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Everything posted by InvaderSkooj

  1. Cold war warpac/nato armies commonly fielded nukes that could be fired by 155mm artillery not to mention most cold war era tactical fighters WERE NUCLEAR CAPABLE. Tactical nukes are not our most powerful weapon, strategic weapons are. HTL would properly be compared to ICBMs, SLBMs,strategic cruise missiles, and high yield strategic bombs. Dropping nuke yields willy nilly on a RESCUE mission is quite stupid, even for sci-fi militaries At low yields you are likely to be killed by the blast anyway Didnt see the entire battle, didnt want to collapse the building on the people they were supposed to be rescuing 10m asteroids would require 3.8-7.5kt to vaporize, and being hit with a tiny energy beam, is nowhere nearly as efficient as dropping something in a blast furnace And my favorite, nowhere was anyone ordered or mentioned to fire at max yield.
  2. Overkill, a single 1kt blast would kill everone for hundreds of meters around it. Same reason modern armies dont fling around tac nukes like crazy Based on what? He may have. Its hard to tell in space
  3. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    Need to see some velocity and acceleration calcs for a runabout And we dont see runabouts destroying 300m ships either Nice try I already posted that snippet care to show where they damaged it. As Ive already shown the TIEs were chasing an A-wing. Do try and keep up Or as little as an artillery shell, and your GT calc are generous to say the least No yield mentioned, there is another C canon book that mentions there yield of fighter munitions though. Need to see some calcs for the micro photons Based on what? Because you said so? No, only based on your biased analysis which doesnt take the 900MW canon figure into account. We know from ST5 that fullsized Photorps are capable of amazingly small yields that make 900MJ look huge in comparison Based on your say so. What episode were runabouts seen to engage beyond a few km Right a Blastboat or B wing is more like it Just because you keep saying "reasonable" all the time doesnt make it so
  4. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    No they behave exactly as we see explosions on TV Intellectually dishonest to do so, the mechanism must be different No i choose to not intentionally use bad science Just like the torpedo in ST5, love those megatons Right he posted the same clip as I did, they were TIE interceptors not bombers and no threat to the frigate.
  5. Right Just like DS9....which they've been known to miss.
  6. Obviously it just wasnt covered in the movies, they've never said they were firing at full power , so they havent contradicted BDZ calcs or ICS.
  7. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    Yup just like everone else in vs debates Yes by just making shit up Sure if you just make shit up
  8. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    Well this has about run its course I'm not saying they dont exist, I'm saying they shouldnt be quantified, because they shoundnt exist Which would be fine if there was a way to correlate weapon yield to fireballs outside the atmosphere.
  9. InvaderSkooj

    How good is Stromtrooper armor anyway.

    The same people who send their troops into battle with no armor
  10. So wheres the evidence form the movies? I find it odd that BDZ and ICS numbers are clearly wrong since they werent, explicitly demonstrated in the movies. But yet this, which would impose a limitation not seen in the movies is apparently something the EU wasnt deluded about.
  11. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    We can do this all day, the fact it was previously cloaked and firing weapons at them would suggest they'd want to use the highest yield possible to eliminate the threat.Unless of course they're idiots I'm no genius at scaling,but it is closer to the camera than the Ent-D which would make it appear larger. It is clearly much smaller than the battle section who knows Explosions in space dont matter,there shouldnt be fireballs in space, The nukes in space section should clear this up. I have no idea what you mean. Using fireballs in space to judge yield is stupid, fireballs are caused by the rapid absorption of energy by the atmosphere, which space lacks.
  12. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    while this may be true, they still had to dump enough energy into it to pierce the shield and have enough left over to destroy the temple I thought it was odd trek core allowed a hotlink to go through. realistically the difference is meaningless as explosions dont look like that in space. And its easily explained away since almost everyone we know in ST worth mentioning, uses AM for power and/or weapons Using fireballs in space to estimate yield is bad science
  13. InvaderSkooj

    What if the Borg assimilated Jar Jar Binks?

    I wouldnt wish that upon anyone
  14. Its all fine and dandy if it was Ent-D vs the klingons, nothing shown indicates any superiority to a star destroyer
  15. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    presumably to make them more effective while technically true, the utter lack of any secondary effects precludes any kind of yield in the GJ+ range even assuming the shield absorbed 99.9% of the energy You have an odd definition of what classifies as in atmosphere . All the explosions are clearly above the atmosphere , as shown by the lack of atmospheric heating Just throwing it out there, not like I'm using it to calc weapon yield
  16. I am attempting to communicate at his level. More firepower
  17. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    Yup the drilling, along with stuff like Who mourns for Adonais they phasorize a temple, the xindi probe . Arsenal of freedom weapon probe destroyed in upper atmosphere, less than spectacular explosion(probably from the probes powerplant/weapons cooking off)
  18. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    Yup I have one canon incident, you have conjecture, the complete lack of any significant secondary effects(fireballs etc) from all the instances of ship phasers being used in atmosphere, suggests only a minuscule fraction of their power is DET. Thank you. 7:42 approx. I fail to see how "they're heading for the medical frigate" while they are in the process of intercepting imperial fighters, is indicative of TIEs being a threat to it, especially when the TIEs were chasing an A-wing, and not making attack runs on it
  19. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    Problem is ST beam weapons are not pure DET so for all we know it takes 900MW to phasorize 1 ton of hull material reply to this later off to for turkey dinner
  20. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    By all means quantify others then How odd,I remember it being fine til the death star shot it
  21. InvaderSkooj

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    DS9 battle lines, runabouts shields dropped and USS Yangtzee kiang shot down by a single 900MW blast http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/413.htm