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Posts posted by GhanjRho

  1. I like this guy. Why the hell did we have to put up with Enigma for so long instead of him? For that matter, why have we had to put up with Enigma at all? God hates us. That is the only explanation.




    Let me get this straight. you find Jason to be less annoying than enigma?

  2. True, it probably would count as T-canon now. Half of this is old pent-up rage at people calling the EU non-canon.




    And after learning that the Empire has a weapon that can one-shot a planet, you don't the Rebellion would turn all their intel resources to trying to find it's blueprints? Remember that the Rebels had very good contacts within the Bothan spynet, which was the best in the galsxy (with the possible exception of the Black Sun spynet)

  3. EU exists but isn't canon... barring some special rules on discussion boards. On THIS forum, EU is regarded as lower-tier canon by Word of Local God, meaning that any discussion about that is irrelevant.




    Besides, is there statement by Lucas himself that TFU is G-canon? Forums generally aren't reliable source.




    the official Lucasfilm canon policy states that all EU materials are C-canon, which places them below G-canon (Episodes I-VI + Direct statements from GL himself) and T-canon (Episode 2.fail, sorry, the Clone Wars and the Clone Wars animated series(es))




    There is, in the GI article that first talked about TFU "The game's events are considered an official part of the Star Wars canon, an honor that hasn't been bestowed upon previous original Star Wars games."

  4. In practice no cannon evidence that they learn about Death star though force. For that matter at least as far books at least two different stories on how they get death star plans.All Movies tell us is they get it.


    My link


    My link




    I refer you to "The Force Unleashed", which has been declared to be G-Canon. which is the same tier as the movies. The EU exists, deal with it.



  5. The Alliance first learned of the Death Star's existence through the Force, after Vader took the rebel leadership there. Following that, it seems only logical that they would devote any and all intelligence resources (of which they had quite a few, the Rebellion included parts of the Bothan spynet) to finding the plans for it, in the hopes of finding a way to neutralize it.

  6. To Jason.


    The Maquis were born out of displaced colonists. their recruiting process was incredibly open. What checks they did have were to prevent spoonhead infiltration, not Fed.




    The Rebellion was born out of ex-Clone Wars military units, such as the Kota Militia, which were then unified with political dissident groups by Darth Vader. In other words, the Rebellion was built from groups that understood counter-intelligence. While they may have had someone on the secret base, there is no indication that they would have been able to get a signal out to the Empire at large. And even if they did, guess what happens? the Rebels pack up and move their base, conducting a through security sweep through their own ranks.

  7. I'm not saying its a rule. I'm just saying that many people pick a name that is either unrelated ( Mr. Oragahn, ricrey1, the 80 billion names of RSA) or solidly in one camp or the other (picard, Darth Wong, Kor, etc.). the KirkSkywalkers just happened to be relatively heavily biased.

  8. Yeah, no matter how serious they or she was, it's kinda overboard a bit...




    Honestly, the thing that bugs me the most is that fact that she can't admit that she was wrong. when told her number was incredibly lowball, she tried to call on her military credentials. which were service as a deck crewman and then a media specialist.

  9. "No worries, I'll be long since done, at that point." There is a muttered incantations and a power surge travels throughout the entire ship. Lights flicker, engines stutter, then everything is well, and the corpse seems to simply melt away into the shadows. "Actually, scratch that, I'm done now." He walks into the cockpit, a look of accomplishment on his face. "Well, that's number 23. Haha! Hey!" he screams as he looks out the cockpit viewport. "Watch where you're going! You almost slammed into that mine!"




    "It's these Omegus-blighted engines. That power surge cut them off at the wrong time. We're fine now. Now both of you, listen. Ratboy, don't talk too much. Pitboy, don't talk at all. Got it?"

  10. Doesn't the Pro-Wars side also have the Talifans? They've threatened EU authors with death because of some detail, like how the armies in the Clone Wars weren't as big as they like them to be.




    As for the Federation and Empire, I personally believe that the Empire is too big for the Federation to conquer by itself, but Fed ships are too powerful for the Imperials to handle, leading to a stalemate. Of course, with the Rebellion going on, and the Federation driving the Imperials nuts, and a possible alliance between the Federation and Rebels, the Empire would start to strain and finally collapse much sooner than it would if it just had the Rebels to deal with.




