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Emperor's Hand
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Everything posted by paul

  1. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    Only if you do the same ^^
  2. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    No because I could actually do a video
  3. you sure you're not talking about yourself?
  4. Well I kinda outlined the idea already in STO and started tinkering on the first episode, however this is my thinking behind it and if people think it should go a different way then hell we'll do that Nothing is set in stone at all for the next parts (since this is going to be a very long story) ATM the federation have sent an ambassador to discuss the situation, however they also sent a ship (ie whoever plays the mission) to look into it first since it's right in the midst of the borg front line. On the planet they found a group of liberated borg (ie hugh) that were willing to work with the federation and help bolster their lines. Now apparently there WAS a group of liberated borg that was totally against working with their worst foe as well, the federation, and tried to put a stop to it. They failed in the first ep but that can easily change as time goes on. Here is what I was thinking when I already put this mission into place (which again if we all decide a different approach should be taken it takes no effort to rewrite so this will defiantly be a group effort mission arc ) It's now 2411 (game starts in 2409). The Federation is at war with the Klingons (from the looks of it a losing one at that), the Borg, The Romulans, Species 8472, and the Iconians (this hasn't been really introduced yet but it will down the road). They've had run ins with the Breen as well. Starfleet is spread extremely thin across so many battle lines and need help FAST. Thus, when they received communications from a group of liberated borg in the Alini system near the borg "base of operations" so to speak, they were eager to hear them out. Now I did NOT touch on how other species and another groups in the Federation would take this. And that I think is a big strife that should be prominent. Is them being accepted into the Federation enough to start internal fighting? Would say the Andorians be ok with working side by side by the Borg or would they want to wipe them off their little planet? Would they risk alienating their position in the Federation by striking first? Really this is where it gets to be interesting. What happens next? What should happen next? I'd like to hear everyones opinion on this Note: I say liberated borg because they aren't linked to the hive mind. But yes, in the next episode it will hit on how they are still linked together
  5. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    Actually yes. There is a nausicaan sword, and we have lirpa's as well. And it's SISKO not Sisco. I could probably do some screenshots of picard and sisko both with a sword...
  6. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    bat'leths and targ bites go through personal shields. They do not drain them.
  7. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    True... but if he would of said Starfleet armor in the 25th century you'd all be boned
  8. Btw my fuckin galaxy-x would PWN the death star.
  9. paul

    I haz made video

    Yeah you know we have this button called "Insert Media" or you can use the [media] tags... I know it's new technology compared to some other shit boards that use outdated software so if you have any other questions don't feel shy and just ask
  10. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    You all do know jason's right about the force field shielding right. well sorta In the 25th century (2406 to be exact) the corps of engineers makes headway with power cell technology and thus give out personal shield generators to ships as a trial use. Remember I said this awhile back - So no, in the 24th century there isn't any really. But just a few years later boop!
  11. paul


  12. Since I'm now over my strep \o/ The new system for authors is being completed and should be functional tomorrow.
  13. So I had this long post about the changes going in and why it was going to take a month to do (lazyness, keyboard acting up so i'd have to wait till friday anyways etc) annnd my computer finally shits itself and dies lol. Soooo this will extend all the changes I was going to do by a factor of like a thousand since I'll have to do them all by netbook lol. (Including my DJing which will be much fun). Thank god I got an external for xmas that's all I'll say hehe. Anyways -- Over the next month, things are going to be changing. Right now, the FU store is totally offline and all post acquiring systems disabled. This will be one of the 3 main systems to be updated first. The other two being the actual IPB version brought up to 314 since 320 is apparently coming down the pipe line, and the new mail system being installed for all users. Other things in the works - Front page system Custom Pages for story writers (easier linking) New navigation bar with pull down menus for more things Main Engineering is going to be redone. This will be a Question/Suggestion area only all other posts are going the way of raycav -- in the gutter (okay well I hope raycav goes there one day but meh hehe) Neg rep icons will be added according to Enigma's ideas for them ASVS Arcade updated and about 160 games hopefully added Awards system redone and rebuilt to hopefully be more automated (or at least reactivated to be funny again) That's about it that I can remember. I stupidly saved it to the main HD of the laptop i was using as a main computer so yeah, lost that list >.> Oh well I'm sure I'll remember down the road hehe. If there is something specific you'd like too see post away I'll see about the possibility of it. Note for 3G/4G users -- There was reports that a certain ISP had blocked the site from access while another site hosted on the same server (subspace-radio.org) was accessible. After a lot of digging around, this is NOT an issue with the ISP but in how it's accessing the name servers that control how you get to this site. This issue is a top priority and hopefully should be fixed as soon as humanly possible. How it's busted is beyond me but I'll be redoing all the NS operations later this week since I have to streamline them anyways for other things coming down the road.
  14. paul

