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Posts posted by Jason

  1. If Section 31 had the means to destroy the Borg, they'd have done so by now. But they don't so they haven't.

    Oh the USS Enterprise D crew have the able to destroy Borg Compture virus but the Section 31 does not have the resource simple not possible. If wish see evidence UFP had the technology to do the trick which Star Trek.com I ,borg from 27 minutes and 54 seconds to 30 minutes. For that matter alreadly know many Cannon source Section 31 big agency which good amount manpower available do research like that.


    You can go this site check out yourself.



    Also reason that Section 31 not done it was because it keep UFP need keep military fleet able to fight Borg.  Means the fear likley keep militery readiness for the Borg. The same reason Section 31 destroy deploy biological weapon work to fast on the Founders.

  2. Luther Sloan normal does homework very well. One of Emperor Palpatine must able all come force. Beside possible just plan clean assassination of bad Emperor a sniper bullet beam into his back or using sniper phaser rifle beam the phaser beams both ways put quick end to Emperor Palpatine he know very effective come be under stealth. With fact Count Duka was effect chemcal dart make think straignt able to force effective no reason Luther Sloan not do the same. He also might elimate the us the force together after all USS Voyager crew race know caretaker temporaloy take way his power. Possible he could same to Emperor Paplatine  single dart. However one on one fight straignt out fight no ambushing and Sloan deploy normal clever trick have give it to Emperor Palpatine goes rules that had on surface not us vechile to do the trick. After all Sloan tantics basic cloak and danger.

    • Like 1

  3. First let look Empire weakness even Star War fans admit that if UFP some how get rid the Emperor the Star War Empire well fall.  Section 31 could likley pull off. Section 31 basic put has starships, WMDs and military equipment to carry to get rid anyone personal in Star War Empire. First always the option having star system that Empire in go Super Nova as for getting weapon there all need unmanned missile having cloak device on it and us Geodesic fold hit the star system




    For all those fans that think Empire would need send int must fleet order destroy UFP. Empire not going send in entire fleet since keep Rebels other enemies in line. Section 31 likley aim get rid Vader maybe other Imperial high officers allow war keep go have more militarization UFP.


    For all those fans think Empire would no match the UFP then Section 31 watch sideline things unfold.

  4. Let face it even if we going to go by Star destroyer.net total wrong that ISD lose shield after take about 1,000 photon torpedoes before losing shield.  Borg Cube could withstand 2,000 photon torpedoes  Star Destroyer could not even Vader personal one. Let face at least some starship destroyed fighting Borg on way Section 001. In the unlikley case that only 30 starship that Borg Cube basic disable the ships. Still talk easily over 2,000 photon torpedoes hitting the Borg Cube. Of course this lowest possible limit more likley it was 50 to 100 starship likely guess. Some starship destroy other disable unable get repairs done fast enough to get back into fight in time others just to badly damage need tow back  and some case the crew might just all kill together. Either case Borg Cube taking thousands photon torpedoes in at least being of the fight before Borg cube disable and destroy UFP starships likley one by one.  So why in World do Star War fans think ISD can stand up to Borg Cube at least come to taking beaten the Borg Cube wins hands down. I am no way saying fire weapon powerful enough Borg Cube not be able to adapt would not work. Smell problem with that at least see very possible likley might adapt any weapon not power destroy Borg Cube out right

  5. My theory why the Borg never attack UFP in full force was because afraid Section 31.  UFP in one TNG esipdoe had the chance Computer virse against the Borg collective would destroy Borg. Pircard rule unethical. no reason to think Section 31 not think twice about doing like that unless reason not do so has to do with fact want UFP military more toes. THe same reason slow biological weapon wipe out founders in Dominion war all likehood play same stun in Yesterday Enterprise timeline.

    I be interest any other theories on why the Borg never attack UFP full force or why Section 31 did wipe out the Borg all together.

  6. Anyway, the thread on SD.net doesn't really reveal anything new. They basically hashed out the same stuff with regards to shields as we did, except with a bit of derision for TCW. The permeable shield theory fits the evidence. The problem is that its not the only theory that fits the evidence. There's no smoking gun to really affirm with certainty that yes the shields of most major combatants are permeable to physical objects or no they're not, those are all instances where shields didn't go up in time or were already beleaguered by enemy fire. I've argued both sides and still don't know what I think is the most reasonable. Right now I'd say its probably a case of maybe the Death Star relied too heavily on its gun density and fighter wing for defense against strike craft and didn't invest enough in resistance to physical attack and that The Phantom Menace shows that ship shields can keep fighters out (the bombing run on the antennae seems to have failed) and some idiot or droid forgot to raise the landing bay shields after launching fighters. Ships may or may not be able to keep out fighters depending on what angle the fighters are approaching from and from what angles shield energy is prioritized.


