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Posts posted by Jason

  1. I came up with a few reason

    First they cheap you can get 200 B1 Battle droid for single "Droidekas. No information I am aware of that suggestion how much commando battle droids  cost to expensive to massive produce which number go by this questionable. This combine good battle field tactics send wave of B1 Battle droid charge keep enemy business while the Droidekas and commando battle droids do the rest work make some sense.  Means more expansive once able to do job more effective and get into fire range and possible survival battle. 

    Weakness this argument first case you on defense simple put the Commando battle driods and the Droidekas are better options when this kind mess. Other weakness is that how badly does Confederacy independent system also afford fight war were Republic force out number 5 to one rather then 1,000 to one. 

    Second they jack of all trades this seem good argument first start realize it weakness yes smaller Confederacy warships B1 Battle driod make the entire warship some ways dispensable. On other hand warship like  Subjugator-class heavy cruiser you kind do want specialist R2 units better repairs and the commando battle droids.  Commando battle driod could do little more work but, also to do ship security and man gunning station. For that matter  Malevolence's never been destroy first place if R2 used for repairs and Commando battle droids be used both for some task on the ship and security.   Of course also be fewer battle droids per a clone if this done. How much so is questionable you talk 5% or so fleet real give this kind upgrade. 

  2. I came up with a few reason

    First they cheap you can get 200 B1 Battle droid for single "Droidekas. No information I am aware of that suggestion how much commando battle droids  cost to expensive to massive produce which number go by this questionable. This combine good battle field tactics send wave of B1 Battle droid charge keep enemy business while the Droidekas and commando battle droids do the rest work make some sense.  Means more expansive once able to do job more effective and get into fire range and possible survival battle. 

    Weakness this argument first case you on defense simple put the Commando battle driods and the Droidekas are better options when this kind mess. Other weakness is that how badly does Confederacy independent system also afford fight war were Republic force out number 5 to one rather then 1,000 to one. 

    Second they jack of all trades this seem good argument first start realize it weakness yes smaller Confederacy warships B1 Battle driod make the entire warship some ways dispensable. On other hand warship like  Subjugator-class heavy cruiser you kind do want specialist R2 units better repairs and the commando battle droids.  Commando battle driod could do little more work but, also to do ship security and man gunning station. For that matter  Malevolence's never been destroy first place if R2 used for repairs and Commando battle droids be used both for some task on the ship and security.   Of course also be fewer battle droids per a clone if this done. How much so is questionable you talk 5% or so fleet real give this kind upgrade. 

  3. Real answer is of course the Darth Sidious  when Separations battle droids out number old Republic clone army out number thousand to one,.

    Now is question how many people will volunteer to high costly mission. Even at least some people just giving roft over their heads and food and pay was enough the type job average stormtroop doing would be less riskly taking inside working real warships. Wish had Republic offer them same chance we get hear one person say though.  Even likely many people lost homes and if army gave chance pay check would taking this do go fact if we talk about Warships they are less risky fair then fighting on planet surface.

    Now part answer might been simple local militias  both side nearly bankrupt by the war.  Yes Separates out number Republic thousand to one , but we no idea how much local militias involved get see then some what in Clones wars.  Value having volunteers aid in war might real worth while. This does not go how dangers something local militias doing keep world free.  This might explain the Jedi most cases since pound for pound Jedi using force combine with Clone soldiers force fear. 

    Few weakness to so call argument

    1.  numbers do matter mortars and so forth jobs high risk area and Volunteer and they do need special training. For that matter battle for Kashyyyk will train mortar teams cause more damage to attack battle droids aid in fight all together. Even middle range machine guns need some training even Star War fans like claim otherwise. Even real answer is Darth Sidious like argue that local militias up task go in between two areas.  


  4. While clearly  Dooku  convice the government one worlds not join Republic be under their protect. He made statement that droids  out number clones thousand to one. Statement fail take account tons first Israel air force know fight 15 to 1 this not taking account stealth technology which make even more lethal. Israel tank commander able fight 15 to 1 odds against Syria tanks until at least reforcement arrive which point Syria basic bad shape. 

