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Posts posted by IkaikaKekai

  1. Sulap was straight faced as the Klingon growled at him and turned away, waiting in line as he couldn't help but listen to the whispers behind him, "I am not familiar with this species Dvergar, but I can assure you I am not related to them." he said loud enough for both Shynt and Teena'los to hear.  "While Klingons are not the most logical species, they do value honor.  If he wishes to take this 'battle of wits' to a physical level, i will remind him there is no honor in defeating a weaker foe, and great dishonor in being defeated by one.  Even he should be able to identify a losing battle."  He'd step up to an open replicator, "Bertakk soup, 90 degrees centigrade.  One half loaf Kreyla, lightly toasted, with bread knife." he would look around a moment as his food materialized, then mumbled something.  "Please Repeat."  He made a groaning noise before speaking a little louder, annoyance in his voice, "Slug-O-Cola.  Ice Cold, Plain glass bottle with straw."  A bottle of a sickly green looking liquid would materialize and he would grab it and put it on his tray before trying to find an empty table to sit at, slicing his loaf of bread and dunking slices into his soup bowl.

  2. Sulap walked near Teena'los, "Control of one's emotions can be elemental to survival in such harsh conditions."  He felt slightly more comfortable around the two drow than the rest of the group, their ears reminded him of vulcan friends he left behind.  As illogical as the pair acted sometimes.  He surveyed the area as well, seeing a lot of damage and work going on.  "Captain Shar?  Is the mess hall equipped with replicators?"  He got a dirty look from one of the klingon recruits who sneered, "Whats the matter Ferengi Ha'DIbaH?  Think you'll starve if you have to hunt for yourself?"  Without missing a beat, "You look like the type who would be disturbed by the sound and smell of deshelling the snails that live in this area.  It would be a shame if your ancestors were dragged down to Gre'thor because you became nauseous."  The Klingon was livid, "Y-yo-you! Qu'vatlh!" some of the other Klingons were laughing at the joke that the small Ferengi made, "The little petaQ with the sharp mind and sharper tongue seams to have cut deeply brother." one teased the incensed recruit.

  3. I love the G36, though most other guns I prefer have heavy woodgrain.  I've got my Mosin, kicks like a bitch and heavy as hell but i love her.  Got my AR completed and even got the bayonet for it.  Next on my list is an SKS.  I got a thing for wood grain and stipper clips.  Almost got a Mini14 instead of the AR but a friend talked me into it, that and the fact that they don't accept stripper clips without some modding.

  4. Sulap would turn around at the yelling, one hand on the sling of his rifle, the other on the pommel of his sword.  With a deadpan expression on his face he took his hands off his weapons when it was just someone like himself who wasn't used to the snow.  When the other Drow addressed them asking for something warm he would get out of line and look Teena'los over, "Her speach is neither slurred nor mumbled.  She does not appear drowsy and her breathing is normal.  It is unlikely she's suffering from Hypothermia.  I do have some Ulan soup if you believe she needs it."  He produced a metal canister from his coat, holding it to Teena'los as an offering before his ears twitched and he put the thermos away.  "I believe that is our New Commanding Officer approaching."  He would turn away and walk back to his place in the lineup just in time for Captain Shan's speech.  The Ferengi showed no emotion as he listened to the Andorian, he was reminded of the stories his father told about when the Andorians and Vulcans were bitter enemies.  He could see why, the pride of Andorians clashing with the Logical Smugness of Vulcans.  Ghosts, demons, 'gods', and the undead, perhaps there wasn't a worst posting than this.  He'd exhale slowly in a quite sigh and start to trudge forward to the dinning hall, hoping that they kept the inside of the fortress a more tolerable temperature.

  5. Sulap trudged through the snow to get to the main gate, his sword lightly tapping against his leg while his rifle was slung across his shoulder.  The cold bit at him even as wrapped up as he was with cold weather gear.


    'What kinda con you pulling here, Lobe Head?'  'Sir, I assure you I am 'pulling' no 'con'.'  'Targshit son, ain't no Ferengi in This Man's Army.'  'Well Sir, there is at least one.'  'Su-lap eh?  Thatsa Vulcan name, shoulda used yer own when you hacked this file.'  'Sir, I assure you-'  'Well guess what Wiseass?  Lets see ya try and scam the undead and icicles up in Snow Town.'


    The short Ferengi stood in the snow in front of the gate, he took a moment wrap the end of the scarf his mother knit him around his face.  He exhaled a sigh, his first partime job he was hired because he was Ferengi, just a stock boy in a large shop that was the first thing travelers came to, but he was adorned in fancy robes and told to 'act like he owned the place' so new customers wouldn't haggle or ask for a discount from a Ferengi.  'The prices are fair and non negotiable.  If anything they should be raised.'  The truth of course, the job paid poorly and the real owner always complained about being one or two sales away from bankruptcy.  He hated that job, he hated being cold, he hated being considered just another sneaky Ferengi.  He would have loved to have verbally assaulted that officer and reduce him to tears, but that might have ended up in an even worse posting, if not ending his military career.  He looked around at the other recruits, remaining as silent as he did on the way up.