    Now, it's my turn

    *sighs* All my friends are hookin up with people Looooooooonnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm Mr. Loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy....
  15. paul

    Starfleet armor in 24 century

    By canon going with what's said on air, yes. Starfleet soldiers did have body armor and personal shield generators. If you're the bitch type that likes to assume that only visual counts then yes you're screwed. As for it being the normal uniform that's retarded.
  16. paul

    My new haircut

    Hrm first words that came to my mind were "TEN-HUT" hehehe
  17. paul

    Re-watching Voyager

    Ya know.. Good question. Apparently there were two types of fighters. The type Ro'Laren used and the type "Chuckles" (as Q called him hehe) used. According to un official sources, his type had 2 decks with crew quarters, sick bay, cargo hold on deck 2. It also states it can hold a crew size of 34. So I SUPPOSE that it was full and thus thats where all the replacements came from *shrugs*
  18. paul

    Re-watching Voyager

    The Intrepid-class USS Voyager had a crew complement of 141 when departing Deep Space 9 in 2371. (VOY: "Caretaker") Throughout the its journey in the Delta Quadrant, the ship operated with a crew of approximately 150.
  19. paul

    Re-watching Voyager

    WTF you talking about? Q2 brought the borg cubes and you could just TELL Janeway was like "Oh fuck me" but she can't say that or show that by screaming "HOLY CRAP WERE GONNA DIE". Her response was to try and fight knowing they're going to die without Q's help.
  20. paul

    Re-watching Voyager

    Threshold = fucking retarded. Hell, they had to come up with an entirely new way to explain warp speeds due to that fuckup. Since in AGT they were going at Warp 14 or whatever. AS for the stupidity of the plot for the pilot Honestly yeah I've always thought that too lol. There was many ways they could of done both but I finally came to a very simple conclusion - Yes, they could of beamed tricobalts etc into the station but.. the slight fact they were kinda under fire from the kazon with other ships on the way didn't really give them a ton of time to sit down, have their cup of coffee, plan the detonation, figure out the controls to send them home, punch in the right systems, activate tricboalt bombs, beam over bombs, activate slingshot thingy, slingshot thingy goes, bombs go off and end of series. Overall though i liked voyager. Threshold i hated. And the 37's (or 34's whatever) episode was kinda meh on. But still great series. ABSOLUTELY HATED THE ENDING. Left it way too wide opened and I wanted to know wtf happened to everyone =\
  21. Hehehe. Yeaaahh good call on theme music XD
  22. Ya guys do realize that staying put is relative when above ground and in space right?
  23. paul

    Duke Nukem Forever - Finally

    "What about the game Duke? Was it any good?" "Yeah, but after 12 years it should be"
  24. The landing struts were never proven in canon so thus is a moot point (which would have no bearing on if it could go INTO a planet's atmosphere or not). They wouldn't need to land to pull a ship out of the ground or in this case remove a saucer section from the planet. They'd just have to be very careful in how they did it.
  25. Newer ships all the way. While Picard is right that some of the ships (defiant, promethius, intrepid) were designed to out maneuver and avoid being attacked, there was still the heavy hitters (galaxy, sovereign, excelsior etc) that could take an insane beating but could dish out the damage.