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Posts posted by Airlocke

  1. Fucking college applications. Here I thought most of them were due by the end of the month, but I have one due in two days. I don't even know how to request my SAT scores to be sent to the freaking place.




    Guidance counselors. They are awesome. If you are thinking of leaving the state, which you obviously are not, try Indiana State University. We are awesome....just not in football.

  2. I;ve had to do about three hundred interviews(slight exaggeration) and taken about fifteen videos depicting "the spirit" of homecoming. Basically, we have form our own opinion of the purpose of homecoming after conducting extensive research, and present it in a 15 min power point presentation and a video.




    My impression so far, this school loves money.

  3. Happened to me with my very first E-mail account.


    I chose the name Praeothmin (name of an Elf wizard I've played in the past, which I invented, full name Praeothmin Thunbaerio), and I was surprised to see that I had to choose Praeothmin7, because there were already six of them registered... blink.gif


    6 people had stolen my name... laugh.gif




    I never knew where these 6 Praeothmin came from to this day, and I've never been duplicated since... emot-iiam.gif




    There were times when I've been unable to use Airlocke as a username, I got very angry, then realized that I already had an account. dry.gif




    btw...one of the praeothmins are mine.

  4. Homecoming week sucks ass, that is, this time it does, because I have a gay ass project over it, and it causing me to lose so much sleep. It wouldn't be so bad if our football team was actually good. It's not. We currently have the fourth longest losing streak in NCAA history. Yeah, we're that bad. So anyway, I have like an hour or so before the next homecoming activity, entertain me.

  5. Name of a character from a novel that I have been working on for almost four years now. I was having difficulties coming up with a name for him, so I asked my 10 year old nephew for help, kids are often great with names. He suggested Airlocke and I was immediately infatuated with the name.

  6. Check out nuclear bomb blast it lose about half it every 2 miles. 30,000 kms is about 18,645 miles. Times it by two then times it by 720,000 and you got 4,428,000 degree Celsius the real amount heat the USS Enterprise D hit that burg cube with.. If accurse 30,000 km is suicide with the USS Enterprise D using her main defector dish as a weapon with her shields up. I do not think a star destroyer it could withstand that kind of heat.








    I'm dumbfounded. H-...




    How in the hell is that a valid reference point?

  7. Watched the Best of Both worlds last night. Towards the end of the episode, after the rescue team failed to recover Picard, Riker tells Worf to power up the deflector dish and Crusher to bring the Enterprise to 40, 000 kms, which would be a safe distance to fire with the added power of the deflector dish. Maybe this can help in any calculations to be done? (Can't do them myself, Comm major).






    Though I dispute the 150 to 190,000km range but the saucer section of both ship classes are identical. It is the drive section that is different.


    so they'd both would have similar firing range unless of course the Nebula cannot put in as much energy into their phaser banks as the Galaxy.




    Look at the bold, that is all that is relevant to this thread. The enhanced phaser beam was safe to be fired from 40, 000 kms, which is far closer than any previous numbers Jason has put forth. Also, not that it was ENTIRELY SAFE to be fired from that distance, which means that the blast's maximum blast radius has to be shorter than this, thus far reducing its supposed yield. I would say that Jason's does not have much steam left.

  8. First of all, the Enterprise IS NOT a Nebula Class ship. This means that standard firing range will likely not be the same. Second point, this still says nothing about the current situation. Give information from the episode in question, you know, because then the information you give will actually be relevant.




    Watched the Best of Both worlds last night. Towards the end of the episode, after the rescue team failed to recover Picard, Riker tells Worf to power up the deflector dish and Crusher to bring the Enterprise to 40, 000 kms, which would be a safe distance to fire with the added power of the deflector dish. Maybe this can help in any calculations to be done? (Can't do them myself, Comm major).

  9. You're right, it seems I suffered from an Inigo Montoya moment:


    "That word you keep using, I do not think it means what you think it means!"




    This is a definition of "opinionated" from an online dictionary:


    "Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions."




    And here I thought it only meant someone having opinions on every subject... blush.gif




    This. I was also a bit confused on the meaning of the word, I guess.

  10. Are you kidding? If it's possible to phase on a wide beam, it logically follows that with a greater power setting, a wide beam could be used in combat. Try to base your arguments on facts and not rhetoric.




    I would like to point out that rhetoric, as originally defined by Aristotle, is a way to find the truth in a given situation. The word doesn't really fit here.
