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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Enigma do even read what I write. What I saying is that because many different races that UFP face design general issue one design effective against multi different types armor.. Be jack of all trades as you put good general issue one.
  2. Point is Type three phaser rifle is complex good Major complain talk how much better Cardassion phaser rifle was field weapon. Three points I like make First how armor works in Star Trek is mean have use more power bring enemy we saw this with Klingons in Star Trek TNG heart of glory. In major fire fight we do want weapon run enengry sooner then it has to do. UFP multi battles go on though out it territory phaser rifle type 3 work go general issue weapon were some enemies were good armor, other wear poor armor and some were no armor.
  3. Strong evidnece Andion Imperail guard still existed into at least 23 century. First Laikan Military Academy which could only mean two things first most like fact be on Andorian could mean the Andrioan Imperail guard still existed. Only other possible is Starfleet has other militery agencies in it ranks. You can do have pick poison. Fact also foriegn studies also is evidnece Andorian Imperail guard. Here site get from https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Laikan_Military_Academy
  4. Maybe you right about Andorian Imperial Guard. Advanced Interstellar Combat class might more tradition part of their education even I am wondering why Starfleet officers be take that course. I expect something more like advance hand to hand combat training for Federation security or something like that. Acting political correct say only culture exchange or something like that. Then again for all we know she want though advance hand to hand combat training.
  5. Why only some of Federation soldier / security wear panties that provide better protect nor battle to the anus. My theories that they either used term tampon loosely mean could part Federation navy portal or some other agency in Starfleet were better protect uniforms. In practice armor does anyway Star Trek is mean require more power ray guns to kill someone.
  6. You know Star Trek TNG heart of glory Klingion warrior took about three shots bring him down. WOlf hand phaser had the Kligion warrior fall to his death rather kill him out right. Now yes we get see phaser seem though one end and out other however that does suggestion did not break though Kligoon armor. So evidence Klingion armor provide some limit protect against hand phaser. Why UFP officers were combat uniform other would not two possible answer. First Starfleet special breach of Starfleet security design handle group like Orion Syndicate. Again Orion Syndicate question what kind weapons or powerful were normal. Again armor might will powerful effective against type one and type two hand phasers. Second possible Starfleet lot more militarize during TOS the Federation had personal train to handle mortars Kirk even advices that advice against fire it such closer range Kirk decide take risk anyway TOS area. In TNG did have specialist like this at least it hard to say. Caption Pircard was Caption view Starfleet none military agency. The Caption in Chain of command 1 and 2 turn USS Enterprise D into warship against wish most of his crew. Sisko is one no idea how view Starfleet and he might been before DS9 involded any combat period. Now having specialist to use some kinds weapons does not mean Starfleet had real call foot soldiers.
  7. Opposed Federation armor meant Kligion energy weapon use higher setting Federation complain about Kligion going hand to hand combat Starfleet officer were armor make poor Kligion set weapon higher setting.
  8. Do even read what I write or just make statement. I mean in practice let say all that hand to hand combat that Starfleet personal complain about had do the Kligion over setting disrupters.
  9. We saw USS Enterpise D extend it shield around Romulus scout ship in The defector
  10. I think that answer to why fleet fight in close range so that other starship extend shields do not back them up. Since we know UFP starship much long range comes weapons.
  11. Yes that is the reason Kira said that UFP did make weakness in their design. However she also complain then being lot more complex and stated lot more can go wrong not good field weapon. Again taking into account differnet level and types armor enemies of Federation wear different setting allow more effective fighting multi different kinds of enemies armor.
  12. I interest hearing what guys answers and not per saying give you possible. even though I could safely rule out power hungry since highest ranks in Security go all way to Admirals.
  13. My theory is more to do believe United Federation planet political correct answer why MACO disband. Basic Starfleet security or at least some them know use hand grenade unless USS Voyager Caption ship only one had it, phaser rifle and possible sniper rifle. Then of course mortars we saw Kirk use go against advice of one his speclist that kind weapon.