    Also confendery of independent system use military effective those commando droids why they not man guns Confederacy warship. To be fair most target they trying hit are big and hard to miss even for even for B1 Battle droids deal enemy fighters were armed with missile relative lethal. Some battel droids armed with missile also relative lethal when came to anti vehicle warfare that we saw in attack of the clones.

    However effective of unit per unit combat is not to underrate at all.  Question individual clone destroy  1,000 answer come down more units. Ankin Skywalker tactic depend battle Junior officers be poorly effective to say the least. Basic they depend speed to over power the Serpentine forces. Know we do not get see entire detail of this fight to know happen other one Clone chip trigger order 66 go off let execute of Jedi general basic response for failure of the attack.  We do not know what Droid army response was to such rush attack however fact they nearly successful according general  Trench. Suggestion junior officer play role in near defeat also able to make judgment call Clone seem to be better comes us evierment around them as weapon. Go three S speed, surprise and stealth. Average clone depend battle might will make back able destroy over thsuand battle driod per unit or more.

    Other taking account is this both sides need deregulate the banks order to fund war. Which suggestion two side even match some degree or at least cost how fighting was such were push war push the two side bankrupts.  Of course neither side operation maximin  effectiveness for most part. Jedi not operation own Starfighter group for most part or order 66 would killed lot few Jedi knights.  For that matter Generel Gerives would gonner if Jedi strike force send against the Malevolence since Jedi having no trouble fly his defense. What is surprising is that know question way Jedi used in the war. Militery logic it made little sense. Clone lead own unit good degree while Jedi general was so what useful it question how useful they were.


  5. First thing take into account real only get see small part of the battle of Klendathu argument three possible reasons why did not see them

    FIrst the  bugs took out.

    Second it was longer campaign special force might been top priority to save  defense lines could moved order to save  with cover fire which is most likely take into account Rico was not killed  and with out help he should have one could argue main star that rule is the main star never died .

    Third possible of course is there was none and that Rico survival because was main star. 

    I say most likely second that they did have combat forces that were used to act as cover fire retreat force and special force were give top priority 

  6. My theory in general why normal Starfleet  personal did not wear armor or us personal force fields has do most time real risk of mission Starfleet officers face. Unless on Star Terk TV shows your like kill follow crew member hand phaser setting to high level because body armor or personal force field then you are hit by enengry base weapon. Also advance able move faster in general. Last reason have to do simple effective are personal force fields or body armor. Two security officer we saw Nor batte to the strong were at least knock out possible killed. The borg are only able adapt to phaser setting and higher the setting the harder time have adapt to it.

    Of course this does not go into Federation peace keeping force. In the alternate reality, Christopher Pike described the United Federation of Planets to James T. Kirk as a peace-keeping and humanitarian armada in 2255. (Star Trek)  . All likelihood use both ground personal and   Federation navy portal and starships.  Here the link  https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Armada

  7. We know some Rebel ships escape the battle at Scarff. No reason per say Leia send message Rebel Base that they the Death star plans but, Milliennium Falcon likely bug. Give Han Sola have the ship carry money Han Sola and just go.Study details of Death star at Yavin IV.Were likely found less costly plan to destroy the Death star rather losing get number their best pilots. In practice the Death star had many weakness if battle Scarif questionable justified after all the thermal exhaust port was only one many weakness it biggest weakness factor depend  X-9 heavy turbolaser battery and ship size Millennium Falcon fly right in. You could fit something like X-9 heavy Turblaser on ship even smaller  Millennium Falcon with the Rebel able to make makeshift. Rebel Fleet attack in that way it like per say destroy this does even go into in theory commandos. This weakness Rebel found about relative early. This also beside point main question why did Millennium Falcon not drop Rebel on Rebel ship.


  8. Here me out.
    We only get to see MACO us scaner twice once rescue  Hoshi Sato. Second investigating a pirating attack.
    Know have see MACO place demolish charges in ENT: "The Shipment"
    This hardly mean that MACO training could allow us the scaner effect need help make Xindi super weapon go boom. Archer need to us scaner before put charges in place.
    Possible he try and fail to become tactic officer which train use scaner or tircord to put charge to right setting cause maximum  damage. Starfleet might will said sorry we can make Caption but, you do have what take to tactic officer.
    Talk about reason for him to anger with United Federation of planets.

