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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Jason

    Starfleet Staff Specialization

    I am just put down possible Airlocker. It possible install some kind technology computer chip into people we is another one. I am not going just say it TV it no fun I have to try come every possible answer.
  2. Even did come in cloak did surprise attack on USS Enterpise C. The USS Etnerpise D still had the time to destroy one birds of prey to say the least. USS Enterpise D had the able to do that in a few secounds about amount time taken for Klingon bird of prey to destory the USS Enterpise C If Klingon were to coming in cloak they stop USS Enterprise D making them unable to escape. The gravity fields of a bird of prey that size would have made the warp drives able Galaxy class starship not be unable to work. The fact the Klingon gave clear warning coming and gave the USS Enterprise D the time to escape and beam everyone off the USS Enterprise C. Sugestion mission destroy ENterpise C try avoid taking lose by scare the USS Enterprise D away. By the way USS Enterprise C would be as re- moveable as the USS Enterprise D. It would have taken half the time to destroy the USS Enterprise C that not going stop her from fire ten photon torpedoes a one of those birds of prey. They also had a few hours make these upgrades before three ships came so I disagree you about the time. This line is not cannon He never said that TV show. Watch the fight for chance stop depend scrip a lone. RIKER (quietly) We won't last long against that many.
  3. Even if you right about Enterprise C that I did not think you are. You still fail to explain why the Klingon ships did not come in cloak and does a surprise attack. The fact the USS Enterprise D could now the Klingon ships were coming and had time if they so wish to beam everyone off USS Enterprise C and to retreat. They could have in theory .The Enterprise D would have not had the able if the Klingon ship came in cloaked. The fact they did not cloak themselves is evidence on it own right. They were trying to scare the USS Enterprise D away from the USS Enterprise C. Other wise the USS Enterprise D would have not known they were coming Intel they decloaked and attack. They were afraid of the UFP getting another ships in there fleet. WESLEY Long-range scans have picked up Klingon battlecruisers, Captain. They are on an intercept course. This is it and everyone knows it. No time at all for whatever they might have tried to say to Tasha. RIKER E.t.a.? WESLEY Fourteen minutes, thirty-one seconds.
  4. Jason

    Starfleet Staff Specialization

    We did not know information need to make real judgment on Geordi Star Terk technology. We did not know how technology works or skill required to fixs . It possible skill need a lot less one would think. . At a longer amount techology look similar to me replicates, transporters and holodecks. As for security personal possible they different kinds of security personal some are tactical train more boarding. The information we have to limit. Another possible is they can send information thought minds.
  5. The Intrepid class very few laboratories on it unlike the Excelsior class. Intrepid class starship design more intelligence gathering anything else. Quick smell good sensors even laboratories on that starship seem design intelligence gathering missions. Excelsior class starship more design deep space exploring. So the Intrepid class starship be a good replacement. Beside UFP build longer number Galaxy class starship during Domination war. The UFP has lost at least some during all the fighting. So no reason why UFP could not build longer Sovereign Class starship after the Domination war.
