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Everything posted by Airlocke

  1. Airlocke

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    I'm not going to get pissy about this, since it is not quite as bad as I thought, and I may use my points for new features, if they are added, so I'm not going to purchase this. Can you make a temporary one? One that acts sort of like a temp-ban from the person's profile? That would be interesting, that way you could protect yourself, and still fuck with other people. I may end up liking this idea...maybe. Only maybe. I'm sure I'll change my mind first time someone fucks with my sig, though. Eh, we'll see how it goes.
  2. Wow, that actually sounds a bit scary. GOODBYE REBELLION!
  3. Airlocke

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    Quick question, what is the net worth? What does that do, because, somehow, I've managed to accumulate the second highest net worth, and I'm not sure what it does. Does IT have any bearing on your "war". Another thing, maybe I missed it, what is the limit for positive ratings you can give? I seem to have already reached my quota, and I haven't even used one on myself. Seems like a bit of a low limit. At this rate, no one will get to use the your store, because it is going to take a while to build a good rep.
  4. Airlocke

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    Well, to be honest, I'm simply not going to be a big fan of any kind of system that rates your activity in anyway, though, I felt my foot creeping towards my mouth, for about half a second, when I saw the dollar amounts next to people's names. I thought a store could be a decent idea, then I saw this thread and changed my mind. The idea of your system is, basically, that everyone posts and earns a good reputation, so that they can fuck with other people's reputation and points. You are, essentially, earning these points to keep other people from earning points or to make yourself earn more points. It almost seems pointless, especially when you consider the fact that this will inevitably piss someone off, because some people cannot handle other people fucking with them, and things could get bad. I think I see what you are trying to do, and I suppose it isn't a horribleidea, but I don't think it will work the way it is set up. I know that I, for one, am unlikely to use these points to fuck with people. Maybe if there was another option to spend them on for someone who doesn't just want to go around pissing people off. Like, maybe, the ability to buy a bigger avatar, or...something. I don't know, I just don't quite like this. Is that more helpful? Let me know if it isn't, I suppose I can be more specific.
  5. Airlocke

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    ...and it appears that I was right. I really DO despise this idea. Yea! Everbody, look! Paul is retarded. Hurray!
  6. Airlocke

    USS Defiant vs Death star

    Okay, I literally have no fucking idea what you just wrote. NONE. Completely indecipherable.
  7. Airlocke

    You Are All Wrong

    Yes, this would be unforgivable.
  8. Airlocke

    Fun little things being added..

    Yeah, and who was the one getting pissy because someone said they didn't like his idea? Go fall on a knife.
  9. Airlocke

    Fun little things being added..

    Well, see, because you already mentioned that, yes I did understand. I don't know what you are doing with it, but, honestly, I could care less. I don't like the idea of a post system based upon ANY system of measuring the quality of posts, especially not if it makes any significant difference to our status on the site, which you have already insinuated that it would be here: Why the fuck would this point system matter if it wasn't going to affect us in some way? Since it clearly is, I CAN say that I do not like the idea, because it involves rating post quality (in one way or another, though you have made it clear in which way)and changes our status in one way or another(how I obviously have no clue). I just do not like the idea on a principle level.
  10. Airlocke

    Fun little things being added..

    Yeah, I got that. I don't like the idea. It's almost like you read my displeasure and couldn't believe that I didn't like the idea, so you just repeated yourself, thinking,"Hey, maybe he just doesn't understand. This is an awesome idea, no one could possibly dislike it."
  11. Airlocke


    I used to be infatuated with Megan Fox, but I'm over it now. Doesn't seem all that attractive to me anymore. Maybe it's just because I know she's more fake than the celebrity chicks usually are.
  12. Airlocke

    Michael Dorn as Chewbacca.

    I do not like the idea of Andre the Giant as Chewie. For one thing, he would be a bit taller, and a hell of a lot broader, and, I don't know, I guess I just like Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca. I couldn't get behind Andre the Giant.
  13. Airlocke

    Fun little things being added..

    Eh....I don't like this going that far. The idea of our posts being rated by some program for a point system is absurd. It takes all of the fun out of posting here. BAD IDEA. I like the first one, though.
  14. I'll give you that, but I posit that the Rebels would be far more capable of dealing with the Borg on these "subversive levels". That is how they were able to defeat the Empire, so it does seem possible that the Borg could be defeated, even if the wiped out the Empire. Also, you can't expect every single Imperial to use the exact same tactics every time. The only imperial commanders we really saw in the films were working directly with Vader, the most vicious promoter of brute force tactics in the Galaxy, and thus do not necessarily represent the majority of Imperial commanders very accurately.
  15. Airlocke

    USS Defiant vs Death star

    I understand that(btw, you could have just quoted the wookieepedia article, woulda been easier), but this scene does suggest that they also provide some defense aginst kinetic energy and solid objects, as well, though not necessarily a great amount.
  16. Airlocke

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    I understand, but I must say, seems a bit silly to have that heavily armed of a Medical Frigate(Nebulon B2) Would take away from the room for more advanced medical equipment and the injured, plus it would be a bigger drain on the power, thus another hit to the resources for the medical field officers. The medstar design makes more sense, since opposing forces generally leave medical frigates alone, so there is very little use for the extra armament and shielding.
  17. Airlocke

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    What the fuck? Are YOU that dense. Of course I realize that no specifications were made in the OP, but that doesn't change the fact that you made just about the most obvious statement in the world. OF COURSE THE OUTCOME WILL DEPEND UPON THE ARMAMENT OF THE SHIPS, especially since there are not normally war ships.
  18. Airlocke