    So 60% of one and 40% of the other. Today at least. Tomorrow, my gut may tell me something else. I'm not seeing a smoking gun for one or the other.

    Also could armoer involde prevent they do real damage combine shields provide protect all kinds weapons soft sport areas.

  7. Well Galatic Empire is unlikley turn other cheek when come Cardassion and Klingon Allience treatement of humans. Star War GE views human as better then all other races.


    When comes to leadership and intellegnce agency I having give it to the Cardassion and Klingon Allience.


    Fact Rebal Allience surival at all great deal to do terraible leadership and plan. Fact Rebel time at all get readly Star War Empire in battle of Hoth speak tons. The fact Death star it self lack few star destoryers face Rebel plan destory base come down just bad tantics on Endor it could said same thing that Rebel depend Luke Skywalker and Vader get mess if not again officer bad tantics.


    Mirror Universe what the Rebel many ways depend on people other side help out order surival at least early stages conflict. Sisko plan never would have work if not for fact now set Mirror DS9 expoded. Secound time Sisko get bad Major to talk and on top that know mirror USS Defaint opperation the Cardassion and Klingon Allience no real mistake intellegnce response find out about first place.


    While Star War GE likley find it self in a war it be war they likley lose badly. Simple bad leadership combine with bad intellegnce agency factor go heavy against them.

  8. You forget, the Klingon Empire had a civil war several years prior to the Dominion war over the succession to the chancellorship, fought a war with Cardassia, fought a limited war with the Federation, had been at war with the Dominion for over a year at this point and then spent several weeks having to hold off the Breen, Dominion and Cardassians single handedly while the allies scrambled to find a fix for the Breen energy dampening weapon. If anything, that they were able to pull it off without the Dominion rapidly gaining a decisive advantage speaks to A. The Klingon war making ability B. The logistical difficulties involved in capitalizing on the momentary vulnerability of the Federation and Romulans or C. A little of both A and B.


    In all likelihood holding the line against the Dominion, Breen and Cardassians forced the Klingons to commit far more of their reserves and thus they lost a substantially greater portion of their fleet both in absolute terms and relative terms during the war than the Federation and Romulans did. The Federation and Romulans got a breather for all intents and purposes, the Klingons had to fight the whole war and part of it alone.

    Section 31 made that statement about Klingon Empire before Breen enter the war. Old ship that Klingon during the Dominion war that sevice since Kirk days it does not seem likely that civil war took out longer numbers of ships. Federation wolf 359 and wars many other races as well.


    The Dominion statement about the Federation also sound like Federation lot bigger either the Klingon Empire or Romulus star Empire. He only talk Federation as require massive fleet starships and manpower and equipment The Dominion dugestion the Klingon and Romulus star Empire easily hardly suggestion Federation lot bigger then the Klingon Empire have lot more resource.


    Cardassion Union they basic minor threat to anyone before the Klingon beaton pretty badly if not UFP the Klingon simple over ran them.


    Federation has one Ace up it selves if not war over terrioiry it call section 31.

    Klingon basic ignor disease unless effect combat able. We see many different Klingons.

  9. Well know Federation economic much stronger then Klingon Empire. Fact end of the Dominion war the Klingon Empire taking next decade rebuilding while the Federation get back normal strength very quickly. So industory able we giving UFP stronger. Wolf bother openly stated the Klingon Empire did not even stand a chance against the UFP..3.00000000000000000

    Culture come war is mix on one hand Klingon afraid to not a fraid to die on other hand well taking needless loses stander ground must other race would retreat.


    Worst of all ignore disease making danger setting dock to slaughter disease taking years before before gives of any real warn signs. Something easy see Section 31 it kind like if war Federation is losing aim for did criple blow before UFP defeat not shortage the war by much. We seen Section 31 do this in Dominion war. No reason think did if the UFP war Klingon Empire unless over terrorery. How us did explain why Half way though Deep Space Nine season 7 the Founder getting sick. They likely play same game Klingon Yesterday Enterprise timeline as well guessing that war not over territoriality issue.


    We know Deep Space Nine Klingon fleet worth 15,000 Starship available fight the Dominion.

  10. Also it possible build pretty good defense against laser general Check out

    Page 10,Physics of the Impossible by Michio, copywriter 2008,ISBN 978-0-385-52069-0

    It going into how nanotechnologly could in pratice be around spacecaft made right provide protect against a laser base weapon. You need read third and forth paragraph for more information on how work.

