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Posts posted by Jason

  1. Maquis Warp drive and sensor likley biggest advance since scan Imperial fleets light years away choose prey wisely. The likleyhood Maquis join rebel near zero since Rebel all honestly depend good deal luck for all major victory. Fact Maquis just out number a lone star destroyer overwhelm with fire power lose star destroyer force Empire have work fleets this alone require Empire longer force that area. Also Jedi knight smart join Maquis since they way hiding them much effective allow lot damage if let upgrade fighter hyper-drives allow hit and run operations Empire area that did have hyper lanes with Jedi help keep Hyper drive online.

  2. Q transport the Maquis to area that under Empire rule shorty after Old Republic turn into Empire. Maquis no hurry under control by dictator decide to ristence.


    Way I see play out while Maqius biggest advance is warp drive allow them basic travel scout system bases and build area neither GR or Star War GE know about or hyper-drive maps of the area. With other opposed Star War GE likley quickly join thier ranks.

  3. Order make transporter work need lot hard drive space and lot power. To turn someone into energy you need more power then nuclear bomb. Then have someone way put the atom back together again when reach the target. While not impossible law of physical our universe. Likely issues computer space or problem put atom back to together again or maybe issues power. Or one or more those kinds of problems.

  4. Well for one think instead Ankin skywalker report Palpatine Sith lord. Obi would like brought Ankin Skywalker with him group Jedi knight face him entire group like kill look bright side no Lord Vader to worry about. Guessing that Master Windu had survival the attack clone trooper fought beside him. He land Yoda kill Palpatine bring about return old order after must Jedi knight massacred. Also out Mr. Skywalker help it possible some other Jedi knight and masters might had fight chance. That my option.

  5. Plan and simple Federation rape them the SW Empire forces




    Form what know Empire ground vehicle Empire has and so on. While Imperial and Federation force duel for control sky best answer best tantic for the Federation to hit and run. They have perfect equipment for job to At-AT and AT-AS slow both speeder bikes and dune buggy could allow UFP fire mortars shells out range of Imperial soldiers. speeder bikers quick arrive in cave us phase seal he cave then us TR-116 Projectile Rifle to take out the Imperial speeder bikers then act moral spotters give areas of both imperial foot soldiers and AT-AS to the Federation mortar teams before they even range to fight. They may event take out AT-AS leave UFP soldier using Isomagnetic disintegrator to take out Imperial AT-AT.

  6. The army has rocket artillery that can fire beyond range of AT-AT and can run to like the MGM-140 ATACMS would able handle AT-ATs. AS for fighter wear order make fight some what fair tie fight limit to fly no higher then a US army fighter can. Tie figher major advance able just out run US fighters your left problem. That more danger to user then danger tactic advance unless us form computer help out. The fact some ties lost astriond field. US army jet fighters only once able us speed safely. Worst yet depend fie line fire straight line






    The Imperial tie fighters pilot not go into air dule with US army pilots in come jet fighter for simple reason. Tie fighter pilots as far I can tell very poorly skilled. Tie fighters limmit same basic speed jet fighers for simple or slower for simple reason human only respond so faster to what going around them order fly high speed safely. Mordan day jet fighter depend computer avoid crash they at top speed the Empire tie fighter never show that able. US fighter least come speed have the up-hand could even turn tie fighter speed weapon against them. Very possible tantic the US army pilots would us fly fasters they can near ground compture to calculation when fly upword having tie fighers must destroy simple crashing. The tie fighter pilot not know back down would weakness own right.

  7. So, could we use the word in the following sentence:


    "Jason decommissioned his brain before joining online debates in order to be much better!"... smile.png




    Reason UFP might took sourse section might not been Admiral Riker idea first place could other Starfleet officer or caption or admiral who know UFP build ships and fasters to source section been that logic. USS Enterprise D might been made sense to do. After all even damge sourse section with help tractor beam would been eaisly then build entire new source section then just build star-drive separation. Decommission USS Enterprise D might been after the war.

  8. By none warp drive take the Jem Harder attack ship 17 reach nest UFP outpost.




    check used against enemy


    Which tell some important information we tell distance maximum distance of 17 light years away guessing Jem Harder fighter travel 99% speed of light. How far behind enemy line impossibe to tell it could anything from 4 light years away to 17 light years away. However it seem Dominion ask for that place astriond white to be destroy only 4 light years away. Since UFP send another fleet take out.Area seem lightly defended. More like deep Dominion terriory something likely 15 light years away form nearest UFP starbase.

  9. No.


    Why not you look The Star war complete cross section The spacecaft and vehice book of the entire Star Wars Sage by Hans Jenssen & Richard Chasemore or some source information book Death star insides. It lot equement in order for it to work period.It depend primeary beam focusing magnet,magnetic shielding,target field generations ,carry beam cystel. For that matter single Superlaser Tributary beam shift knock out action the Death star it self unable us if super laser. A Defaint class starship main defector dish as weapon could do the trick or worst. At best of case the Death star crew able to do repairs in space which take weeks at minimal more likely guess Death Star was not destory which also is possible they need return to base get repairs done. Either case the Death Star would being retreat guessing safly used hyper drive of course Defaint class warship only getting started . Beam anti Matter mines inside Death star it self could possible disable hyperdrive now cause crew Death star did job that the rebel did in Star War new hope set Death star to self destroct in 10 minute and leave the Death star it self.

  10. Now the moron switched from DF to Defiant. Lol. Just because the Defiant is captained by a black man, it doesn't automatically mean they can enlarge the exhaust port. smile.png


    I using Defaint class to be topic not pure a say caption by black man. For that matter caption blue man for all we care. Beside now think about the exhaust port not best target this case the big super laser might more ideal to knock out outs with hit main defector dish singe shot like knock the super laser leave much bigger hole for the Defaint class warship destory Death star with.

  11. If they're dumb enough to fly in a straight line, yeah... smile.png


    Also the a Defiant class starship take out all DS' TL guns along the Death star trench before even want to fire main defector dish at that exhaust port and that if was not enough to deliver fatel blow which I doubt. USS Defaint could us photon toropodoes finish it off. Als Defiant class starship no need travel straignt line anyway.

  12. Have we ever seen micro-torpedoes pull a turn sharp enough to get into the exhaust port? Do we even know if a micro-torpedo will fit?


    Another option turn the defector dish on a delta flyers into a weapon make that hole their lot bigger and possible blow away ray-shield. beam photon torpedoes though much bigger hole. As for first question the fact photon torpedoes have lot smellier in order fit shuttlecaft and launched. Beside with help replicators UFP make photon torpedoes smell as it wants.
