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  • IPB version 4.2 installed!


Emperor's Hand
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Everything posted by paul

  1. Theoretically he could of rebuilt the star drive i suppose but..meh... I dunno.
  2. Well if my computer didn't decide to shit itself to the point it BSOD'd yesterday (and I just said fuck it and went to bed lol) this probably would of been handled yesterday. All the games are being pulled off the arcade and reinstalled along with the latest version to make sure most of them work. But thanks for the notice
  3. They have seat belts now. But regardless it wouldn't of gone splat easily just because Tie fighter hit it.
  4. Updates completed - Main Engineering has been cleaned out of all irrelevant posts. All questions or comments about the site may go in here. General BS and stupid threads do not belong in here. Mail system was enabled. FU Store updated - http://forums.asvs.o...-store-changes/ IPB Updated to 3.1.4 Arcade updated and 120 games added.
  5. The odds of a Tie fighter colliding with the DF are about a billion to one. Regardless, shield technology since the Enterprise D advanced heavily considering the enterprise e took an insane chunk of a romulan starship upside the head and all it did was drain the shields.
  6. better logic --- Use phase cloaking tech, fly through the DS, pop out at big ole core thingy, fire torps, phase cloak and walk on out. Game, Set, Match.
  7. paul

    Mail for all ASVS users

    If it's not obvious, this didn't go according to plan lol. I am STILL working on this and I'm trying to get it out to you all as quickly as possible.
  8. As long as things go according to plan, starting tomorrow all users on asvs.org will/should have theirusername@asvs.org as an e-mail. This will be streamlined straight into your account here and it will be web based (meaning you'll have to check it here). Please note: Anyone using it for porn will be shot. Anyone using it for gay porn will somehow magically be unable to access the site and not be banned Also while I'm posting, the new icon and info uptop? That's Subspace Radio. It's a Radio station that runs live DJ's multiple times during the day and also has it's own auto dj system. ATM it's about Star Trek Online but it could be moving into Champions Online soon enough. So, now it's linked here. Don't like it? Too fracking bad kthx.
  9. paul

    Crazy Bruce's Liquors

    ...welp for sure crazy.
  10. paul

    Think you know Caitians?

    Well... you don't know matt and stormbringer's characters on STO...
  11. that's a fail of a pic good sir it's hard to read.
  12. paul

    How long..

    I refuse to respond to this line of questioning due to the horror it asks us to predict.
  13. paul

    I totally popped her cherry

    such a fag... I thought we were gonna see a pic of some girl you banged so i could say she was ugly making you feel like shit... Thanks for ruining my dreams
  14. The switch has been completed. Bouncy Mail will be the first thing to be installed tonight, along with the SSR radio system.
  15. On Sunday, Jan 30th at 11:59PM PST all ASVS sites will be going offline for approx. 24-36 hours. The reason for this is we are moving to our own server! This opens the door for us to have more functions on the site, plus hopefully, less lag! The length of downtime may be shorter however expect a full day's worth of down time due to the size of the sites, and DNS settings. All your post counts, reps etc will be copied over. Also, the front page system will be removed for the time being due to asshats not telling me what I need to know for the past 3 weeks to make it all work If you have any questions about the server downtime DURING the downtime, feel free to email me directly at askray [at] gamingradio.net and I can respond to any technical concerns. Anything else can go into /dev/null kthx (And don't email me when it's going to be up kthx)
  16. Fixed. Apparently I inadvertently turned off the display code when I did all the modifications. My bad >.>
  17. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i didn't touch the post systems besides adding new titles which don't effect the reputation system sooo not sure on this one.
  18. So give us your feedback on what ya think should be new ranks/titles/requirements etc Your stupidity is over 9000!!!!!!!!-9000 holy fuck, why is this person still here?-400 Bad-20 can i bust?-10 Neutral0 Good10 Better than good20 Look at me i'm cool!60 Uber Cool100 Sexy Cool150 Epic Level200 Holy Epic Level400 1337 sauce right here600 Epic 1337 bastard800 Holy 1337 Bastard1000 God of Gods2147483647
  19. Welcome to the semi operational main site for ASVS. Why did we put this in you may ask? Very simple. The system will allow for us to branch out options we never had before. Including a few archives which are going to be stored on here (one being the obvious one already listed in the navigation). All fanfic story pages will also be stored on here using the blog system. This will allow our users access to creating easy, direct links to their stories. Those with stories can request new URL's as well, making it very easy and unique to get to their fan fics. These options will be happening over the next few days, including an entirely different look to the front page than you see now. Think of this as just a place holder. If you have any questions please reply to this thread. Enjoy the new year folks =)
  20. Please put all discussions about the new front page system, domain changes, blog system, fanfic question and what have you here.
  21. Titles have been changed, and all users have been updated accordingly. Reputation ranks for neg versions will take more time since I have to make a crapton of new badges.
  22. Psh I so could get 2 billion rep I'm sexy like that.. or so I tell myself anyways. I should point out that while I want to get as much done this weekend, it's still pretty easy to add them as time goes on so don't feel like it HAS to be done NOW
  23. I'm assuming this is just for rep points?
  24. Titles -- Redshirt - 0 Crewman - 10 Bridge Officer - 30 That's it So any ideas and requirements post away!
  25. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ " The idea I'm working on for the front page" I win