  6. First this warship not research ship. Geordi need to know not only how to fixes things but do it will and quickly and in the heat of battle. If one phaser bank got knock out do you think they will wait to return to a star base. I do not think they going to wait tel got to a starbase they going to fix while in the middle fire fight the same go photon torpedoes launches. Even during peace time USS Enterprise D carries spare parts for all kinds’ systems. During the middle of a major war they are going to carry them. Geordi is chief of engineering he would have to known what his men would be able to do. If they were not able to do it he would have never suggestion it. Geordi say they could re-arm the USS Enterprise C. So it means it was in there power so do. Also if USS Enterprise D wants to they could get all the people off the USS Enterprise C in a few minutes. GEORDI (activates com badge) La Forge to damage control team alpha. Meet me on Engineering level three. This means they got at least three different away teams on the USS Enterprise C beam in few minutes on the USS Enterprise C. Why klingon warship would let the USS Enterprise D have the time to retreat and beam everyone off the USS Enterprise C. unless they were afraid of UFP got another ship. In case you think they did not have the time read this WESLEY Long-range scans have picked up Klingon battlecruisers, Captain. They are on an intercept course. This is it and everyone knows it. No time at all for whatever they might have tried to say to Tasha. RIKER E.t.a.? WESLEY Fourteen minutes, thirty-one seconds. To get information I have here check out this link hereMy link
  7. We talk about chief engineer the person who would known each combat system like back head. He knows what team is able to do. The fact he suggestion that say it can be done and very fast. He would not suggestion it if could not be done. If all the birds of prey going to fire at USS Enterprise C. Got damage not destroy took about three hits one ship before something go though shields. So if all three were to fire at the USS Enterprise C she would still be a round. Only two birds of prey to USS Enterprise D and USS Enterprise C. You are right Two birds of prey able to destroy USS Enterprise C if wise to but not with out losing at least another bird of prey in the fight. As for USS Enterprise D by time destroy the USS Enterprise C the USS Enterprise D would destroyed a least on bird of prey other either fight along against the USS Enterprise D and be destroy or would had to retreat. If two survival bird gain up USS Enterprise D. USS Enterprise C still armed photon torpedoes and USS Enterprise D could handle two birds of prey it own anyway.
  8. Not true from words of Geordi GEORDI Unless we were to re-arm them with modern... He used the word re-arm not upgrade. Show they could have done that if they wise to with out help of star base an it would have not taken that long. PICARD Agreed. But we can't stay in this area too long. (makes decision) You have nine hours. If you can get her underway in that time, we'll escort her back to Starbase one oh five. If not, we'll evacuate the survivors and destroy the ship. IF the USS Enterprise C armed with photon torpedoes the USS Enterprise C was armed and if both ships fire them the bird of prey would have been destroyed. The USS Enterprise D phaser and photon torpedoes could destroy the second bird of prey in a few seconds. If the two to attack USS Enterprise C they would destroy ship. The last survival bird of prey would have to retreat to fight another day or get destroyed by USS Enterprise D. My link
  9. When the Enterprise D fire her photon torpedoes she did Moderate damage to forward shields of that bird of prey. If Enterprise C was rearmed Yesterday Enterprise photon torpedoes and also fires them at that bird of prey. That bird of prey would have been destroyed. This would give Klingon three choice to keep on attacking USS Enterprise D, split up and attack USS Enterprise D and Enterprise C, just attack USS Enterprise C. The Enterprise D could have destroyed one bird prey few second one way or the other. All these choices would have lead to the second Bird of prey getting destroyed. Third bird of prey would have been able to escape only if both them attacking USS Enterprise C. PICARD Ready... and... now! RIKER Ready photon torpedoes. Dispersal pattern: Sierra. 76 EXT. SPACE - ENTERPRISE-D (OPTICAL) The Enterprise-D FIRES TORPEDOES. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 77 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA One enemy target hit, sir. Moderate damage to their DO not give me tell could have no armed the USS Enterprise C photon torpedoes. Even talking about doing that read this don’t believe me. Read this TASHA Captain Garrett says there were four Romulan warbirds. The Enterprise-C would be outmanned and outgunned... STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/14/89 - ACT THREE 33. 46 CONTINUED: GEORDI Unless we were to re-arm them with modern... Here links back may clains http://www.twiztv.com/scripts/nextgeneration/season3/tng-315.txt
  10. Pricad the time put the fact Klingon heading to the place that USS Enterprise C and Enterprise D were in location in his log. There only one reason the Klingons would be this much warning time to scare the USS Enterprise D away so they could destroy the USS Enterprise C before she could be upgrade. Klingon are losing this war the UFP most likely ate up 80% of Klingon fleet or more. Other wise Klingons would not be giving the USS Enterprise D this much of a warning to being with. In case do not believe that Pricad has time put log watch this vidio.My link
  11. The stromtroopers will be target practice for the Jam' Hadar foot soldeirs. the strom trooper can not even aim straight.I friend hit target more then strom troops even part the some of the same programs I go to.
