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Everything posted by Afishymeadow

  1. Afishymeadow

    PREDATOR films

    About 19 & a half years since Predator 2 was on movie screens.
  2. Afishymeadow

    You Are All Wrong

  3. Afishymeadow


    You were saying Kewl! Queen Tamar Garish is in teh house Wondering when you'd show up Cutey G
  4. Afishymeadow

    You Are All Wrong

    What's a Fiver? That some kind of mugen aficionado?
  5. Afishymeadow


    I guess it's sci-fi. Has all the right elements. I didn't know that about Futurama's creator. Good to know.
  6. Afishymeadow

    Mike Wong Can Suck My Dick

    You're better not. He's a douchnozzle extraordinaire.
  7. Afishymeadow

    Spock & nuTrek:

    In Trek 2.0 we have Spock, or Spock Prime as the movie calls him, having to live out his remaining days in the past in an alternate timeline/parallel universe. This is the same thing that happened to the Tasha Yar from the parallel universe/alternate timeline created by the Enterprise-C going 22 years into the future. Tasha Yar returns to the past with the 1701-C. Like Spock Prime in nuTrek, the Tasha from the reality of the 20 year UFP/Klingon War ends up spending the rest of her life in the past & in a parallel timeline/alternate universe. For the most part, overall, a lot of things, most things, would be identical in the parallel reality created by Nero's, & Spock's, time traveling. That being the case Spock Prime should tell nuKirk & Spock 2.0, & maybe Starfleet Command as well, everything he knows. He'd be giving them a huge heads-up & gameplan play by play of what lies ahead, or probably lies ahead. Probably by 90% or better. It's not even fair no? But so what! Spock Prime's situation in nuTrek also reminds me of the TOS Defiant in ENT's "In A Mirror, Darkly". The TOS Defiant ended up over a century in the past & in a parallel reality. Just like Spock. & both Spock & the Defiant are reservoirs of knowledge.
  8. Say Darth Vader, the Emperor & Coruscant are assimilated. Now what
  9. Afishymeadow

    Dr. Who

    Dr. Who always reminded me of The Who who remind me of The Guess Who? I like that episode from about 4 decades ago about gargoyles
  10. It would've been a great pre-ENT guest role for Dean Spockwell. And a perfect spin on, tribute to, Al from Quantum Leap. Beavis & Butthead should've cast Dean Spockwell as the Prometheus's EMH. Instead of Andy Dick.
  11. Afishymeadow

    V: the ABC reboot/reimagining/remake.

    Yet another original TV show. I didn't think it was half-bad. Beginning was too much like Woody Allen's mother from "NY Stories". The original was the May 1983 miniseries, then the May 1984 sequel miniseries with craptacular ending, followed by Fall '84/Spring '85 lulzy Friday night TV series. Remember those days? A quarter century ago now. Hard to believe. Transformers on Sunday mornings, Voltron & He-Man weekday afternoons & V on Friday nights on NBC. Those were the days. V is very nostalgia inducing.
  12. Afishymeadow

    Babylon 5

    Remember when TNT aired B5 reruns every weeknight at 7? I really got into B5 back then.
  13. Afishymeadow

    Troll Valhalla

    Anyone else here poast down there I do. The BoobTube's not half-bad.I've been down there since June 11th. My poast count is about 50. They are prudish trolls &/or trollish prudes. For instance I'm certain they'd be dicks about Ty advertising/promoting Club ASVS in his signature. But, aside from the Tube's flaws it's a fun b-board. The forums I've poasted, poast in, mainly are General Bullshit Chatter and Race & Politics. GBC is analogous to TK's Badlands. Like a store brand Badlands. R&P is the BoobTube's equivalent of TK's Armchair Philosophers & WF's Red Room.
  14. I'll have to bing photos, drawings & links for this thread. Titan has rivers, lakes & seas of liquid hydrocarbons on the surface. Sand dunes of accreted organic chemicals. Rocks & boulders made of water & ammonia ice. I read that between Titan's atmospheric pressure of 1.5 atmospheres & surface gravity of 0.14, all a human explorer in a spacesuit would have to do is jump up in the air & flap her/his arms like a bird & they'd be flying. Life? Possibly. Maybe methane based.
  15. Afishymeadow

    The Aral Sea

    Soviet policies & water mismanagement regarding the Aral Sea led directly to this Asian great lake's current situation. Very disturbing to read & learn about. Maybe disturbing isn't the right term: shocking, alarming. I'll have to bing some links & photos about this. Made me wonder if the fictional Visitors on '80's V did the same thing, or something similar, on a global scale on their home planet
  16. Afishymeadow

    Dean Stockwell should've played EMH II on V'GER.

    That was pretty good.
  17. Afishymeadow

    The Prisoner

    Great show. I haven't seen AMC's remake so I can't comment on it.
  18. Afishymeadow

    Life on Mars

    I've never seen the British original. I saw the pilot & some other episodes of the American remake. I greatly appreciated the Series Finale.
  19. Afishymeadow

    Quantum Leap

    Sam, Al & Ziggy oh my!
  20. Afishymeadow

    The Outer Limits

    Quick factoid: Leonard Nimoy was in both the original version & remake of "I, Robot". Son Adam Nimoy directed the '90's remake of "I, Robot".
  21. Afishymeadow

    Battlestar Galactica

    Personally I prefer the Lorne Greene version. I've only, seen, appropriately, or ironically?, 6 episodes of Edward James Olmos's BSG. I'm open & warm to seeing more BSG 2.0 Just that the old one was more, I don't know, fun! One thing that bothers me about nuBSG: How can Galactica travel a million light-years & not run into a single alien?
  22. Afishymeadow

    Distant Origin

    I think it was a great idea that was execufed horribly I'll have to elaborate more on this tomorrow.
  23. Afishymeadow

    Distant Origin

    I didn't like the choice of dinosaur: hadrosaurs {duckbills} as the ancestor of the Voth. Troodon as Voth ancestors would have been a much better superior choice. I remember the Voth being cold blooded, which seems wrong as histological evidence from duckbills indicates they were warm blooded. {Alot of dinosaurs indicate warm bloodedness.} I recall a major paleontological mistake in the episode regarding the extinct Permian amphibian eryops & it's place in the evolution of vertebrate land life. And the Voth? They completely forgot where they came from? Why did they leave Earth again? I haven't seen DO in a long time. If it was the K/T Extinction Asteroid(s), why wouldn't they destroy it, them? Or try to? The Voth leave, left NO trace(s) of their intellectual & high-tech civilization? At all? The whole thing is very sloppy & disappointing to me. The way to do this was to have had a prehistoric alien civilization transplant Late Cretaceous Earthlife to a Class M planet in the Delta Quadrant as a scientific experiment, & the Voth, preferably of Troodon ancestry in this scenario, be the intelligent civilization that evolved from those transplanted Troodontids. I had that idea for a sci-fi story long before I ever saw DO, as I'm sure thousands of other sci-fi aficionados did as well. Despite my misgivings about DO, I wish Gegen had joined Janeway's crew. He could've become an intermittent recurring character. Gegen could've been to V'GER what Hawk was to "Buck Rogers". Anyone here read the TOS novel "First Frontier"? I've never read it but read alot about it on memory alpha, beta & wikipedia. Though decidedly an Alpha, or Beta, Quadrant story, FF seems to have gotten right what DO got wrong. The Voth are Earth's "Romulans".
  24. What the phuck is a mugen forum? Anyone here on one or get banned from one? Sorry I had to troll & trawl y'all in here like that mugen
  25. Afishymeadow

    Blackfoot Hyperboard

    Good Obama!