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Everything posted by Questor

  1. Questor

    A fleet Delta Flyer vrs the Death star

    What yield do you calculate for Photon Torpedoes? Given the results we see from PhoTorp impacts, i figured 64 MT was extremely generous.
  2. Questor

    A fleet Delta Flyer vrs the Death star

    What's the size of an X-Wing Proton Torpedo? As I recall, the Photon Torpedo has a 1.5 Kg charge, which gives a yield of about 64 MT. Of course, capitol ship proton torpedoes are much larger, and could support even bigger nuclear weapons. You don't have the issues in space that you do in atmosphere.
  3. In that case, to use an old word. *plonk* We have enough people who cannot spell or use proper grammar.
  4. The irony of this post is palpable.
  5. Questor

    I'M ALIVE!!

    Welcome back! Here's some reputation.
  6. Ruthlessly reposted from HPCA Media tag didn't work
  7. Questor

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    Thanks for the answer anyway. A lot of developers would have just ignored me.
  8. Questor

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    Is there any way we could have a dialog telling us how many of each rep we have remaining?
  9. Oh no, the general lack of quality (and I'd say that some parts of Enterprise were among the best Trek ever made), is completely beside the point.
  10. TOS and TMP-era is also relevant to the Yesterday's Enterprise universe, but what I was getting at was the multi-decade gap in time, during which technological exchange could have occurred. If I used Enterprise weapons to calculate the yield of TNG weapons, I'd be just as out of line. ET fix spelling. ETA: You could also argue that most of TNG is relevant as well. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (timely reference), the US went to war with what it head. Massive technological changes would not have happened that fast. I would argue that we'd see the Defiant sooner, and possibly the Sovereign class replacing the late-Galaxys as the Galaxy is relegated to a troop carrier role and replaces the late Ambassadors. ETA: Well, fuck. I didn't realize the timescale we were talking about here. With a twenty year time gap, the existence of the Galaxy class AT ALL makes no sense without the effect I am talking about. I would suspect that the Galaxy class had been on the drawing boards for a long time, and when the war started, they put all their eggs in that basket, and started to build the Galaxies. Technological progress would be all over the charts though. The time gap also proves my point about the powers being evenly matched though. THERE IS NO WAY A WAR LASTS THAT LONG UNLESS THE POWERS ARE AT ALMOST 100% PARITY.
  11. The first link is a link to memory alpha (a wiki) referencing a comment by the always honest Section 31 about the DS9 Klingon war. The burden is on you to show that that is relevant to Yesterday's Enterprise. EDIT TO ADD: It would also be a good idea to demonstrate that the guy from Section 31 wasn't lying at the time. The second link is another link memory alpha, providing a history of the Klingon Empire, which doesn't discuss the alternate reality AT ALL. The third link is, yet again, a link to Memory Alpha, and this time it references STVI! I assume this is regarding the whole "effect of praxis's explosion" discussion. You have not shown that it is in any way relevant to this discussion. That is either the most dishonest debating I've ever seen, or one of the most appalling displays of ignorance in history. Both of those links refer to ENTERPRISE! You still have not addressed any of the many other points I have brought up in this discussion, and now you are citing completely irrelevant items to support your thesis. At a certain point, concession is honorable.
  12. What does the issue of hand phasers to everyone mean in this context? If the UFP wanted to improve its phaser usage, especially since they are a replicator society, I would be more impressed by a pistol-grip and a trigger guard, also some sights. The fact that none of those phasers have sights implies that they are VERY short ranged weapons. Even modern pistols have sights. Where is your evidence of Klingon medical treatment? Where do you get the idea that the federation builds more starships a year than the Klingon Empire? It is generally more interesting if you answer all points raised. Otherwise it looks like you are ducking or conceding.
  13. Questor

    The States of Sanity go to war

    The C-48 Universe Transport While the new C-48 looks identical to the old C-5 galaxy from a distance, once you get close, you realize that this is an entirely new aircraft. The basic shape of the C-5 was retained, but the extra power from new 115,300 lbf engines, which are over two and a half times as powerful as the engines of the C-5, allow the C-48 to be much larger, and carry over half again the cargo weight, while still operating from the same airfields. The cargo compartment of the C-48 is 17' tall, 24' wide, and 182.5' long. This gives it space for 44 pallets, 25% more than its predecessor, it also has a 135 seat upper passenger deck. In its passenger configuration, it has two decks in the place of the cargo bay, giving a total of 8,760 square feet of space, allowing the transport to carry an entire battalion of troops. A squadron of C-48s can airlift an entire division of combat troops in one lift. A cargo aircraft can be converted to passenger configuration in 18 hours at a major base. Other aircraft configurations will utilize the two deck hold to carrying crew for many missions. The aerial refueling variant of the C-48 can carry 51,000 gallons of fuel and 4 Skybolt missiles. This gives SAC's Valkyries a strike range of 4,000 miles. Max Cargo: 400,000 lbs Empty Weight: 560,000 lbs Max Takeoff Weight: 1,600,000 lbs Max Fuel: 106,500 gallons (611,900 lbs) Cruising Speed: 566 mph Max Speed: 604 mph Range at max cargo: 3,000 miles Air Force Reorganization and Expansion The States of Sanity Air Force has announced a massive reorganization to allow it to become a more potent and flexible force. SAC alone will become larger than the Air Force was previously. "Changes in technology and national goals have forced us to change the makeup of our Air Force." said The Most Glorious Sane Leader at a speech at The Strategic Air Academy at High Point. This reorganization will see large portions of SAC's mission changed from a primarily strategic role to a conventional, expeditionary role. Integrating light, medium, and heavy bombers, and even fighters into the order of battle, these two new "Air Forces" will allow the States of Sanity to project power without threatening its neighbors with nuclear weapons. Also mentioned was the expansion of Air Defense Command, and the transfer of the F-108 fighters to ADC's control to provide point defense interceptors. EDIT: Changed the location of a picture to remove the implication that an F-12 is an F-108.
  14. Questor