    USS Defiant vs Death star

    60 INT. BRIDGE-TRADE FEDERATION CRUISER BODYGUARD: General, we found the Jedi. They're in hallway 328. GENERAL GRIEVOUS: Activate ray shields. 61 INT. HALLWAY-TRADE FEDERATION CRUISER They run down the hallway. Suddenly, ray shields drop around them, putting them in an electronic box in the middle of the hallway. ANAKIN: Ray shields! OBI-WAN takes a deep breath to express his total disappointment.
  19. Airlocke

    USS Defiant vs Death star

    I'm not sure about this. Weren't Anakin, Obi-Wan, Palpatine, and R2-D2 trapped by ray shields aboard the Invisible Hand? This suggests that they CAN block solid objects, though I could be misremembering, or just not considering a crucial variable, somewhere.
  20. Massive Ion cannons, I might add. Though, in the EU it is implied that shields have been adapted to block out ion canon fire, so the Nebula Class Ship could, conceivably, counteract that strategy.
  21. Airlocke

    Medical Frigate vs Runabout

    You, sir, have just won the Captain Obvious Award for Stating the Obvious. Congratulations, and good luck next time. Isn't the armament of a space ship ALWAYS a huge factor in a battle? I mean, they're not going to win by ramming your ship.
  22. Yeah, the Borg could actually have been destroyed by the federation had Picard not been a pussy and trashed the virus plan. They were very nearly COMPLETELY WIPED OUT. And, hell, the feds always found a way to defeat them one way or another, no reason the Empire couldn't.
  23. I was driving home on a road that I knew very well, so, naturally, I was speeding. Took a corner too sharp, and my right front tire slid off the road, and was popped off the rim. I lost control of the car, and began to slide up the bank on the inside of the corner, towards some trees. Wrenched the wheel to the left and, because of the jacked up steering caused by the tire, went shooting across the road(thank God, no one was coming)over a bank and into a field. Managed to gain control and stop about 3-4 meters shy of a pond. Luckily, the only damage was the tire, which was fixed for free under my warranty. I was so fucking lucky.
  24. Airlocke

    And now for something completely different...

    MOUNT EVEREST HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS APPROXIMATELY 22,000 FT. The frigid temperatures alone, to say nothing of the other dangers involved, were enough to discourage most from heeding the old man's words. Three weeks prior, when Jackson "Airlocke" Talbot had been aimlessly wandering the streets in a heart broken state after having buried his faithful pet kitten, the proclamation had been made. Standing at 5 feet, three inches from the ground, and weighing approximately 173 pounds, the portly old man seemed anything but important, yet, if his words were true , he could be the key to saving the world from the tyranny of Wong. He spoke of a blunder by that idiotic Raycav, prompted by the bastard Crayz, that would throw the world off-balance, and lead to the wayward disciples of Wong ruling the world. "There is little that can be done," he had said "Without a substantial Force for you to command." "Me?" Airlocke had asked. "I'm hardly special,. What use could I be?" "You have powers that none of the enemy can neutralize, the ability to affect weather fronts, this ability will aid your Forces well." "What Forces? What THE HELL, are you talking about?" The confrontation had left Airlocke reeling and confused, but after the missiles had been launched, and Jelly Beans had begun to fall from the sky, the wayward warsie had flown to Mount Everest with all speed. He needed to get to the Forces the old man had spoke of. "At an altitude of 22, 000 feet, on the northern cliff face, there is a bunker hidden approximately 150 feet into the mountain. There you will find your only hope." Airlocke had crossed the thousands of miles of ocean and land between himself and the himalayans in little more than two hours, something no one else could have accomplished without an aircraft of some sort. He had reached the doors to the bunker in half that time, and stood in their shadow, the gleam of the sun off the sword slung from his back shone a sliver of light on the control panel. Whenever he was asked why he carried a sword, Airlocke would answer that it just looked "bad ass", but the weapon was actually the most practical instrument to use in conjunction with his special abilities. It was more than just his nerd's instincts that kept the blade near him, yet even Airlocke had to admit that it was less than effective against gunfire. Airlocke grasped the hilt of his sword and activated the door, which slid open with a hydraulic hiss. "Ohsa mies! Someone hasa saved uss!" The high pitched voice assaulted Airlocke's ears and sent shivers of anger down his spine. "Oh, fuck NO!" He slashed his sword through the air toward Jar Jar's wretched throat, only to be forced parry a bolt of sizzling energy that had emerged from the gloom behind the gungan. Luckily the sword was made of a special material and the metal of the blade was only blackened from the impact, and not destroyed. "I'll have to ask you to eave my friend alone." A tall man in crimson armor carrying a heavy-duty energy weapon that was not quite like a blaster emerged from the gloom behind the Gungan. Airlocke bit down his anger and revulsion at the thought of sparing Jar Jar, then addressed the formidable looking warrior. "How many of you are back there?" "Enough. Are you the disciple of Wong that shall lead us?" Chills ran down Airlocke's spine as he bit down more revulsion and anger. He was going to kill that old man. MOUNT EVEREST NOT FAR FROM AIRLOCKE The man watched in glee as the blood drained from Airlocke's face. The "old" man had now shed his disguise and was sporting the most satisfied smile in existence as he approached the man they called Master of the Skies. "Well, Airlocke, I see you've made it." Airlocke whirled around and his face paled in realization. Enigma shreaked in laughter.
  25. Airlocke

    So, crashed my car last night, almost died.

    I'm actually pretty sure that I created it. I actually remember the first time I ever said it. It was about 6 years ago, or so. I have since heard both Paula Abdul and Paris Hilton use it. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy that something that I have created seems to have hit the mainstream media, and sad that it's passage was through Paris Hilton and Paula Abdul.