  6. I would lean towards the raw materials angle as opposed to the energy-matter conversion thing.  I'm sure a warp coil gives of shit tons of power, but you've probably got a point there.  "Red Alert!  Romulan attack force." "Raise Shields." Meanwhile in the Galley "Hmm, Computer. Ice Cream, Chocolate Marshmallow swirl, 2 pints.  negative 4 degrees."  "CAPTAIN!  Massive power drain, Shields are down!"  "FUCK!  WHO'S IN THE KITCHEN?!"  It would also make more sense because in the family setting (IE when there's kids and such) the question is always "Did you put the plates back in the replicator?" which would imply that things do get recycled/broken down again.


    I do think we're kind of heading in the direction of replicators.  3D printers are the easiest thing that comes to mind, granted it's slower and not an instant thing like 'tea, earl grey, hot, crazy straw.' but we're getting there slowly I think.  I mean hell, we can even 3d print 'meat' now.

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  7. I'm relatively new as a Trekkie, as a kid TNG was 'That boring show dad watched' and TOS replays were something he either didn't watch or didn't know about (I'm leaning towards didn't know about since he'll watch even the shittiest SciFi B-movie at least once, if not twice because he forgot he watched it.).  My real 'introduction' to the fandom was Enterprise (although I've since caught up with TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, most of the movies, and I think even a few episodes of the Animated series).  One thing I've been fascinated with are Replicators.


    In TNG they're sort of explained, but for the most part they're just there, VOY points out some of the shortcomings they have with a long range trip with few if any opportunities for resupply.  What stands out in my mind is one of the ENT episodes where the crew are on the bridge and answer questions from schoolkids, and of course there's the question 'What happens when you need to poop?' and Trip to his embarrassment starts to explain that waste gets broken down by the replicators and reused for things like boots and such.  I rewatched that episode one day and remembered some of the other series where they pretty much just throw all their garbage, dirty laundry, food scraps back into the replicators.  Also another episode where the crew (and I guess the civilians and civilian contractors) basically go as a store where they replicate objects they might need.


    That got me thinking that 'holy fuck, this is like the ultimate form of recycling.' you toss your literal and figurative shit, trash, everything into a replicator, it gets broken down into base elements (or however it works) and then reforms those elements into different objects.  Then it got me thinking, 'holy shit, at some point, someone's gonna be eating a salad, wearing a uniform, and playing a trombone that was made out of the 'Captain's Logs' or drinking a Synthale someone already drank, showered in, watered the hydroponics bay, ect.


    Even with that 'extreme' recycling, at some point you're going to have diminishing returns right?  And how the hell do you go about resupplying a replicator?  I mean they're all high and mighty that 'Oh we don't need to hunt animals anymore for food, we can just order a steak from the replicator!' but I mean does nobody need to farm anymore or does the cattle rancher just send cows into the 'replicator shed' to be dematerialized down to their base components?  Does the farmer just beam up the entire field worth of crops, stalks and all to a 'replicator mill'?  At what point does a replicator's 'storage' become full of some element that's not used or rarely used and needs to be dumped?


    Maybe I'm asking weird questions, or maybe in fitting right in here.  But I'm curious to know other's thoughts on this.

  8. Name: Sulap

    Race: Ferengi

    Gender: Male

    Age 21

    Rank: Private

    Height: 5'2"

    Weight: 134 lbs

    Skin Color: Orange-brown.

    Hair Color: N/A

    Hair Style: Bald

    Eye Color: Blue

    Weapon of Choice: Compressed Phaser Rifle, Dao

    Outfit:  Grey Overcoat, Large Earmuffs, Extra large 'Jeep' Cap, fur coat, white jumpsuit, thermal underwear, grey and blue knitted scarf.

    Demeanor: Reserved, Logical.


    Background Info:Sulap was purchased by his adoptive mother, T'saamik, from his birth parents who were part of a Ferengi merchant caravan visiting their town in the Great Desert.  T'saamik had suffered an Emotional Mental Breakdown after her 3rd failed attempt to conceive a child with her mate, Safek, when she came back to her senses she made the logical choice to adopt the child legally as returning the child to his birth parents would endanger him.  Sulap grew up with Vulcan children, accepted for the most part by his peers, he was more prone to emotional outbursts than other children and was teased by an older group of Vulcan children.  Sulap slowly was more able to control his emotions and got better at the teasing than his tormentors, on several occasions forcing them to resort to physical violence.  He decided to join the Military when he came of age, while not excelling in hand to hand combat, he excelled in small arms and tactics.  Sulap was on track to be transferred to an Officer's Academy when an incident with a newly transferred superior officer resulted in demotion and being stationed to The Winter Fortress.


    While Sulap was raised as a vulcan, and very capable of hiding his emotions he still has them.

  9. But, I can still have a Ferengi that was raised by Vulcans, can I not?

    Sulap (Born Spogg) was purchased from his birth parents by his mother, T'saamik, after a Temporary Emotional Breakdown after her third failed attempt to conceive a child.  He grew up being raised as a Vulcan by T'saamik and Safek at the Vulcan Enclave in the Southern Delta of the Great Desert.  Growing up with Vulcan youths, he learned very quickly how to elicit an emotional response (usually negative) from even Vulcans (usually resulting in an ass beating).


    Since I don't know the status of Starfleet, the Academy, ect ect in this universe that's about all I have so far.