    You have the Talifan chronology wrong. First, Karen Travissty came up with a bullshit lowball number for the number of clones in the GAR. then, some fans brought up the how stupid it was for an army of 3 million clones to be the entire army of ~million world polity. Said fans also took issue with the Sword of the Jedi needing to be trained in Jedi killing by a man not known for killing Jedi. Travissty then declared them to be the Talifan, while her loyal supporters were the "fandalorians". She is also on record threatening to rip out the trachea of one of her critics. I don't know if anyone threatened her with death, but I don't disbelieve it. How many of them were serious is another matter entirely.

  11. He'll never go...


    As much as I like to rib InvaderSkooj about it, he is right that SFJ is a haven for Trekkies, because most posters there are Trekkies, and the board's "polite discourse" rules mean that people cannot ridicule him, as he would be on SDN or SB...




    I am a moderate Trekkie (no matter what Enigma or Skooj may think) as I believe the Federation hasd no chance in beating the Empire in a war, although ship to ship is a different story, and hell, on SFJ, Trekkies tell him he's wrong and are forced to defend and argue for SW...


    It's ridiculous... smile.gif




    Nothing prevents you from posting his idiocy there, mind you... smile.gif




    My personal feeling is that in both entity-on-entity and ship to ship combat, Imperial win. this is absolutely nothing against Trek, just a commentary on the fact that they operate on entirely different levels, as they are stores with very different basises. Wars is the heroic epic, telling the story of people at the wrong place at the wrong time (naturally, they became heroes), fighting against the enemy they have no hope in hell of beating. and yet they do. Trek is the more cerebral, telling the story of man finding his way through a galaxy both new and strange.




    Also, (mildly unrelated) maybe I'm biased, but Trek seems to attract more crazies than Wars. Trek has RSA, who tried to tell Leland Chee that Chee was wrong about SW canon. Wars has Mike Wong, the certified mechanical engineer with the Imperial Smackdown. Not to mention, Trek has Jason.




    And I think I will smile.gif should be fun

  12. Liam sighed as the threat receiver silenced. "Sorry, should have warned you that Poe is a paranoid old fool. Though to be fair, this ship is an unknown to him. We'll be coming in for a landing soon. You can talk to him if you want, but I'll do the haggling.

  13. "You're telling me; Mars is bought and paid for A&W." Something on the helm console beeped. "Looks like we're coming up on the workshop." Liam paused "yep, we just got painted with an air-defense system. Opening a channel... channel open. POE! You will turn off the missile system NOW!"

  14. "So tell me, which MegaCorp did you sell out to? Or was it a cult? You don't have the smell of the Old Ones on you, you were just as freaked out by pitboy as I was, and you seem entirely too comfortable working with a demon-worshiper and a, quote, bio-mechanical abomination against the Lord, unquote, to be an EoDer."

  15. Liam grinned. "And that's just what's semi-public. Lets just say that if my employee file ever went public, I'd become the most wanted man in the solar system. Make that the three most wanted men in Sol system.

  16. "All I know about Project DarkStar is that it was Executive Anderson's pet project, and it was supposed to make the ICS a thing of the past. You see, we were under Executive Wong's half of the organization. A&W was, and probably still is, a very fractured company. Ever notice how there's always two brands for the same product? That's because it's a dual family-owned megacorp."

  17. "Yeah, I was with A&W. ICS, if you must know. Poe can only stock so much weaponry now that's in business for himself, but I'll be damned if he doesn't have what we need. I'm thinking we can get a Gauss Vulcan turret, fix the polarons, add some plasma cannons and a couple missle launchers. Nukes are out though. He should also be able to do some work on the engines."

  18. "You know, pitboy, you keep saying stuff like that and I just might learn to like you. And don't worry about the price tag. Poe and I worked for Saxton, back when we both worked for A&W Munitions. be worried about what he can do before the launch window closes. Once we're off the ground again, figure about a week to get to Tethys. maybe less if the repairs go well."

  19. "Don't get jumpy, you say? What's to get jumpy about? I'm flying an interplanetary vessel with more mileage than Halley's Comet, our paycheck got thrown out to a rabid group of alcoholics, we stole his ship, my new partners in crime are a Satanist and Ratling mage, and said satanist is trying to raise the corpse of an incompetent moron IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BRIDGE! I swear, all we need is a End of Days pure-freak, and my life will be complete. For the hate of all that is unholy, move him as soon as you can. Lowell's a bad neighborhood, but you still can't get away with the shit that happened at Ultima. Flak, I'm surprised we're not already being followed"