  12. Ok explain to me how come Klingon trying scare the USS Enterprise D away from USS Enteprise C. If the klingon wanted to destroy they could done easily and quickly with the risk losing a starship across. If the Klingon birds of prey just decloak right near her they open fired they would have blow her to bits few seconds and they still would been able to take on the USS Enterprise D. The klingon did not do that instead let the USS Enterprise D known they were coming in about at least a few minutes hard to known how much warning time they had. That sounds to me like Klingon trying to scare the USS Enterprise D away. The reason I can think real afraid of USS Enterprise C being up grade. That means the war is going very bad for Klingon Empire. Meaning they did not even have able to do kind attact Pricad afriad the Klingon EMpire thinking of doing.
  13. I might agree you with you if it was not for the fact Klingon were going way out of their way to destroy the USS Enterprise C and scare USS Enterprise D away. If the Klingon used their cloak devices and did not show and did a surprises attack that would have been one thing but, they did not do that they gave USS Enterprise D lots of time to escape with crew that were aboard the USS Enterprise C. The only reason I could think of for why they would do that is because they so afraid of the UFP getting another ship. You going to have to do better then saying that USS Enterprise C happens weaken one. Because other wise they would have done surprise attack.
  14. Do not forget also that said something like that on Star Trek DS9 "Statistical Probabilities that UFP be force to surrender and look what happen. BASHIR I understand how you feel, sir. I don't like it any more than you do. But it's the best option. We ran dozens of different scenarios. Even if something unlikely were to happen that tilted the scales in our favor -- say an anti-Dominion coup on Cardassia -- we'd still lose this war. Read this link you do not believe me My link
  15. Strength my argument by a longer amount the UFP had no way of knowing how many starships the Klingon Empire had. Only thing the UFP could have been sure of it is taken a beaten if Klingon Empire does not run out stream in six months and was able to hit UFP punches that knock them into surrender then and key word there if. These two things UFP does not know and we have no way of knowing. It very possible Klingon Empire they were in bad shape and the way they try to destroy the USS Enterprise C suggestion war going a lot worst for them then they wanted to admit. It seems to me more likely Klingon Empire lost too many ship in offensive attacks against UFP and were runing out steam.
  16. TV is the strongest from of cannon scripts are only second strongest from cannon in Star Terk. The words on screen were not we will have no choice but to surrender but we may have no choice but to surrender. Watch this video Star Terk Yesterday Enterprise see what Pricard really said. Here is the link My link. Here is my evidence againist your claim.
  17. First the USS Enterprise D was sending to investigate an unusual radiation anomaly. The UFP would not have sending there big bad ship to do that kind mission. There been a real risk they could big ambushed by few Klingon warships it most likley check out massive enemy fleet. It was doing a scouting mission. Also why Tash bragging about USS Enterprise D call first galaxy class warship not us word battleship also suggestion there are more power starships that UFP . We know past UFP used war have call at least one starships a dreadnought not Pricad call USS Enterprise D battleship. Tash doing was try hide it away with her pride USS Enterprise D by just call her warship. The other fact Klingon seem going way out there way to make sure UFP did not got another ship call the USS Enterprise C. Disable her engine during first attack before retreating and then trying to then trying draw the USS Enterprise D form Enterprise C. The fact they were not cloak also back point trying scare the USS Enterprise D away from USS Enterprise C. Beyond there USS Enterprise D good took offense for klingon first Bird of prey destroys few seconds the photon torpedoes and phaser would have done the job. By the way that bird of prey fire on USS Enteprise D for about minute time. So the attact would have been weaken by 1/3 .The next one also been destroy few seconds to a minute latter take off the while USS Enterprise C got destroyed. The third one would destroy soon after that one. This show Klingon scare out whit’s of the thought USS Enterprise C upgrade. This first piece suggestion war going terrible for Klingon Empire. Another things is UFP no way knowing how big klingon fleet is with all cloak device Klingon are using. The Klingon Empire could make they look like they had a lot more starships then really had. This trick also lots way being helpful like making it impossible known how many starships other sides has grounding bases making any real attack way to riskily. It very possible the UFP had way overestimation number of starship Klingon Empire had a viable if Klingon Empire using these kinds tricks.
