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Posts posted by Airlocke

  1. Heroscape is fun. I have an extensive collection. I've played Palladium's Heroes Unlimited, D20 star wars game(as a human smuggler, we had a rule about no pc jedi. It was a blast), and a LOT of DnD. In fact, I'm about to start running my own DnD campaign. Tomorrow, actually. Should be a good time.

  2. For starters, if magic is used in an RP, it will follow the ASVS Base Magic System, also known as the Twelve Currents. What are the Twelve Currents? They are the twelve different "currents" of magic, each one a different color, and granting a different form of power, sort of like the Winds of Magic from Warhammer Fantasy, or the Five Powers from The Wheel of Time. These currents are as follows:


    Red - Fire

    Orange - The Body

    Yellow - Earth & Metals

    Green - Plant Life

    Blue - Storms

    Indigo - The Arcane

    Violet - The Mind

    Brown - Beasts

    Black - Shadows

    Grey - Death

    White - Light

    Colorless - Space-Time


    However, each player can only have control over three currents. And just because you have the Colorless current under your control, doesn't mean that you can go anywhere in the universe, or even have absolute control over all of space-time. Nor does it allow time travel. Don't even think about it.


    Except that I am using the colorless current to hand-wave base-universe players being able to be involved in rps in any sci-fi universe you can think of. Sorry, but it is happening. Deal with it.

  3. What can I say? You wanted my attention, badly, so badly you didn't give up trying to get it, and NOW YOU HAVE IT. Face reality - you are on a social networking site and have, I guess, about 5,000 virtual strangers who you call 'friends' who can access your family photos. All I done was share certain of those photos with an audience who REALLY appreciate them. Call me a pedo? LOL! I'm not a pedo. Pedos make me sick, so do you, and you are no better than them. Yes, I am NOT a pedo, but I can't realistically say the same for the 450,000 totally Anonymous strangers I've shared your family photos with now can I? Do what you want to me, I don't give a fuck, and I can always start another thread on 4Chan RIGHT NOW if you want to get my attention again, neckbeard, but I'm guessing you don't want to qualify for their 'Dad of the year' award and will stick to safe things, like experimenting with your facial hair some more. Call the police if you want, I've done nothing wrong, I have shared my 'friends' family photos on 4Chan, an image-sharing site. Hey, I've got an idea, why don't I post your home address in Finland in the next thread I make up? You'll be easy to find, you're in a a band and crave attention. Remember - it's up to you. Hit me if you want, I'm Ok with that, do it every day of the week, leaving messages on my wall, and I will give you and your family all the attention you can handle. So long, DAD!



    So I'm in this gaming community through Facebook. One of my friends ran afoul of this guy. WTF! Guys, I'm not sure what can be done, but SOMETHING needs to be done. This is fucked up.



  4. Haha. Nice one Khas. Seriously, though. Very few rules here.


    1. Try to keep the insults to a minimum.

    2. Try to stay within the guidelines set by your gm. They're the game master. It is THEIR game. Play by their rules.

    3. Gms, try to remain as objective as possible. Dicriminating against specific players just isn't cool, regardless of their playing style.

    4. It was mentioned in the joke rules, but, seriously, DO NOT move other pcs or npcs. You control you're character and that is it. This rule can be bent somewhat with permission of other pcs and the gm, if it streamlines the game and makes things more fun. Do not move around other characters without permission, though. EVER.

    5. Make sure that IC posts are put in the proper threads/forum. The same goes for OOC posts. This is done to maintain the flow of the rp.



    And that's really all there is for out general conduct policies. Swearing and sexual references are okay as long as they fit the tone of the game and suck things are approved by the gm. This is a mature-ish forum, but we're not going to go out of our way to be crude. We expect the same from out regular posters. Please, be reasonable.


    Khas and I are the Chief moderators for this forum and the IC forum. We will, for the most part, allow gms to enforce their own policies. However, if a player is breaking rules and not listening to the gm, or if a gm is being unfair to certain players, Khas and I will step in and attempt to solve the situation. We understand that there will be disagreements and there will be some allowances made to that effect, but for the most part, please, PLEASE remain civil with each other.