    The States of Sanity go to war

    States of Sanity War Room "Your exaltedness, the bombers have reached their failsafe points. Should we proceed?" "Don't you think that it is unfair to punish the people for the misguided acts of their leaders?" asks the Education Minister. "Since the leader of Blackacre has stepped down, why don't you accept that as pennance?" The Most Glorious Sane Leader mulls it over. "Bring the bombers back. You'd better be right, Alex."
  15. Ummm.... Could you give me some help on this? Without you using quote, I don't know which part of my message you are responding to. Also, once again, you have not addressed all of the issues I raised. Are you conceeding the ones you did not address?
  16. Questor

    How good is Stromtrooper armor anyway.

    Evidence please? Preferably statistical, with multiple incidents from multiple movies and I'd like to see it explained, rather than in a link to Darkstar's site.
  17. ETAAA: You understand that I'm not talking about true air superiority, but about methods of attack, right? Also we never saw the outside of the outpost, so how do you know that orbital or even atmospheric bombardment is not happening. How do we know that the situation is analogous? ETA: Why did the Klingons want that outpost? Was there a reason they could not use orbital bombardment? Did they have capitol ships available, or were the only forces in the area troopships? ETAA: You understand that the kind of homeworld strike I'm talking about would require a fleet larger than the one in Sacrifice of Angels, right? By the way, didn't I already mention that wars between relatively equally matched opponents are different than wars between mismatched opponents? Or are you saying that the Klingon empire has the same advantage over the @ Federation that you are saying that the YE Federation had over the YE Klingons? Added a few more preliminary questions with edit.
  18. Questor

    seaQuest DSV love/hate thread

    This thread is for the discussion of Rockne O'Bannon's other SF show, seaQuest DSV.
  19. Questor

    How good is Stromtrooper armor anyway.

    Why don't you sit down with a spreadsheet and the films and tell us? How would you go about determining how "good" it is?
  20. I don't know, like I said, I don't know much about the EU. When I look at things I don't look at the technology anymore, as it seems to leave to many holes, but I try and look at what the implication of the plot are on technology, kind of like what I did in the Yesterday's Enterprise topic. When you look at what the implications of "Highway only" hyperspace, you can create a series of predictions based on what that would do strategically and story wise. The first of these is that traffic would have to pass through choke points, which would be useful for defenders. One of the implications of the existence of choke points is that you can make something more secure by putting it behind those choke points. Another implication is that it would be much easier to hide if you have the resources to try and scout hyperspace lines. Imagine how much differently things might have gone if the Empire couldn't find Hoth because they did not even know how to get to it. The implications of no hyperspace lines are more attractive from a story standpoint, but they fail to explain the fact that the hyperspace lines are mentioned throughout canon. As I've described previously, a mixed system would account for all of the evidence that I know of, and the evidence you cited. If you make navicomputers a more recent development than the hyperdrive, you can even account for the description that you cited, that the original hyperspace lines were calculated by the ancient race, and expanding that knowledge was a dangerous occupation. So that's how I come to the conclusion that hyperspace lines might be something used by the "commercial carriers" of the Star Wars universe. Remember, according to the most fundamental parts of the canon polices we've always used on ASVS, the films take first priority. So all evidence from the films must be accounted for. We have to account for the navigation scene in ANH, for the trip from no-name system A (Hoth) to no-name system B (Dagobah), the parsecs line in ANH, and the ability of the rebel fleet in ROtJ to avoid interception. As an aside, would routes through gravity even be constant on the timescales we are talking about?
  21. Right, and that fits with what I was saying, too. The normal ships take hyper lanes. Military/smuggling ships would take any route they can calculate. Otherwise the existence of navicomputers makes no sense. Not to mention a pretty iconic scene in ANH. "It ain't like dusting crops, boy."
  22. Uhh Tyr? I'd like a cite on that. My impression was that the Hyperspace lines were faster, and could be travelled with a lesser (and cheaper) navicomp. Things like interdictors or calculations to make a jump make very little sense without that. I wouldn't doubt there are well travelled routes, but just because a lot of traffic took the triangle route in early American history did not mean it was the only one. Its the same with modern air routes. ETA: my knowledge of the EU is admittedly spotty. I haven't touched it since the middle of NJO. And I never read the comics, except for the occasional TPB that my library would get.
  23. How does any of that pertain to the question of how the war is going? If this thread was created as another way for you to wank to the Federation, I'll shut up, but I made a number of points about how there is no way that the war has progressed to the degree it has without both sides being evenly matched. Star Trek does not have any mechanisms to force a planet-hopping war other than relatively evenly matched combatants. If you can come up with a technological reason why either side had to fight a traditional war, rather than a modern "air superiority" war, please state them.