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Everything posted by Tyralak

  1. Tyralak

    ASVS Forum Anthem

    Given the choices, I would say Angel of Doom.
  2. Tyralak

    Effects of a one-ton bomb.

    Exactly, Khas. We can't theorize these titanic yields and ignore the complete lack of effects supporting them.
  3. Tyralak

    Effects of a one-ton bomb.

    The normal gravity could also be due to the moon being incredibly dense.
  4. Tyralak

    Effects of a one-ton bomb.

    However, you're making the assumption that the concussion was caused by the impact of the beam weapon. Perfect example of the logical fallacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc. The concussion could have been caused by a number of things, not the least of which is avalanches caused by beam strikes on ice. It could be something as simple as footsteps from AT-ATs who were coming too close. They ARE rather big and heavy, after all.
  5. Tyralak

    Another way UFP handle first Death star

    The problem is, the UFP wouldn't ever do something like that. Other races might, but not the UFP.
  6. BTW, Jason. Have you had a chance to watch Brian Young's videos yet? Go into the Scifights video discussion forum. He's done some excellent work.
  7. Tyralak

    Vampire Slugfest!

    You're missing the Salt Vampires from TOS.
  8. Tyralak

    The Metaverse Obliterator! (Somewhat NSFW)

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That about sums it up.
  9. Tyralak

    Maquis vrs star war GE

    True. Warp Drive would be an advantage when dealing with areas that have no Hyperspace lanes. However, they would need to have other advantages besides just that if they were going to make a dent in the GE. Bringing knowledge of NDE weaponry like Phasers could be a plus, however most likely they would join the rebellion, not the other way around.
  10. Tyralak

    Maquis vrs star war GE

    Welcome back, old buddy!
  11. Tyralak

    NDF: A Myth

    You realize the irony in that statement, don't you? This is something that's been rattling around in my head for a while, and at the risk of dragging Star Wars into a thread that really is strictly a Star Trek matter. I also want to make clear that the following isn't a dig at Brian or Curtis. I have the utmost respect for their work. I'm simply shedding light on what appears to be a double standard by some in the VS community. What you described is exactly what we're expected to do with the ICS. Now, I haven't changed my position. At least until Lucasfilm outright contradicts those firepower figures in a TCW episode or a subsequent movie, I still accept them. But this is the issue. We are expected to accept the ships generate X amount of power and have X amount of firepower based on extrapolation of acceleration. The lack of secondary effects from that kind of acceleration? Not important. The lack of any visual support for multi gigaton beam weapons? Not important. Mystery reactors that beat E=MC2 like a redheaded stepchild and somehow generate stellar level power with very limited fuel sources and without obliterating the ship from the inside out? Not important. Ships that can supposedly take stellar level energy bolts but can get creamed by a slow moving asteroid? Not important. It's just something we have to keep in mind. In any of these series, contradictions abound. It's not simply a matter of finding ways for such and such franchise to come out on top, but all explanations have to be explored, preconceptions challenged and angles examined. Khas is thinking outside the box, and that's extremely important. He brought up an interesting point of view and a direction that may not have been considered before.
  12. Tyralak

    NDF: A Myth

    It's sort a form of "molecular Judo" using the target's own stored energy against itself. I would clarify tough, it's not the the dense rocks can't be disintegrated, simply at that level of power output, they are heated and not disintegrated. Which is why when people shoot at a rock with the intention of heating it up, they turn the power way down. The interesting thing is, dense metals being less affected isn't limited to Trek weapons. Really any beam weapon would have a more difficult time destroying a denser material, whether the damage is done with heat or molecular disintegration.
  13. Tyralak

    NDF: A Myth

    No, the deflector isn't more powerful, its just different. There's a very long and annoying thread on the subject here. http://forums.asvs.org/showthread.php/259-Galaxy-class-starship-main-defector-dish-as-a-weapon Unless you're just assuming hyperbole, there's no reason to think he wasn't correct. In fact, it was stated in that same scene, that they had done extensive scans on the moon. Mostly to determine if there were life signs. Archer was well aware of the size and composition of that mountain. If it were an exaggeration, he wouldn't have been off by much.
  14. Tyralak

    NDF: A Myth

    In the episode, it was explained that destabilizing the asteroid by firing on it would cause it to collapse on the ship.
  15. Tyralak

    NDF: A Myth

    Its staggering but it makes . There has to be an explanation as to how just over a kiloton of energy could obliterate a mountain the size of mt McKinley. It explains an awful lot about phasers.
  16. Tyralak

    Blackstar Warrior

    Now this should be made into a feature length film.
  17. Two wrongs don't make a right. *shudder*
  18. Tyralak

    EU admits to being parallel universe.

    Where does it say that the technical manuals were removed?
  19. Tyralak

    Firefly: Overrated and Unoriginal

    Actually, this is the main reason to watch Firefly.