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Posts posted by Jason

  1. USS Voyager move 400 km away Array before firing the tricobalt device. Go star Terk.com channel Voyager Caretaker, Part 1 & 2  1 hour,25 minute and 4 seconds to about 1 hour ,25 minute and 11 seconds. Jameway order USS Voyager 400 Kilometers away Array. So real question be how much fire power take destroy USS Voyager from target is 200 kilometers or closers. That minimal power of two tricobalt device.  


  2. Guess that Section 31 is not play nastly tricks destory Klingon Empire 2 months time or less.
    If I was going guess side worst off I say the Klingon follow reasons.

    Fact USS Enterpise C blow sky high suggestion that warship nomral at least little more power come fire power then Yesterday Enterpise Timeline. When Caption of Klingon warship in TNG Matter of Honor TNG openly stated we only need one shot at the USS Enterpise D her shield likley hood something 10% to 20% more stronger.  USS Enterpise C surrival two attacks one killed good Caption USS Enterpise C other in final showdown when Klingon warship hit USS Enterpise C twice.While Klingon shield question better that differnt story and is not to relevent having fighting Borg. It likley alternative time able stay war Klingon put must research into better shields and cloak techology. Also good part fleet offesive and elte commandos deep enemy terriories. Just winning war does mean that Klingon send big part Klingon fleet. Pircard statement easily our run Klingon vessial almost nightmare mean Borg top speed likley face must resever fleet.

    USS Enterpise D fire seem much greater then the USS Enterpise D normal timelime. With the fact brough Klingon warships down number secounds and without question. Fact single warship withstand five photon toropodes hit once show Klingon shields lot stronger. Borg unlikley able to adapt to USS Enterpise D firepower in Yesterday Enterpise timeline. Means hit tractor beam likely disable it the same goes for the Borg main weapons. UFP building something 10 Galaxy class battleships not include other warship like building. At least normal timeline stock pile galaxy class starships as you can see in this pictureUtopia_Planitia.jpg

    No reason think UFP just put sevice in first place.

    With fact UFP still need fleet stop if UFP get just 10 to 20 ships sure fire power need blast Borg Cube sky high.

  3. Second Section 31 using some bio-weapon magic. Borg going make grant apparent before both either side could conquest other side. 


    Facts the Borg attack the Klingons, UFP and Romulus all at once normal timeline this had likley to do with fact Borg send message to in Star Trek Enterprise regeneration. So not like Borg not going to becoming one way or other. Last but least Riker statement in Star Trek TNG Parallel


    Find Memorable Quotes

    It about quotes six


    "We won't go back. You don't know what it's like in our universe. The Federation's gone! The Borg is everywhere! We're one of the last ships left. Please... you've got to help us!"
    "I'm sorry, there's no choice. If this works, everything will return to..."
    "NO, WE WON'T GO BACK!!!"

    - A counterpart Captain William Riker, panicking on the bridge of an alternate Enterprise, and Captain William Riker of the current reality.


    Only one Borg Cube in Star Trek TNG Best of Both Worlds that show on screen. 

    Facts the Klingon going send ships not single Klingon warship show on screen among the ship destroyed fact 39 UFP ships there only one escape. Romulus as supposed sending ships not singe Romulus ship on screen. Romulus and Klingon likley fight Borg around own terrioires becoming under attack. Long number Klingon assimilate latter get to see Star Trek Voyager. Caption Riker saying Borg everywhere suggestion Borg send successful defeat the Klingon ,Romulus and already push UFP. Might well send other two Borg cubes finish of the UFP.


    While some suggestion USS Enterprise D reason that Borg Cube heading into UFP space. I have to disagree follow hard core fact first the Borg assimilated both Romulus and UFP starbase along the Neutral Zone. On top that Borg all classified information about USS Enterprise D itself would have every way of knowing that it was Q. It not like information what Q did is classified. Borg had every way of knowing that the Q had been send USS Enterprise D first place. 

    Q might offer Piracrd been even try save the UFP itself being destroyed.


    Plan and simple Borg coming unless Klingon and UFP care so much about little war that perfar assimilated they have settle different after done deal Borg.

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  4. Real question is how would Basher know if Section 31 had infect him in first place or not. Only evidence he had file that Starfleet medical gave him. It not like Section 31 wants everybody know about ables what they can or can not do.


