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Posts posted by JohnM81

  1. Reading a little further in that thread, I found a couple of interesting assumptions. They seem to be assuming that 1. TCW is somehow suspect in it's validity, due to the scoffing way they refer to it. 2. Imperial technology would have somehow advanced significantly in the few years between the Clone Wars and Episode IV. In fact, weapons technology seems to have plateaued for quite some time. Imperial technology doesn't seem to have had any significant advancement since the time of the Old Republic. I also found it funny that they dismissed the bombardment in TDiC as "technobabble weapons" as if 1. it diminishes what happened, and 2. as if SW doesn't also employ technobabble to make weapons and ships do things that are outside the realm of physics.


    Yeah but the direction of that line of thought died off pretty quickly when they knew I would point to the evidence of the awings as brought up by brian in return of the jedi.

  2. :) thanks. I think I probably already deleted the follow up videos I posted from my Dropbox.

    Feel free to point them out.


    Millennium Falcon/Avenger's hull

    Anakin's fighter ramming the battle droid in TPM


    Everyone please be patient with my slow progress. I've been sick for weeks with the thick pollen in the air this time of year, and I can only speak a few consecutive words before a coughing fit. I hope to get some work done soon, but it is difficult right now. Don't give up on me.



    Thanks, they seemed not to want to accept the canon evidence and it was obvious they didn't even watch the video. It got so bad at one point that I had to spoon feed them with this post:


    I did. Its okay i'll hold your hand through this once again


    I would point to time stamp 5:45 - 6:50 of Brian's video.

    I would point to time stamp 8:18 - 8:25 of Brian's video.

    I would point to time stamp 10:28 - 10:59 of Brian's video.



    These are just select segments of your video that specifically stated a shield (of space ships) was up and then fighters took out the shield generators.

  3. I'd have to agree the case for a/m beam weapons isn't too strong. There are real life events such as lighting that produce antimatter in levels that can be detected, and disruptors don't act like det weapons but more NDF.


    By page two i see the argument moved onto how much antimatter could be delivered because of complex storage or w/e. Well i suppose that depends on how many proton torps you could cramp into the shuttle :)


    I'd also point out that the bombardment in Die is Cast is not only impossible with the highest stated reactor outputs but also with antimatter beams. Those beams would have to be super-massive to create the teratons/petatons level shock waves using anti-matter. So they simply have to be technobabble NDF weapons which leave residue anti-protons behind after use.



    Yeah that seemed to be a sticking point with them, so I posted this just to get over it because I felt it was detracting from the main topic:


    Just in case this romulan disruptor using antimatter is a sticking point for you all and is detracting from the main topic of this thread there is other canon evidence of a/m (anti-protons) being shot out of federation ships as a particle stream which would work as well.


    Canon Evidence:

    http://www.tubeplus.me/player/1339201/S ... _Blood/%22

    Time stamp= 35:55

    Time stamp= 43:58


    You will note that Janeway states that the anti-matter pulse wont do much good against shields as expected antimatter needs direct contact with matter to be effective.



    So there you go MORE canon evidence that anti-matter can be used as a weapon and precedent exists.


  4. I will admit that the folks at the SDnet forums are a very hostile bunch and attack at pretty much any post that isn't praising SW saga in some way. But they are a bunch that demand evidence so I collected evidence from Brian's excellent work (case studies) and posted a thread basically stating here is a way that ST forces might win a single space engagement utilizing the SW shields and ST anti-matter case studies.


    Well so far its been a vigorous debate and at this point they are desperately grasping for straws in the face of the volume of Brian's canon evidence. If any of you are interested the thread is:




    And of course Brian, this is the result of your hard work so I tried to cite you and give you credit for your work. (besides I don't want them thinking that ugly mug in the videos is me!! j/k j/k lol) :D