  18. If you watch that video it took three hits that time before broke the shields failed. We can debate that all day lets got important stuff though. The point you made that UFP yesterday Enterprise would have only same number of Galaxy class starships would be unlikely at best. Do you really think UFP building longer numbers Raven type class, Arcos class, Bradbury-class starships during the middle major war were survival is under question. Beyond there Vulcan building research starships another thing you wound not be building during a major war were UFP survival is under question. So during middle of twenty year war going on they would spend most resource building warships not research ships. Debate UFP does not have longer numbers of Galaxy class starship. For that matter in the middle Dominion war half UFP starship we saw fighting were not starship that we saw during time during TNG. Most these starship were mostly likely design to help handle the Borg so at the most 8 years or so. So in 8 years UFP most fleet made out more update warships design during may be two year before TNG Best of both worlds. Most of older starship would have been destroyed and new once fighting on in ten years at most.
  19. Watch this vidio watch USS Enterpise C got hit by a bird of prey. My link. RIKER I'd hate to scrap her, sir. Starfleet could certainly use another ship, even if it is a little old. Commander Riker call USS Enterprise C a little old. Star Terk TNG about 2/3 of UFP starships we seen in TNG were older Ambassador-class starship. So with the fact Klingon ate up little more half of Starfleet and Riker call the USS Enterprise C old say that. UFP would much longer number of starships Galaxy and Nebula class then in the main timeline. Do have to go over every now class starship main timeline in TNG.
  20. Here the piece of evidence USS Enterpise C could take a few hits from one Klingon ships. A Klingon bird of prey has appeared on the Main Viewer. Castillo rushes over to the helm... Tasha to tactical. Over this: GARRETT Red Alert. Full power to shields. Red Alert sounds. TASHA Shields are up. Functioning. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT THREE 40. 52 CONTINUED: CASTILLO Initiating evasive maneuvers... Gamma sequence. GARRETT Ready phasers... (to comm) Enterprise-D, has your captain returned safely... 53 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE Red Alert. Riker at command... RIKER (to comm) Acknowledged, Enterprise-C. Captain Picard is safely aboard... (to Data) Fire phasers. DATA (overlapping) Firing phasers... Behind him, Picard moves onto the bridge from the turbolift with a purpose... PICARD Situation report... RIKER One Klingon bird of prey... off the starboard bow... 54 INT. ENTERPRISE-C BRIDGE TASHA Firing phasers... GARRETT Load torpedo bays... Suddenly they're hit by a massive EXPLOSION. Garrett is caught by flying debris. She goes down. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - 12/8/89 - ACT THREE 41. 55 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) As the Enterprise-D fires a barrage, a shimmering EFFECT surrounds the bird of prey and it disappears. Here what happen when USS ENterpise D fire ten photon toropdoes. The Enterprise-D FIRES TORPEDOES. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 77 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA One enemy target hit, sir. Moderate damage to their forward shields. If the USS Enterpise C was armed same photon toropdoes it would done heavy damage to that bird of prey heavy damamge if not destory it out right. It could have last few secound allowing it reload finish off that ship. Now this being said the USS Enterpise D most likley not only starship to carries photon toropodes or be able fire them at that amount. TASHA (re: the new Enterprise) She was the first Galaxy Class warship built by the Federation... forty-two decks... capable of transporting over six thousand troops... PICARD (V.O.) Military log, Combat-date 43625.2. While investigating an unusual radiation anomaly reported by Starbase one oh five, the Enterprise has encountered what could almost be called a ghost from its own past... The Enterprise-C, the immediate predecessor of this battleship. In the Yesterday Enterprise timeline UFP would have had more then six galaxy class starship. First would been USS Galaxy that not been warship it very possible next two build would also not been warships either. Other fact is she was bragging about USS Enterprise D. The fact Pircad used word battleship and Tasha only used word warship. This means the USS Enterprise D is not the most powerful starship either. This would mean that UFP has a lot worst monsters ships availed to unleash Klingon Empire. They may also be able to carries a lot more troops and equipment then the Enterprise D. She did give a number the amount viable suggestion as will that UFP has a lot longer numbers of them just 3 or 4.