  9. MACO personal send aid NX Enterprise in it mission stop Xindi basic none lethal special force. Were  pirates way before NX Enterprise even launched. Even though did know how to use deadly force when felt needed. They armed stun grenades, stun baton and phase base weapons. Include able turn there phase rifle into snipe rifle.  Why not one MACO so call duties. I have own theory but,  I interest yours.


  10. I know this is big what if. My option would they would more likely to have capture   T'Kuvma . While yes two women army try carry this commando raid both seem to have hand to hand combat training or at least know some marshal arts. However first MACO basic train as special force train use none lethal and lethal weapons effective. MACO train disarm opponent with stun baton. They carry stun grenades to which could also help to. Very high chance that if T'Kuvma was stupide enough to get range member MACO  like what did to Caption Philippa Georgiou he would all likely stun and beam over 

    What your guys options if MACO was not disband would train none lethal force have led to TKuvma being capture in the battle of the   Battle of the Binary Stars.  Or would the they just lose group MACO if they had not been disband you left all same thing what political impacts my options is worst Kligon and Federation war.

  11. No Starfleet Marine core in cannon. However taking   Corporal Askwith into account at minimal Colonel West agency work for would be   like the Marine Security Guard    even possible that it much militarize verse of Starfleet even taking MACO into account would been do other jobs then combat. 

  12. My theory Colonel West part agency that response for at least protect Earth embassies. Fact we had  Corporal Askwith  on Earth embassy. 

    Fact Colonel West one answer the questions to President trying convince the Federation President asking him to approve of  operation retrieve  and wearing Admiral uniform. Also suggestion agency he part did more just protect United Federation of planet embassy otherwise why would he not be call general West instead Colonel West. 


  13. Krall basic service on board Enterprise during the Xindi conflict and MACO did play role save Earth and human race likely play and did play role Earth and Romulus war. Which leads key fact MACO disband not all them offer Starfleet commission only those likely multi skilled. Those not only pass advance hand to hand combat which equal to if not better MACO hand to hand combat but, those who had which Pike request JJ verse star Trek 2009 but, those could also pilot shuttle do have dozen other things on Starship. 

    Krall friend basic put into lost jobs some not able to get another one. This does go into number one strength MACO had over Starfleet security that want though advance hand to hand combat training would use sniper rifle. Starfleet Caption time of war could take member MACO not offer commission throw him or her into service and throw right back garbage can when they done.  Talking Krall reason to be angry. 

    Kirk statement you won use peace no wonder Krall did not care. 

  14. Basic put we only see MACO armed with stun baton. My question is why after all in Star Trek Undiscovery country hand phaser shot close range is lethal. One could argue that it require marshal art training make most of it. Then again we  Sula  advance hand to hand combat training. Argument Starfleet security stander training not just yellow or red shirt is also important point to make.

    Which leads me to ask simple question why?


  15. Simple put what see with UFP security not seem real up to task of carry out command like raid to try undermine enemy equipment in harder targets. Simple place let use Cardassion Base in Once more to Breach were civilian population. Real way want to take those kind defense out would with commandoes raids. You like Orbital sky diving combine with personal train sneak in use charge damage the weapon equipment and leave using three S speed, Surprising and stealth.

    Possible answer Simple answer is Science fiction. UFP able to normal officers these kind mission  without Collateral damage    damage.

     Special forces existed either by exchange program like advance Interstellar combat or something like advance tactic training. Now exchange program leading to better hand to hand combat some form UFP security is extremely likely.  Claim all culture exchange program.  

    Another possible advance training course for security personal. We heard advance tactic training .

    This what I have come up with I interest your ideas





  16. I have problem thoery

    First why stander Starfleet security not armed stun baton. Again hand phaser can be lethal close range. 

    Second it fail explain why United Earth would give MACO stun baton stand equipment. With no way turn it ieven into lethal weapon. My theory that MACO closer to anti terror special forces. Were for political reason they often did not use lethal force. 

