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  • IPB version 4.2 installed!


Emperor's Hand
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Everything posted by paul

  1. From now on, I'll be technically referring to any changes as actual updates so I'm keeping myself in line to what I have done, what needs to be done and so on. This latest version is 3.1.20100511.1382 codenamed "Crybaby" Fixes done in this version - Down with blackfoot skin has been altered quite a bit to fall in line with the 3.1 changes in IPB. Already aware of the top notification box not being colorized with the rest of the skin, along with the in-bedded search option being off. Unix epoch time format that was being shown is now back to normal time formats Social Areas box uptop has been pushed into the global announcement areas to save time. New Posts/No new posts icons have been redone on both skins to temp ones. Developer group added for myself Ability to add colors to titles given to just me because i'm that cool SQL Optimization was run. Still aware of moderator team showing up wonky at the bottom. Any bugs please use the thread at http://www.asvs.us/i...111832-crybaby/ to report them. Enjoy.
  2. paul

    IPB 3.1 beta running bug thread

    To keep things organized, this thread is closed. Please use the new one.
  3. paul

    Star Wars Empire vs. Species 8472

    yeah this one i cant argue i'd agree.
  4. Just as an fyi - i dont give a shit about SDN's debates etc. It's just shitty software, run on a stupid fucking cable modem at a house costing the owner way too much money when he could pay 10 bucks and have it hosted (and please spare me his reasons because they're full of shit.)
  5. paul

    Links to quotes of the week.

    oh just wait till i add facebook sharing of it XD
  6. Suricata is one of the people that does our ship charts for STO so she gets a little heads up before we do. So this has been released a little early and thought I'd share it with you all
  7. paul

    Links to quotes of the week.

    Since ty failed, I have fixed the link to take you to the exact post it was from. I win
  8. paul

    IPB 3.1 beta running bug thread

    OH that. See that makes more sense when you explain and show a screenshot ^^ That's because the theme is not fully compatible with ipb 3.1. In that regards, things were changed with how time codes were stored (see reasons above) and certain skins are going to have a more of a bitch of a time handling them.
  9. paul

    IPB 3.1 beta running bug thread

    I'm assuming you mean the view new content. (Note for future reference people - if it's a link that needs to be followed please state the link you get AND what page) I'll make two versions of this for the nerd and the not so nerd Not So nerd It's not a bug it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. The Nerd version
  10. paul


    No one cares where you go.
  11. paul

    IPB 3.1 beta running bug thread

    This is because your cache is mixing up with what's actually there which sadly, needs to be changed. I'm working on new graphics for both skins however.
  12. paul

    IPB 3.1 beta running bug thread

    Bug reporting 101 people - BE DESCRIPTIVE I will not take the time to hunt down things unless they are 100% critical and show stopping. A PROPER bug report needs the following - What skin you are using What page you're at when you see this bug (do not say allover give me one specific one) Did you change any settings? Is this bug repeatable? That information is required for any bug reports. Any without this information will be ignored. Why? Because Considering the thousands of variables in the system not to mention different reasons for different things happening including your own computers end, I do not have the time to install every browser, every OS and so on to test it.
  13. So lets find out how many people are down with blackfoot!
  14. The first thing you'll all notice is that you're now back on the default skin. This is only temporary as the other skin needs to be updated to work with the new versions. The arcade will also be brought back later today. With this change, the status updates on the right side actually have threaded options so you can respond to each other more accurately instead of being lamers. Also, each thread as sharing options at the bottom so enjoy those. Also twitter has now been integrated so you can log in with that, set your statuses from there or here etc etc etc. Just take the time to look around there is quite a bit of changes. Enjoy.
  15. paul

    Problems NDF thoery

    .. even while drunk i'm not touching this debate.
  16. ... Okay turn down the stupid and repost that with your normal finesse please
  17. ya know i'm backin ya ass up here why the fuck are you debating me on this? IN any event, since the milita was to be absorbed into bajor, and since the LOGICAL conclusion is that bajor joined the federation (almost every novel/storyline shows this happening), it's a foregone conclusion they did. The militia didn't have ground and space soldiers they were all both..
  18. However on that same page they also comment on col west being a possible ground force team (which yes could be MACO's it could not be i'd rather say it is for shits and giggles ) As for bajoran milita joining starfleet Memory Alpha Quote -
  19. paul

    AV size limit

    The profile picture is apart of the profiling system (which is more expanded in 3.1). Think of it as a mini facebook
  20. In the get go no. However, it could of been absorbed into it once the UFP was founded. There is no evidence to the contrary As I stated, the bajoran militia was/is absorbed into starfleet so it's quite an easy assumption the MACO's were as well, and now exist as a ground assault unit. That statement however, i doubt. While I agree the MACO's would be a strike team for sure the Enterprise doesn't have any on board that's for sure. More likely he was talking about a team of security personnel.
  21. paul

    AV size limit

    I see a foot in the tv. You might have it cached since the name of the file it refers to when uploaded doesn't change. Try doing CTRL+F5 that should force a refresh.
  22. paul

    AV size limit

    delete your current avatar and then try.
  23. paul

    AV size limit

    it should give you a reason if not link it like on imageshack or somethin and we can do it manually.
  24. paul

    AV size limit

    Anything above 1 meg and i'd slap down anyways (and yes, i'd use my little FU store to do it). There is 0 reason to put an avatar at anything over 300ishk even animated as all it does is make the site slower for users when reading your posts.
  25. paul

    The road ahead

    The reason the page isn't there is because it's gone as we moved to another type of website portal software. The information is still in the forums however it's quite outdated already as most things on it are pretty close to being completed by now.