    Facts Section 31 has a fleet use at least cloak device likley phase cloak device. Means they can go into Dominion Territory total undetected. Section 31 very little findout were Founder new homeworld is. Simple facts Defiant had use fuel to get there to founder homeworld and back.So Section 31 could had idea were location not the least Defiant own sensor could get some date.

    Simple put it the Section 31 could easily check every star system with in range fuel used. Since they just easly deploy probe every star system with range of fual used USS Defiant that would have been under stealth. Which could program deploy disease stealthy and then return back Section 31 base or just rammed into nearest star.


    Also Star Trek Deep Space Nine Visitor why did Dominion not do a full scale invasion into UFP Territory over the biological attack.  

  5. There is no reason why S13 doesn't have their own secret fleet. If the Obsidian Order and the Tal'Shiar had their own secret fleet, obviously S13 would have one too.

    Hay once people openly stated no evidence that Section 31 had a fleet any kind. So your kind common sense was not the common sense that be used though out Science fiction community Star Trek fans or anti Star Trek fans.  Even evidence that Section 31 has super weapons even no idea good doctor so scare of it.

  6. Basically fan fictions how section 31 kill both Emperor and Lord Vader destroy Empire from with in. Show how black ops are just as important other factors in a war and Empire case UFP winning card.

  7. First one Section 31 daring mission against the Evil Empire bring it down.

    Section 31 operation elimination Star War GE Emporia Palpatine

    Section 31 operative Sloan setting desks around 5 other people each Section 31 operatives. Sloan started to talk Gentleman Star War Empire has more starships, men and equipments. They be should able to overrun UFP in six months month time. Plan is send smell strike force you are men infiltrate Imperial Center and to kill him. You know what stakes entire UFP depend on you. Palpatine is protected bv Imperil Royal Guards the elite body gourd of Emperor himself rumor has that they may be force sensing. Not like they going cause you lot of trouble we have two different plans Plan A using sniper rifle equipment transport if they some how able block sensors or make it impossible for transporter beam bullet into then of course plan B us phase bomb. The bomb phase in space in enter to Emperor’s Throne room and program go off only individual extra strong in the force enough fire power take entire entire . The men left room shuttle pilot enter the room Sloan said” if they report back rumor has that his Emporia Papatine shuttle has cloak device and has tie fighter guarding it as escort. The Shuttle well be using a cloak device and has a holographic mask allow it to seem like tie fighter allow you firing special super photon torpedo you only need one hit to destroy it. The shuttlecaft can fit one of these.

    Chapter 2 let the operation being Section 31 agents walk around Imperial Complications to Throw Room when they reach the Throw room the Empire put specialize from radiation to eliminate the threat of possible beam in or out. Second Section 31 agent place phase bomb right in the area Imperial Emperor's throne rooms was. Just then Imperial Royal Guards charge 4 Section 31 agents ran outside beyond radicalization stood his ground try active the bomb before injured. Emperor took him in began touchier him with his lighting demanding tells him were his friends were. He set off bomb inside him killer the Emperor and his bodyguards. The ,surviving agents Section 31 agents check ruins and found Emperor Body. Chapter 3 the arrive back at Earth The Section 31 agent back shuttle as Vader shuttle land the shuttle fires single photon torpedo that shoot it down. Then the shuttles return to Earth. On Earth Sloan said good job men the Empire is falling part and soon they well be no shapes to threaten the UFP. We have successful defeated them

    • Like 1

  8. First one Section 31 daring mission against the Evil Empire bring it down.


    Section 31 operation elimination Star War GE Emporia  Palpatine


                Section 31 operative Sloan setting desks around 5 other people each Section 31 operatives. Sloan started to talk Gentleman   Star War Empire has more starships, men and equipments. They be should able to overrun UFP in six months month time. Plan is send smell strike force you are men infiltrate Imperial Center and to kill him. You know what stakes entire UFP depend on you. Palpatine protect Imperil Royal Guards elite body gourd of Emperor himself rumor may force sensing. Not like cause trouble two different plans Plan A using sniper rifle equipment transport if they some how block sensors and able transporter then of course plan B us phase bomb. The bomb phase in space in Emperor’s Throne room or program go off only individual high force power enough fire power take entire room.

            The men left room shuttle pilot enter the room Sloan said” if they report back rumor has that his Emporia Papatine shuttle has cloak device and has tie fighter guarding it as escort.  Shuttle using cloak device and holographic mask allow it seem like tie fighter allow you firing special super photon torpedo only need one hit to destroy it. Only fit one shuttlecraft basic specialize design top secret mission.