  14. Star War fans claim takes 15 years build 4 Galaxy class starships. Problem this so call argument first it take NASA guessing no other delays 4 years from when the James Webb Space Telescope was give the greenline project to when put orbit guessing that no other delays. After all likely sensors special came thing try development for science and research part mission Galaxy class starship might delays after delays those sensor like make Jame Webb Space Telescope child play to compare. Now of course another possible UFP might will take time with just Galaxy class pro-type. Doing all kind tests before sending her into unknown UFP put other Galaxy class starship into sevice 10 year time.
  15. Let face In Star Trek discovery will you take my hand the UFP or accority Section 31 think blow the Klingon homeworld to second heaven the crew USS Discovery did go along with it. However Klingon Empire might been more scare of this and this might explain why Klingon Empire response to Genesis project the way did they fear it would used as weapon against on them. What do you guy think about it.
  16. Simple put it Harry Kim done more good USS Voyager in the Non Sequitur timeline then he could realistic done in the normal timeline for USS Voyager itself. For the follow reasons first he could push Pathfinder project to early date. Which turn would had USS Voyager have contact with Starfleet early. Which in turn like allow USS Voyager to make faster journey with United Federation of planet map the star system in Delta quadron.
  17. Only answer I could come up with is that issue power anyone else have any ideas.
  18. Let face United Federation of planet plan cause lot damage to Klingon homeworld in Star Trek discovery. Also no reason to assume Section 31 does have working cloak devices since we see illegal phase cloaking device hidden themselves from Romulus in TNG. No reason to assume that they not able find crew and caption who willing to carry something close to genocide mission Klingons guessing UFP losing I may still question that another story guessing wrong will. After Sisko allow something that could be used to biological weapons to be trade for Cardassion date rode to trick the Romulus into joint the war. Did not forget the way he stop the Maquis in For the Uniform either. Admiral Rosh was willing to screw up Romulus Senator to insure the the alliance held. This does not even go into all those guy join the Maquis.
  19. How about give answer my answer is depend if war over How about you giva answer to the question my answer depend war is over is UFP survival under question is terrioiry war or is war of survival or is reason UFP think surriender more to Borg some other threat. If answer terrioiry surrender honor options if surriender means no more UFP I could give lists of Captions glady work Section 31 . However interest in hearing because UFP at least believe losing.
  20. Far I can tell Terrien Empire or seem disband MACO. Any theories on why Terrien Empire would disband MACO? WE all know Terrien Empire not peace loving agency it blood thirsty.
  21. You guy forget about the New Hope the Millennium Falcon like get destroy that many Tie fighters. Point is that unless the Oberth-class is armed with photon torpedoes it would destroy. By the way that only reason why I think Tie fighters win
  22. Oberth-class Starship verse 50 Tie fighters. Will remember Tie figher cause least some damage Falcon those something 8 Tie fighers. Now we talk 50 Tie fighers here something like this might able destroy Han Sole ship in New Hope. It likely Rebel Alliance heavy upgrade the Falcon once used Rebel ship. We also talk ship design mostly science limit military and total destroy by single BOP with just two photon torpedoes. I say this Millioan Falcon shields at least good as the Oberth class starship. So 50 Tie fighters like strength require down it and they down the Han Sole Falcon as will to for sure.
  23. Let face in that movies it not like military not know they existed. While one might argue that very hard to pick in practice easily pick with the right weapon very easily to kill. First equipment need recommend first good armor anyone thing armor work thing again. When Predator ray weapon hit soldier gun it saw sparks maybe caught little fire saw him using latter. Means even soldier have wear heavy armor. Since soldier gun take take hit Predator weapon get burn even knock ground smell amount mental . Armor made tough enough withstand a Predator ray gun in practice. Each soldier need wear it all around them be little sluggish it provide protect ray gun. Or us shields match way roman did having each man shield protect other turn square formation with shields. They might want for the must part us hand grenade and the shield themselves might well have guns on them. Or likely rocket launcher or machine gun.
  24. In Predator 2 you right do have team that was somewhat will equipment capture him. I sorry thinking more about second Aliens vrs Predator movie. However right were equipment to try compare him one piece.