    Aside from participating in certain rps, Khas and my primary job will be to watch the posts and make sure that OOC and IC posts are in the proper threads/forums. We will move threads/posts as needed in order to maintain the flow of the rp. If you need to make OOC comments in an IC thread, be sure to differentiate between the two comments within your posts. Posting OOC character comments in () is an easy way to make an OOC post in an IC thread, while maintaining the flow of the thread.


    As long as everyone follows these few rules, we should have a BLAST!


    Also, please don't mind Khas. He has this weird delusion that he is funny. Just ignore him and he'll go away. :p

  5. Welcome, one and all, to ASVS's Revamped Roleplay forum. We're in the process of restructuring things and putting a new system in place that, we think, will inspire a lot of different roleplay scenarios, as well as generating more general interest in the ASVS forums.

    Players and gms are free to engage in any type of rp they'd like, as long as gms are willing to work with prospective players who may be unfamiliar with that particular rp. We will, however, have our own system and theme, which I think will be able to generate a lot of very interesting scenarios.

    We will be creating a setting of our own that will allow a gm to start an rp in an any sci-fi setting imaginable, at absolutely any moment in canon, and will provide the gm with a ready made excuse to make any change to canon that he'd like, and will allow the players to make one character that they can use for all of the rps they participate in, with all accrued xp and skills/abilities(that are not setting specific) carried over. We will have a VERY simplistic base set of game-mechanics, posted in the OOC AND IC forums as a sticky thread, that allow a high level of customization and are very versatilite. The simplicity of this set of rules is purposeful. We're trying to create a system that allows literally ANY possible scenario that a gm can imagine, and since a lot of the settings will be fundamentally incompatible, our game mechanics have to be very simple and streamlined in order to mesh with all of the styles in the settings.

    I know what you are thinking. Why do we NEED to install the background setting or game mechanic to allow for all of the crossover rps or self inserts? Why can't we just leave that up to the gms? The answer is really very simple. We need one blanket explanation for the origin of all of the AU Rps to avoid canon disputes which can very easily wreck a game. We need a base site mechanic to ensure consistency in our gms and to maintain game balance. Without a set base mechanic there would be many arguments about certain gm rulings and the actions of certain types of players that have a tendency to munchkin. These kinds of things can also ruin games.

    All we're trying to do here is create a fun gaming environment were players can experiment with a lot of different awesome/weird/wacky/fun settings that they would otherwise be unable to mess around with. We're going to be very relaxed on enforcing rules in the games, as long as the thread remains fun for all involved, and game ending arguments are avoided. Feel free to run any pre-established game that you'd like. Just be ready to work with other players who want to get involved, but may not be familiar with those game mechanics. Other than that, just try to have fun.

    The overall forum rules are very relaxed, for the most part. As long as no one is seriously threatening another member or discussing illegal actions, pretty much anything goes. See Tyralak's rules thread here:


    That's pretty much everything that needs to be said. Now bug off and go role-play!

  6. Although, the fact that they were long-range would imply that they're more powerful than an average missile's yield, in other words, high-yield weapons that the Umbarans don't want going off anywhere near the capital.




    On a different note, one episode of TCW shows that interplanetary sensors are actually radar.


    Doesn't that show also have At-St's capable of bringing down ships? Like capital ships that had entered the atmosphere to make strafing runs. IIRC it was a frigate. The show is complete bullshit. I hate it, and I fucking despise Lucas for making it. I've considered hiring an assassin at certain points.

  7. Smell problem what happens someone belongs to both would that person have commit suicide in this case.



    Quite likely, my mentally challenged friend. Quite likely. Not that it matters, as we all die anyway.

  8. You suck more violently than Jason. At least I think that was his name. The annoying dude? Trek wanker. You know who I'm talking about. Yeah, I think it was Jason. You suck more violently than him.


    Only not really because that isn't actually physically possible.


    And also not really because you did a pretty good job on those and they don't suck at all..... They're actually pretty awesome.