    So is possible laser not be used all real future wars or at least come anti fighter weapons.

  11. It not going to be like World War II regardless even mordan day dog fighter nothing like dog fighter World War II. Worn-hole legal under law of physical then it might possible fighter quick hit and run attacks. disable the anti fighter laser basic guns and then attack the starship. It real depend how starship design how long it take put shield if armor has soft spots own. It kind like if fighter close enough get total surprise by something like worm-hole it might allow something fighter deploy problem tantic used thing attack like giant bomber in World War II more then navy like battle. Why world make fleet in science fiction look like warship fleets also biggest problem when come realistic space battles.

  12. Terrion Empire has the technology far we can tell with guess they have the same military technology that TOS has. Watch Star Trek TOS Obsession. In that Episode they had weapon fire power blast half gas that normal planet into space. I am sure many device need blow planet up likley in the technology Terrion Empire. So the Terion Empire likley does technology blow up planets. If they did or not is unknown. Mirror universe in Star Terk Enterprise there just as well could been enemy of Terrion Empire backing provide friendly ports. We real did not know enough information. Maybe the Klingons, Romulus or Cardassion.

  13. Except that they'd still be able to track the fighter by thermal emissions. Heat is a big problem in space, which is why any real-life starship is going to have big-ass radiators.


    First tactic starfighter likley used different but that likley chance when could us jet fighter first place. Dog fighters not the same way used either. However star fighter interplanetary or even interstellar war.


    Point instead privite space industry can send people space for maybe orbit around Earth. You think Government going build space bombers and space fighter for millinery reasons at least Earth orbit. This guess that going main thing used when war over Astriniond belt.


    Secound part question lasers used when KE weapons giving lot bigger punch go real high speed 80% speed light. Someone hear point if one Mars moons send flying at Earth 80% speed light enough destroy Earth many time over. Even smell bullet shoot 80% speed light likley fire more entire world nuclear weapons at single one man fighter. If One fighter made tough enough that might also required. Laser not be powerful enough cause real harm.

  14. Effective electronic warfare is very, very difficult in space. Atomic Rockets does a much better job of explaining the problems than I can.


    I believe the cliff notes is that passive detection methods like picking up EM signals is so much more effective in space due to the lack of atmosphere that at ranges where you're close enough to fight, you're basically naked to one another. They can tell almost everything about you from your heat signature and you can't fake EM emissions of a starship magnitude without an actual starship magnitude power plant. Even if you could fake it, a good telescope will give you away every time.


    What about adaptive camouflage I talk try light bend around object making invisable at least fare nake eye goes. EM emission taking fact type spacecaft differnt type fuel. It very likley future some spacecaft going run nuclear, some going anti matter and some go run on solar power. Fighter run anti matter well able making it self look giving off same amount level EM emission starship running nuclear power.



  15. Let face both side plenty soft spots. For both sides weakness good intelligence going help decide out come.

    For GE weakness Star Destroyer back almost as far weapon total under defended. Tie fighter did not have shields, Tie bombers are slow and easily targets.


    Star Trek Voyager Tom in Star Trek Basics II. Tom knowledge openly stated know every blind spot and weakness USS Voyager part reason able recapture USS Voyager in first place. Star Trek Generation entire outcome battle to do good intelligence.

  16. To be honest different way of explain why Federation force to surrender which not having go against every other piece of cannon date in we know Klingon Empire and size United Federation of Planets. The Dominion leader stated order conquest prize the size Federation need vast number starships and men and equmeent even big for Dominion standers. if the Dominion find it near hard to do ship much faster Klingon warship then then the Klingon Empire impossible surrender would mean giving up mass amount Territory maybe even key worlds nothing compare surrender to Borg. Federation even Yesterday Enterprise timeline unlikely strength to fight both the Borg and Klingon Empire. This explain Guinan so desperation end Yesterday Enterprise timeline.

  17. While single Galaxy class starship fire something 20 photon torpedoes a second include front side and the back side. Something like 60 a minute so 2 minute Galaxy class starship like fire 120 photon torpedoes.


    ISD is big does having gun face forward. Mean Galaxy class starship likley easily just stay tail.Please point all time Star destroyer target something while behind it.

  18. Let face Terrian Empire and Star War Empire lot common both human are perfect race all race sup-human which more barbaric.

    My option the Star War Empire at least Terrian EMpire allow none human sevice high rank areas. No canon evidence suggestion allowing real slavery in Terrian Empire. Star War Empire is cannon evidence Empire allow real slavery.
