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Everything posted by Elagabalus

  1. Elagabalus

    You Are All Wrong

    B5 tech is so obviously inferior to anything in Wars or Trek, that'd be ridiculous. But, artistically, as a series, I'd rank it above all Trek except DS9 and about half of TNG, and above most of Wars.
  2. Elagabalus

    Begun the rep wars have & other stuff

    Wow, everybody needs to lighten up about this. Rep doesn't matter!
  3. Elagabalus

    I'm making pumpkin pie

    I've always been more partial to apple pie, myself, but that's not to dis the pumpkins.
  4. Elagabalus

    Blacklight Power- Snake oil or No

    Yeah, that's a pretty obvious scam.
  5. Go watch both Wars trilogies, right now. You're a mod on a site that's half about them, for fuck's sake.
  6. Elagabalus

    Blackfoot Hyperboard

    I get it.
  7. Yeah, not much of a chance for the Empire to survive a Borg attack.
  8. Elagabalus

    It's Monday!

    Shit just got real.
  9. Elagabalus

    Troll Kingdom is up for sale.

    I promise to outbid any potential mugentard agents.
  10. Elagabalus

    TK Badlands drama

    I might, but all the Minefielders would run away.
  11. Elagabalus

    What are you reading?

    Just finished Demons. Now reading The Picture of Dorian Grey and The Death of Ivan Ilych.
  12. Elagabalus

    USS Defiant vs Y Wing Squadron

    Without doing any calculations, I'm betting the Defiant wins. What say you?
  13. Elagabalus

    Troll Kingdom is up for sale.

    We can't let that happen, now can we?
  14. Elagabalus

    TK Badlands drama

    I pwn.
  15. Elagabalus

    Ex-Isle is filled with Pedophiles

    It's true. Ex Isle is full of freaks, sub-geeks, and generally, the scum of society's ostracised pariahs.
  16. Elagabalus

    what happens if

    I think it's what happens when you write a fanfic about Picard and Troi on Risa.
  17. Elagabalus

    There are to many staff members

    Somebody's gotta keep the trolls out.
  18. Elagabalus

    24th century firepower based on TDiC

    I believe the Founder's "planet" was actually closer to being a moon in size. In "The Search," I seem to recall Kira referring to it as a rogue moon. While a moon is still far greater in mass than an asteroid, it is possible that the Pegasus asteroid was composed of denser elements, and perhaps the Tal Shiar/Obsidian Order fleet was outfitted with unique weapons geared towards planetary destruction, as they went in with that specific mission and didn't intend to get into any fights with ships along the way. The Enterprise, conversely, would be outfitted with ship vs ship weapons, as orbital bombardment wasn't high on the Federation's list of priorities.
  19. Elagabalus

    What are you reading?

    Demons by Dostoevsky.
  20. Elagabalus

    Stormtrooper vs. Redshirt

    Are you kidding? If it's possible to phase on a wide beam, it logically follows that with a greater power setting, a wide beam could be used in combat. Try to base your arguments on facts and not rhetoric.
  21. Elagabalus

    Stormtrooper vs. Redshirt

    Homefront. Starfleet security personnel test the efficacy of wide beam phasers to reveal Changelings. It happened, clearly and on screen.
  22. Elagabalus

    Favorite Star Trek Series

    I'll meet your "The Inner Light," and raise you "The Visitor," "In The Pale Moonlight..."
  23. Elagabalus

    Favorite Star Trek Series

    DS9, followed by TNG in a distant second, TOS/ENT in third, and VOY in dead last.
  24. Elagabalus

    I Believe in Barack Obama. I Believe in Tomorrow. :)

    Impossible. You're much more intelligent.