  21. Here the evidence that if USS Enterprise D had not hold it fire been able to destroy Klingon ships a lot faster. PICARD (coolly) Hold your fire. Mister Crusher, come about to one-four-eight mark zero-zero-three, on my command. Here the kind of damage could done in just few secounds. The Enterprise-D FIRES TORPEDOES. STAR TREK: "Yesterday's... " - REV. 12/11/89 - ACT FIVE 54. 77 INT. ENTERPRISE-D MAIN BRIDGE As before. DATA One enemy target hit, sir. Moderate damage to their forward shields. = The ship sends out a firestorm of PHASER fire. 82 ON KLINGON SHIP (OPTICAL) The phasers punch through the Klingon shields and the ship EXPLODES. If the USS Enterprise D had not held it fire it would been able to destroy that bird prey a lot faster special if came run out it with it phaser banks as will. If did this trick first one could have done same trick on second one destroy it soon after. This may have will been able to be done less few seconds. Problem was the USS Enterprise D was trying to protect the USS Enterprise C. If want to find out I got these lines from read this My link
  22. From the words of TASHA Deflector shield technology has advanced considerably during the war... our heat-dissipation rates are probably double those of the Enterprise-C, so we can hang in a firefight longer... So we known the defector shields of USS Enterpise D are twice as stronger a the USS enterpise C.So we known shielding ables of the USS Enterpise C. PICARD We could, of course, outrun the Klingons, but we must protect the Enterprise-C until she can enter the temporal rift.(beat) We may not survive... but we must succeed... Let's make sure they don't forget the name Enterprise. Showing the USS Enterpise D is faster then the Klingon ships. WESLEY The Klingons are flanking us... trying to draw us away from the Enterprise-C. Here piece of evidence says two things first it shows USS Enterprise D better maneuverability then Klingon warships. The fact Klingon warship fail to out flank USS Enterprise D prove that point. When one Klingon ships desperately trying to out flank the USS Enterprise D. Show one Klingon will to risk one ship being destroy just to destroy USS Enterprise C. IF the USS Enterprise C armed with the same photon torpedoes USS Enterprise D form yesterday Enterprise carried . It most likely would been the end of both Klingon warship and the Enterprise C. See Klingon warship doing act of desperation to make suicide move to try got ride USS Enterprise C before she really upgrade by Starfleet. My link
  23. As for evidence wise if USS Enterprise D not is defending the USS Enterprise C. She could just stay closed one of birds of prey hit her and used fire photon torpedoes first wave would take half or more shields. The second wave of photon torpedoes most likely would have destroyed that Klingon bird of prey. In theory USS Enterprise D could use same tactics with other two as will? It unlikely most of UFP starship could fir ten photon torpedoes at a time. Two Rumulan warbirds vrs 3 Klingon ships say a lot. IN yesterday Enterprise USS Enterprise D was about twice as far shields want to the USS Enterprise C.So the Klingon warships have about same amount of strength in weapons in both timelines. If not then Klingons should have not lost a single ship in that fight USS Enterprise D during Yesterday Enterprise.
  24. That were I disagree you in my option I known right now that does not mean much here because everyone disagree me this topic. The facts that Caption Pricard could say that three birds of prey have fire power to destroy both war birds say a lot with out USS Enterprise D help. It says that the Klingon Empire has made no major developments when came to weapons during 20 years of war. If anything weapons maybe even be a little weaken in then main timeline. Now tell me that is iirrelevant. I at least think it very relevant.
  25. How are the Storm troopers going to get near that drug? You think Vorta is going to try to find the Storm troopers before battle start and them over. I did not think so. He will be far away from were fight is happen. Jem'Hardar has good aim and at least hit target. To be fair we will give the storm troopers the able to do surprise attacit the fact so rarly hit target Jem' Hardar off guard. Watch the Jem’Hardar mow them down. Just to show how much joke the Empire foot soldiers are anyway. Even the Jem’Hardar armor provide better protect then storm troopers armor.