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Posts posted by T'lonak

  1. As some of you know, Vader999 is a rabid Warsie I've run into on deviantArt. Basically, he's the Pro-Wars' side's version of Jason. Here are some of his finest hits:


    - Claiming Darth Nihlius could suck out Q's life energy.


    - Claiming that the Federation is a thousand years old.


    - Claiming that George Lucas said that SW fans get to pick their own canon.


    - Using Outdated SDN pages.


    - Claiming that I'm not a SW fan, therefore, I'm unable to pick my own canon. Despite the fact that I've said that I have the movies, some novels, and technical books, among other SW merchandise.


    - Claiming that Darwinian Evolution is a poorly thought-out theory.


    - Ignoring any high-yield ST claims.


    Really, I could go on, but what's the point?


    No point: he's a complete nut.


    1. Q is Q. Nuff said.


    2. Lack of info on the Federation's age.


    3. Uh, no.


    4. I've seen people use outdated SDN pages before: lots.


    5. :rolleyes:


    6. No comment: I'm Jewish.


    7. Like I said, he is a complete nut.

  2. Or, it could be as the EU says, and they're canisters of Tibanna gas.


    That makes more sense. So 'Turbolasers' load containers of compressed gas, ionize the gas, force it into a projectile-like bolt, and shoot it towards the target. It also explains why 'turbolasers' are built in such a conventional gun-like fashion: they load in the containers like cannon shells.







  3. Or, those could just be run-of-the-mill flak cannons.


    I've heard that before. The problem is they are shooting Turbolasers and not "flak" of any kind. I don't remember flak being a single red-glowing projectile... thing. Flak usually results in flak. We even see a few shots pass right through openings on the Venator, ans shots from the Venator do the same to the Invisible Hand. Both had the same effect: blowing up a turbolaser, and tossing people/droids around the room.


    Why would I believe that they are "flak" guns when they are placed like Turbolasers and shoot Turbolaser rounds?

  4. After looking at what I could find, Magnetic Monopoles only exist as a hypothetical quasi-particle resulting from a hypothetical calculation applied to a hypothetical branch of science, for the purpose of explaining unproven hypotheticals.


    In any case, it simply cannot be applied: even the experts themselves have absolutely no idea what they are talking about here: at all.


    The Plasma Torpedo is large and powerful, and can easily be explained as requiring a large expendeture of power to maintain: it was stated to be a massive draw on the ship's engines in it's first appearance in TOS.


    I can's say anything for turbolasers or blasters at all: they act like every other "laser gun" effect I've ever seen in fiction, and in Star Wars 3 you need actual, physical ammunition to fire them.



    This leans towards an odd possibility of turbolasers (in particular) being tracer-projectiles. Still have nothing on blasters.

  5. I agree with most of what you said here... but Force Scream is odd and silly. It's barely referenced, and I would bet it's never actually mentioned by name anywhere. It's just a random Force Power that someone cooked up. The only interesting one was Jorus C'baoth, and he did something that I've seen other fictional villains do for dramatic reasons. :mellow:

  6. My brother is a mild Brony, and I occasionally find the show somewhat enjoyably funny.


    After seeing most of the other fans, though, my opinion on them totally disintegrated. I cannot stand the idea of a Star Trek cast, or a dark videogame being rendered as multicolored ponies - ever - let alone all that other crap. It's a better-than-the-current-average CARTOON, and should be treated as such.

  7. Despite what some people think, Star Trek online is set in the normal, original, Trek-verse on an official timeline. It references many hard canon incidents, from "Reunification parts 1 and 2" to "Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country" and wraps it together nicely. The only thing overtly "non-canon" about it is definitely the game's combat balance. (A Defiant class can CRUSH a Klingon Heavy Dreadnaught with minimal effort... :huh: ) Other than that, it fits canon well enough to be used, and it follows CBS's policies at every turn.


    I would suggest it being allowed as soft-canon.
