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the atom

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Posts posted by the atom

  1. Yes what stop UFP starship using transporter beam in hundredths if thausand of photon toropoodes and then just run away leave all captil starship destroy.




    Er....the fact that a single ship's complement is 250 photon torpedos or something like that?




    Also UFP colony able hold out longer you think. We no next to nothing UFP colony combat able for when attack special after star Terk Nemesis. They might well be able hold weeks even months again massive attack.




    We don't know, so therefore they must be awesome? That's stupid, much like everything else you type. Unless something changed drastically since DS9, Federation colonies won't last hours against even a trivial Tyranid invasion.

  2. That's 51 days to overpower your average PD forces, which is far more resistance they will ever encounter from any Federation world save the perhaps the major ones like Earth. Even then, the planet in question is basically fucked. It's only matter of whether the Federation lets them take the world, or bombs it from orbit. Either way, they lose a planet.

  3. Alright, so what if Lucas gave him a shit job? It's still his job, and that would be to organize Starwars canon in collaboration with a ton of other people. The only way your theory could possibly work is if there was a large conspiracy at Lucas Licensing or something, which in the real world is quite retarded.

  4. Last time I checked, Lucas owned Lucasfilm, not the opposite.




    Lucas owns Lucasfilm, as well as Star Wars lincense. If he says they're wrong, they're wrong.








    So Chee, the guy in charge of Starwars canon, is lying about canon? Boy, better hope nobody else at Lucasarts ever reads his interviews! Or interviews from anybody else from Lucas Licensing!

  5. First I have another piece evidence that cloak self republication mines could would had been phase cloaking device on them. Fact Dominion able location every last mine just destroy mine field. Just knock out all mines at once would have been one way doing so be not single mine self republication it self. Unless of course phase cloaked. Add more evidence back claim please go http://www.startrek....ll/full/episode go to all find the video These Are The Voyages and go communication till 23 minute and and 55 seconds till Liston part were It outlaw cloak device on Starfleet vessels. What he means by vessel he must like means interstellar vessels.


    The fact that they're still having fatal accidents with prototype phase cloak devices well into the 2380's is rather telling that they don't in fact have this technology.


    So one hive would take mouth to total digestion a world. UFP has over 1,000 colonies and 150 major worlds. Give 20 years able to destroy about 240 worlds. Must worlds would be UFP colony and maybe few major worlds. By that time UFP have Transphasic torpedoes weapon that make quick work at any the Tyranid warships and ablative generators to protect against weapons. Of course put amount time it took alter timeline as form logic using. Of course the Federation get must stuff a lot sooner since UFP fighting a war of survival. The ablative generators might available as early first 5 years conflict. UFP might be using transphasic torpedoes during the being of this conflict since might save last option weapon against the Borgs.



    This assumes that they'll slowly gnaw on one world at a time, which they won't.

  6. Thier other major problem Tyranids would have the speed they travel at. If UFP unlikley UFP colony had contact with them in 2379 just after Star Terk Nemisus. Since Tyranids are limit much slower light speed in a star system gravity. So voyage form reach colony or star system take years even decades. If wish see go to this site and read http://warhammer40k....m/wiki/Narvhal.




    The warhammer40k wiki also has megameter battleships that are crewed by billions. If it took years to get into a system then half the shit in the Ultramarines Space Marines Codex would never have happened in the time-frame it did.




    So let say take Tyranid three years which me nice still UFP by time reach the any major star system.UFP have starship phase cloaking device and phase cloak mines drop starship dephase they go off elimiation fleet before the third year.





    The Federation was still fucking up with unstable phase cloak prototypes well into the 2380s, so that's a most definite no.

  7. In practice on way or other Tyranids going to get stop if UFP does heart us mean required it because likely Klingon cardassion, Dominion well. Beside more convents the UFP able handle push come sover section 31 not blow to do genicide besides see microscopic robots can kill the special 8472 . Section 31 like just kidnapped one to design borg mirscopic robot need to kill them. please do not tell me they do have hearts to do it.




    I'm not saying they won't have the hearts to do it. I'm just saying they won't work. Tyranid bio-ships (though not ground organism mind you) managed to not only adapt to the life-eater virus (an omni-phasgic super-virus capable of turning the surface of entire worlds into flammable mush in a matter of hours), but came back a week later and sent the very same thing right back at the Imperial ships that tried it. Borg nano-probes are enthusiastic amateurs by comparison.




    In any case, having the time to manufacture these nano-probes on a large scale means they survived and managed to hold off the hive-fleet for a sufficient period of time, which they won't.
