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Everything posted by InvaderSkooj

  1. InvaderSkooj

    Lawsuit to shut down LHC.

    Meh, turn it back on see if I care
  2. InvaderSkooj

    Comaprisons of computing power

    Merely making a point , you dont see me making help/advice threads anywhere Any and all assertions made in this thread So how many kilobytes is that So how many pentiums that equal to good thing you remembered nice scientific terms like probably and hope And quite unquantifiable in real terms
  3. InvaderSkooj

    Comaprisons of computing power

    Shouldn't the same standard apply to the other side
  4. InvaderSkooj

    What known about Earth Defense systoms

    I dont see any defenses, and last I checked planetary shields are ToS lostech
  5. InvaderSkooj

    What known about Earth Defense systoms

    SF after breen attack Hiroshima after littleboy Nagasaki after fatman
  6. InvaderSkooj

    Comaprisons of computing power

    Ahh yes. I love it when people throw opinion around as fact We dont know enough about eithers hardware to really make any kind of qualitative assessment. Speed, memory, storage capacity, physical size are all complete unknowns. All we know from whats been tossed about is ST has problems miniaturizing AI, since the holodeck/EMH require a starships computer. Whereas almost any SW droid that goes too long without a memory wipe will be sentient, beyond this there is no hard evidence to make any conclusions
  7. InvaderSkooj

    What known about Earth Defense systoms

    Or earth defenses suck and breen weapons are weak there is more than enough evidence to reach this conclusion
  8. InvaderSkooj

    UFP vrs Predator

  9. InvaderSkooj

    UFP vrs Predator

  10. Yet the ones that do, the only real defense was calling for whatever Enterprise happened to be about
  11. InvaderSkooj

    UFP and wornhole aliens vrs the Star War Empire

    I sense a great disturbance in the force
  12. InvaderSkooj

    UFP vrs Predator

  13. InvaderSkooj

    UFP and wornhole aliens vrs the Star War Empire

    Nope just need to sacrifice more virgins
  14. InvaderSkooj

    The latest in debauchery

  15. InvaderSkooj

    The latest in debauchery

    Most later marks(after MkXX or so) were capable of 110-150km/h. All the Mk30+ were capable of 500km/h on treads or flying because of the ContraGrav
  16. InvaderSkooj

    The latest in debauchery

    Going buy the utter lack of any significant secondary effects when used in an atmosphere, and numerous references to phasers being gigawatt range despite the lack of even gigajoule range secondary effects, we can safely say phasers will be next to useless against battlescreens, bolos, and heavy wahships in general. As for photon torpedo yield, I can say vanilla pudding is chocolate all day long, it still doesn't make it chocolate pudding, in other words have fun proving it. Its also fairly moot anyway, as my extremely generous energy density calc shows, a 50MT omni-directional blast is over 12,840 times less intense than a 200cm hellbore.(ie to equal the energy density of a 200cm hellbore a photorp would need to be 642gigatons or so) And then there's the whole intercepting 473-170G missiles in less than 5.4seconds( ie nearly the entire torpedo complement of 2 GCS) On the same note, 100 megatons is only 10.001% of 999 megatons which means mathematically 100 megatons is a low megaton nuke of which an ancient MkXXVIII bolo can shrug off over two dozen.
  17. InvaderSkooj

    UFP and wornhole aliens vrs the Star War Empire

    For super benevolent god beings they sure let Bajor get fucked alot. Maybe if the bajorans sacrificed more virgins on naked chick altars
  18. They have radiation vaccines
  19. InvaderSkooj

    The Ireken Empire in Star Wars

    Operation Impending Doom III