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Everything posted by InvaderSkooj

  1. InvaderSkooj

    Imperial Star Destroyer Quantification Thread

    TRANSLATION: We should ignore everything not seen in the movies, because I don't like it For someone who claims to like the Zahn novels you seem to have no idea what they contain. A major plot point of the Hand of Thrawn duology, was the Imperial depopulation of Caamas, and the attempt to do the same thing to Bothawui with 3 cloaked ISDs.Complete destruction of life on an earthlike planet in less than 24 hours requires millions of gigatons at a minimum. Just one source from something you you profess to like. There is hardly "nothing" to support gigaton firepower, it just requires critical thinking or is in the level of canon you feel should be ignored unless directly referenced in the movies, or cartoon. On the same token we should ignore the contradictory elements of ST canon, since they dont fit in with with the theme of the series. Things like weapons of mass destruction, which dont fit in with the peaceful, diplomatic, explorers of the UFP starting in the 24th century.
  2. InvaderSkooj

    Are ST ships as badly designed as SW ships?

    Ahh but it nicely explains the lack of mass destruction while propelling multi-hundred thousand ton ships in atmosphere with fusion rockets, and the lack of kinetic effects in voyagers crash Which is easily explained if they have their mass lightening on, be much different if we seen them survive in a deep in a gravity well with no impulse/warp power, or SIFs on Every nameless miranda ever destroyed, USS Yamato blowing up, Odyssey blowing up after being rammed by a bug,various klingon ships being blown up after ramming by bug, Ent-D various near breaches or breaches in alternate timelines, Doesn't change line of sight, the MF merely flew out of line of sight,which will be more limited closer to the sensor. Given how the Rebels detected the Imperial fleet behind them, and the blockade runner was able to fire on a ISD behind it we know rearward facing sensors and weapons are not unheard of in SW Which for all we know took a whole fleets firepower to weaken
  3. InvaderSkooj

    Are ST ships as badly designed as SW ships?

    DejaQ they extend a warp field around a small moon/big asteroid and tow it away from a planet at impulse with tractor beams. Last I checked the blue lights were part of the warp coils thus if the blue lights on = warp field None of the UFP Enterprises were capable of planetary landing Yet every other ship without a good guy main character onboard just explodes ICS cutaways of SDs were all 3/4 views from the front. Considering the sensor globe had no line of sight when the MF landed its not being detected is not unsurprising So easy they needed to concentrate the fire power of a fleet on them,and they only knocked out the shields on the bridge
  4. Nuke it from orbit, Although you'll need Archer or Janeway in command, everyone else tries to follow the prime directive
  5. Is that what tard boys gibberish meant, I stopped trying to translate to english
  6. InvaderSkooj

    Are ST ships as badly designed as SW ships?

    Yup thats why they apparently leave the warp field on at all times TNG+ Note how a said some not all Yet for a prototype reactor in an ISD II we haven't anything with a hypermatter reactor spontaneously explode, case in point one of the new episodes of TCW features a venator crashing into a planet at a significant velocity, yet no earth shattering kaboom for the hypermatter reactor Missed that episode, and on the same token we've never seen a SD attacked from the rear On the bridge only, and this was after Ackbar gave the order to concentrate fire on the Executor. So at best the globes only provide local coverage for the bridge, and the shields were already weakened by who knows how much fire from the Rebel Fleet.
  7. InvaderSkooj

    Problems NDF thoery

    The problem with the NDF theory is that dipshit doesnt understand it
  8. InvaderSkooj

    Are ST ships as badly designed as SW ships?

    Yup just as bad if not worse. At least SW ships arent filled with antimatter, and tubes full of liquid hot magma...err plasma. And most likely most the older types would collapse under their own weight without mass lightening and structural integrity fields. The mighty defiant has no rear facing weapons, and we don't really know if star destroyers have rear facing weapons or not. The Kzinti lesson teaches us that being in the general vicinity of exhaust is a bad idea, and the sensor globes were already unshielded when the fighters shot at them
  9. They had to deactivate the shield to land on the planet, so unless moron-boy hand waved it away in the OP, the shuttle is going to go splat on the shield as they approach Endor to drop their imaginary paratroopers
  10. InvaderSkooj

    George Lucus vs B&B

    Darth Lucas force chokes them to death
  11. They all go splat on the planetary shield
  12. InvaderSkooj

    Galaxy X class starship vrs the Death star

    Umm how 'bout.....no
  13. Then there's the whole ion storms pwning ST ships, which would support ST ships having no defense against ion cannons either, and we all know what happens when ships built out of matter lose all power and the EM fields around the antimatter fail
  14. How come starfleet doesnt have protection against warpcore breaches and antimatter explosions, they've used antimatter for 200+years
  15. InvaderSkooj

    Stargate Universe

    I watch it occasionally, I havent been impressed with the SG-1 franchise lately
  16. His ass or SDN who knows Although it's one of the saner thing he's came up with
  17. InvaderSkooj

    Salt on Enceladus

    Well at lest the aliens have someplace to stop if they run out of salt for their fries
  18. InvaderSkooj

    USS Defiant vs Death star

  19. InvaderSkooj

    UFP vrs Predator

    Blue explosion, the bolt was blue. didnt look like the normal shield effect, ass-stain
  20. InvaderSkooj

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Oh well look at the bright side, that means another 6 months of activity, or at least until one side or the other cant take the concentrated stupid anymore and slashes their wrists
  21. InvaderSkooj

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Nope now he's recycling his argument
  22. InvaderSkooj

    Galaxy class starship main defector dish as a weapon

    Dear Fucking God now he's back to the same argument as the 1st fucking page