                Chapter 2 let the operation being

              Section 31 agents walk around Imperial Complications to Throw Room when they reach the Throw room the Empire put specialize from radiation to eliminate the threat of possible beam in or out. Second Section 31 agent place phase bomb right in the area Imperial Throw room was. Just then Imperial Royal Guards charge 4 Section 31 agents ran outside beyond radicalization stood his ground try active the bomb before injured. Emperor took him began touchier him with lighting demanding tells him were his friends were. He bombs inside him killer the Emperor and his bodyguards. The , survival Section 31 agents after they done check ruins and found Emperor Body.              Chapter 3 the arrive back at Earth                         The Section 31 agent back shuttle as Vader shuttle land the shuttle fires single photon torpedos that shoot it down. Then the shuttles return to Earth. On Earth Sloan said good job men the Empire is falling part and so they well be no shapes threaten the UFP. We have successful defeated  


    Section 31 operation elimination Star War GE Emporia  Palpatine


                Section 31 operative Sloan setting desks around 5 other people each Section 31 operatives. Sloan started to talk Gentleman   Star War Empire has more starships, men and equipments. They be should able to overrun UFP in six months month time. Plan is send smell strike force you are men infiltrate Imperial Center and to kill him. You know what stakes entire UFP depend on you. Palpatine protect Imperil Royal Guards elite body gourd of Emperor himself rumor may force sensing. Not like cause trouble two different plans Plan A using sniper rifle equipment transport if they some how block sensors and able transporter then of course plan B us phase bomb. The bomb phase in space in Emperor’s Throne room or program go off only individual high force power enough fire power take entire room.

            The men left room shuttle pilot enter the room Sloan said” if they report back rumor has that his Emporia Papatine shuttle has cloak device and has tie fighter guarding it as escort.  Shuttle using cloak device and holographic mask allow it seem like tie fighter allow you firing special super photon torpedo only need one hit to destroy it. Only fit one shuttlecraft basic specialize design top secret mission.



                Chapter 2 let the operation being

              Section 31 agents walk around Imperial Complications to Throw Room when they reach the Throw room the Empire put specialize from radiation to eliminate the threat of possible beam in or out. Second Section 31 agent place phase bomb right in the area Imperial Throw room was. Just then Imperial Royal Guards charge 4 Section 31 agents ran outside beyond radicalization stood his ground try active the bomb before injured. Emperor took him began touchier him with lighting demanding tells him were his friends were. He bombs inside him killer the Emperor and his bodyguards. The , survival Section 31 agents after they done check ruins and found Emperor Body.              Chapter 3 the arrive back at Earth                         The Section 31 agent back shuttle as Vader shuttle land the shuttle fires single photon torpedos that shoot it down. Then the shuttles return to Earth. On Earth Sloan said good job men the Empire is falling part and so they well be no shapes threaten the UFP. We have successful defeated  



  9. Forgive such Straight out fight must likley Sloan take bad Emperor down with in him . Sloan loytal he more then ready give his life for survival UFP. Type bomb  he likley use deal  bad Emperor could not do much with the force to stop it. Means both them going died straight out fight.

  10. Example UFP special force in TNG and Deep Space Nine



    TNG Preemptive strike.


    Limited in Advanced Tactical Training seem tough course means have both Caption recommanded and top that you have to half course top that drop out hardly sounds course elite.


    Only real thing saw came what Advance tactic training gave her was able send code message. Information basic put I am the shuttle please let do we trying to do. While able provide information high up you there is important however the us able send limit messages no real advance in intelligence. Other hand able take targets out would like send code message mean disable target successful or I have not disable target send force yet.


    Other examples of Starfleet special force. Red squadron basic put train be elite group starfleet personal sevice starship genreal. Mean choose top Starfleet officers able to do difficult missions.  While part get themsleves kill overconfident.


    Nova Squadron again elite group pilots only the best of the best get into Nova Squadron suggestion again UFP does have special force different areas.



  11. However things natural can counter like Ysalamir likley other life forms as well. He might well either have device does the same thing or Ysalamir when he is facing Palpatine. If that was to be the case Palpatine is died man one on one. Sloan both equipment that case and does worry Palatine strength force cause him any problems. Type equipment Sloan likley carry around and a device does the same thing as a Ysalamir or a Ysalamir it self Palpatine is died man with body gourds or not.


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