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Everything posted by Grandtheftcow

  1. Grandtheftcow

    There are to many staff members

    Please eliminate seven.
  2. Grandtheftcow

    I don't see an arcade

    There must be a bug with the software or something.
  3. Grandtheftcow

    Any good webcomics out there?

    Used to read VGCats before updating became sooo haarrrd for the artist. Now you could check back twice a year and not miss much. Concerned is likely the best webcomic I've ever seen but it ended it's run long ago. Vaguely related is Your webcomic is bad and you should feel bad, but it shit itself and died too. Anyone have any personal favorites worth sharing?
  4. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    Pop over for some light trolling to waste the time and they censor me to the Daycare forum. They're no different from any random internet forum anymore.
  5. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    I seem to be providing an unexpected useful service in Daycare. Neither you or Blackfoot has posted in a couple of days.
  6. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    No it isn't. Got boring. I think the members just copypaste their arguments. Even if it's in an unrelated topic. Hmmm. Oh I know! You can guess what I had for lunch just by looking at my posts. Saw a guy do that on TV one time.
  7. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    That I'm selfish becasue I'm not posting it here for their convenience? I admit I don't like it when people link to stuff off site.
  8. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    That I'm not the Pulitzer prize winning author I portrayed myself as?
  9. Grandtheftcow

    I have won the TK Badlands election!

    He'd be the only one who would respond.
  10. Grandtheftcow

    I have won the TK Badlands election!

    LOL no. Normally new members would never be approved due to the laziness of the staff. I'd recommend Tyralak send a PM to an admin.
  11. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    If that was the case they would have locked me in the Daycare usergroup when they deleted the thread. It wasn't until a couple of hours later when I was playing in the Minefield when they locked me up. Here's the story I posted. I'm sure Raycav will love it.
  12. Grandtheftcow

    When did TK become so soft?

    The Minefield is populated by hemophiliac's. They're at the point where they can't handle any disruptions anymore. To test the staff I started a couple of threads in the MF yesterday. They were titled <><><><><><><> and contained some ascii art. Then today I added two more threads of the same thing, four threads total. A staff member got offended, packaged and sent them off to Daycare here. OK so maybe four threads is to much of a disruption. So I posted three threads, numbered 1, 2, 3. Instantly sent off to Daycare. Two threads? Nope. One? LOL no threads for you! Well they have to let me have one thread. So I posted my 1 thread again. Then again, and again. Well this conduct certainly isn't acceptable, so I noted it in a thread created in QS. Guess where the thread ended up. So in the end I've been daycared for daring to start any threads in the Minefield and the TK administration is actively trying to shut down any discussion of it in QS as well. I wonder how much further that site can shrink from it's former self.
  13. Grandtheftcow


    They all suck! But other than that guests get a permission denied message when clicking on them, and there's some skin color issues when viewing the information about the sites.
  14. Grandtheftcow

    Obama is a punk

    ACORN rigged the election. It's obvious because the electronic voting machines that are more difficult to tamper with voted overwhelmingly in favor of Republicans. It even happened in places claimed to be Democrat strongholds.
  15. Grandtheftcow

    I don't see an arcade

    I was at a country fair once and used an IQ machine that reads your hand and dispenses your IQ score. I got 888. The carnie said it was broken, but he was obviously just jealous of my superior intellect.
  16. Grandtheftcow


    Looks like you can't take either to me.
  17. Grandtheftcow


    Wahh you can't criticize me! This required effort on my part. That means it's immune to criticism. Bawww! Amirite? Hmm. I guess there really isn't much of a difference then.
  18. Grandtheftcow

    Aethro, Starfleet Jedi & LoNAF?

    Starfleet Jedi - Pussies
  19. Grandtheftcow

    Ex-Isle is filled with Pedophiles

    I think it'd be enough to mention they're Andromeda fans and leave it at that.
  20. Grandtheftcow


    It's easy to attempt failure. Yes I'm well aware techies are always hyper sensitive about their little side projects.
  21. Testing is currently being exterminated. This is totally just like the Holocaust. Amirite?
  22. Grandtheftcow

    Some Klingon Propaganda

    Made of awesome and honor.
  23. Grandtheftcow


    Every white country girl secretly craves the black exotic snake.
  24. Grandtheftcow

    Aethro, Starfleet Jedi & LoNAF?

    Aethro - Dead Troll Kingdom - spammers Starfleet Jedi - Kids who got picked on and don't want to be called mean things anymore. LoNAF - Furries