called Wordforge.net I'm no longer really that "into" either star trek or star wars, but as soon as I saw the link to this board and realised what it was, I knew I had to sign up, if only for old times sake.</div></div> Damn, it has been a long time. Good to see you, man. Two questions. Who are you over at Wordforge, and where did you see the link for here? I'm interesting in knowing how the word is spreading.
  3. <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>I remember people like Rob Dalton, Strowbridge, MK Sheppard, Marina O'Leary, Elim Garak, Chuck Sonnenburg, Raycav, Boyd etc. I haven't posted on the asvs usenet board in at least 6 or 7 years and have only rarely glanced at it in the time since. (If you're in any doubt who I am, see my post in the salutations thread) Anyway, for those who were active on the asvs usenet board right up until the present, how many of those people remain and how many've dropped off the radar? Just wondering.</div></div> Good to have you back. It's been a long time. Raycav and Ali-Sama post here, as do Enigma and The Baron. I hope you like the site. I'm still working on improving it and getting the bugs ironed out. If you have any suggestions on things you'd like to see, let me know.
  4. Tyralak

    Stormtrooper vs. Redshirt

    <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>Yes, yes we are forced to assume competent showings off-screen. It's all in the dialogue. One scene that stands out in my memory, is the scene where Obi-wan and Luke find the dead Jawas and their wrecked sand-crawler. "No, the blaster points are too precise for Sand People... Only Imperial Storm Troopers are so precise." Or something very similar to that. They easily took out the Tantive IV troops in ANH, and were shown to dominate the relatively hapless Rebels all throughout ESB. Then, you know, there is that kind of cheap excuse that Han, and Luke and the others were purposely allowed to escape from the Death Star. They are feared throughout the Empire, and, In-universe, have a very good reputation. Now, plot requires them to have very poor aim when the named characters are involved, as it does in every movie of the fantasy genre, but off-screen, they are anything but incompetent.</div></div> This is a good point. I have no doubt that they have good aim in general. What would it say about the competency of a military if their soldiers couldn't shoot straight? We can't be expected to believe they could dominate a galaxy based solely on space superiority.
  5. Tyralak

    my first pie!

  6. Tyralak

    my first pie!

    Looks good. And I'm not a fan of buttermilk. What does that kind of pie taste like anyway?
  7. Tyralak

    Salutations (New members introduce yourselves here.)

    He'd be scarred for life. BARON! Post moar!
  8. Tyralak

    A hard scifi setting

    This place isn't really about Wong anyway. He's welcome here if he wants to join. I doubt he will. He's actually of very little consequence to me.
  9. Tyralak

    Stormtrooper vs. Redshirt

    I'm a big fan of Romulans, myself.
  10. A lot of the previous discussion regarding Borg adaptability had been hampered by blind devotion to certain ideas that are questionable at best. So, in this first of a series of threads, I think we should take a new look at supposedly "settled" discussions. Supposedly, the Borg can only adapt to energy (ray) weapons, whereas they are vulnerable to melee weapons. While this does seem to be true as far as drones are concerned, that reasoning should not be expanded to assume Borg ships are only capable of adapting to energy weapons. The reasoning given by Warsies, is convoluted at best. It seemed to consist of the idea that TLs are obviously thermal weapons, therefore rely on KE, and would pass right through a Borg Cube's defenses. Present your cases for and against, please.
  11. Tyralak

    A hard scifi setting

    <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'><p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>Isn't there an atomic rocket website that delves extensively about it?</div></div> Yeah and it's run by a known Wongist. Down with it, I say!</div></div> That, I didn't know.
  12. Tyralak

    A hard scifi setting

    So, does that mean we can't post about it here too?
  13. Tyralak

    Ben Bova

    What? No love for Ben?
  14. Tyralak

    classichummus reporting in...

    LOL! So, apparently no action this time then, huh?
  15. Tyralak

    Favorite Video Game (or series)

    I just bought Silent Hill: Homecoming on the way home from work. We'll see how good it is.
  16. Tyralak

    greetings to everyone

    Good to have you! There's a stickied Salutations thread in the Ten Forward. Enjoy the site.
  17. Tyralak


    You know, I never really watched it, but I kinda wish I had.
  18. Tyralak

    Salutations (New members introduce yourselves here.)

    <p class='citation'>Quote</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>I am me.</div></div> You are indeed you! Outstanding to see you, Baron.
  19. Tyralak

    Just saying hello

    And I'll say hello to all of you!
  20. Tyralak

    The new Star Trek movie

    I was able to see this movie at the IMAX opening night back in May. I have to say, at first I had reservations, but I went into it with an open mind, and really enjoyed it. I thought the acting, for the most part was really good. Chekov was annoying, but that's really the only complain I had. The casting was pretty good as well. Quinto made a great Spock, and Karl Urban WAS Bones. I mean, dead on accurate. The soundtrack is what really got my attention. The score was fantastic. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I won't reveal any spoilers, but the massive change in the Trek universe made near the end of the movie took a serious pair of brass balls to attempt. I fully intend to buy it on DVD when it comes out. I may even break down and buy a Blu-Ray player and get it on BD.
  21. Tyralak

    Favorite Video Game (or series)

    Same here. I also had a Commodore 64. God, I loved that thing.
  22. Tyralak

    The new Star Trek movie

    Well, I grew up watching TOS, (re-runs, I'm not that fucking old) before TNG came out. You should watch some of them. They were really good, and I think this movie had a lot in common with TOS. But really, as far as Kirk on, this is a different universe. Totally. They have free reign now to do whatever they want. I find that kind of appealing.
  23. Tyralak

    Salutations (New members introduce yourselves here.)

    Hmmmmm.. so you think the host is the problem? I know this theme has to have some things done manually, like the youtube link button I still have to add. But if the host is the problem, I may just give up on it. I was told by another tech admin that Hostgator was a good provider. Did this board have a dedicated Hostgator server? Or did it just rent space on one like I'm doing?
  24. Tyralak

    Salutations (New members introduce yourselves here.)

    Oh, and Airlocke, join the STGOD. I think you'll have fun. Tell Raycav what you think of it, and put any suggestions you have in the thread.
  25. Tyralak

    Captain Kirk vs Luke Skywalker

    I wouldn't mind "getting" Harley Quinn.